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Posts posted by CamdenJaxx

  1. Hey and thanks for responding! Even when ranged I know I'm going to be encountering mobs up close from time to time, especially when soloing. I'm open to swapping those for the other two attacks, but the Arctic Air plus a confuse proc helps divert some of that up-close damage I'm wanting to avoid. As for Chilling Embrace, I wasn't married to the idea of it, but tend to lean more toggles DoTs with a few "chance for"s in the IO sets, plus I like it for the sustained -rech -speed. Again, definitely not married to it, just seemed a decent option at the time I was going through.

  2. I have never been good at assigning slots, so I was just curious if someone might take a look at my power selections and show me how you would slot them for a decent team player who's also able to go off and do their own thing without ending up in the hospital when things get a little hairy.


    As a point of note, I know I'm skipping a few powers in the secondary set, but I'm wanting to keep this a ranged build, at least as much as possible. That being said, I'm willing to accept a swap for one of either Ice Sword Circle or Ice Slash if there's a good slot bonus or important "chance for" that would make sense or the difference between permadom or not (which is not my goal, just happenstance if slotting works in that favor).


    Greatly appreciate any and all responses! 😀



  3. So I was just thinking about a project I might play around with in my spare time and one of the ways I could make the project work would be to use the encoded URL from the download link. I'm not a software engineer so browsing the code on Github hasn't been of much help in this case, but my goal would be to convert the outputted URL back into usable strings and data for website usage. There are definitely other methods I can go, but before I put myself through that, I just thought I'd ask and see if there's a clearcut easy way of decoding the information from that URL, much like is being done in the download.php file. Perhaps one of the devs might see this and be inclined to share for those of us who want to play around with the data?

  4. I just dinged 50 on another alt today, something I'd always wanted to play on live but never had the time to dedicate to. I trained on the way up, but didn't plan, or look at synergies, so I decided I'd ride it out until 50 and then try a new build, something I'd also never done before. Of course, it resets the build to level 1 so I can now train. 


    Currently, you need to talk to the trainer and work your way up, dialog for dialog, unnecessary click after click to get to your full build at 50. I thought, "Oh, yeah, just /respec. Save yourself the dialogs and time; you've got your build ready from Mids anyhow, so this just makes sense." I am greeted with a "Must be level 3 or higher to use respec window" dialog. I asked in /help what was the issue. Did I need to train to level 3 using the dialogs at a trainer and then I'd be able to respec?


    I was told not to do this by another person who said the respec would fail. I missed his warning initially but caught it after I came to start this post. There was apparently a bug on live where respeccing the way I intended would get to the end of the respec and fail; as I am excited about getting this build in place, I opted to not go down that path and instead will use the dialogs at the trainer to train back up to 50.


    My suggestion essentially in turn means the bug needs to be addressed, as I suggest that when you create a new build you should be greeted with the respec interface initially so that you can optimally do what a second build does - it gives you a chance to make a new selection, IE: a respec.


    Happy to hear any thoughts on this!

    • Like 2
  5. I would recommend using the Nvidia GeForce software to fine tune your graphics settings, as the settings in game will only do as much as your graphics card will allow based on your system settings as well. After I upped to the max in COH, I adjusted a lot of the settings for it inside of the software mentioned, specifically the 3D shaders in my case.

  6. Ahh, dang. Sorry I didn't post this sooner then.


    They picked me up in PI after a PUG mission and were so awesome. I miss tearing through caves with them all. 😄

  7. Any old Crimson Sun SG members about? I want to say we were on Justice at one point, but my memory has been shot for a while now.


    A few names I recall from the group, in case you're them: Smoke, Ele, Chitsu, Bonita.

  8. Today I come to you with a small, but powerful new feature - ratings!


    All members of the site can now rate other users' listings (and guide ratings will be added in the future, should they prove of use). An average rating of 5 stars will give your listing a "featured" status, causing it to glow wherever seen, as well as being featured in a carousel on the front page (soon™).


    For now, it's simply a great way to have your listing(s) featured on the front page, and stand out everywhere they're displayed throughout the site. In the future, I'd love to host a contest of sorts where the highest rated listings are awarded prizes; all ratings are collected per user, so there may be participation awards for those who comment and rate listings too so there's incentive on both sides of the coin. To combat any forced wins, only registered users are able to rate listings and no user can rate a listing of their own.


    Ideas for future prizes include: powerleveling services, original COH memorabilia, custom made COH-themed items, in-game currency, choice sets of enhancements, and more!

  9. Today I bring you a new feature - guides! Along the same reasoning that COH Directory came into existence, there are many guides out there that are spread throughout multiple websites; it would be nice to have one central location for them to exist, so that's my aim with the new feature.


    If you would like to have your guide included, or are just curious about the project in general, please feel free to add it to the site!


    Update: I've also added outgoing link tracking so that you can see the number of visits to your site from the listing/guide itself. (They won't count retroactive clicks, so each one will start off at 0.)

  10. A while ago, I took my side project into a beta testing phase. I've done some bug fixing, some updating, added a few things, and today I'm finally able to take it into a public beta phase. So without further adieu, today I bring you...



    COH Directory is a community powered, user-submitted digital Yellow Pages for anything City of Heroes related. It's prime functionality is to help everyone access all resources from one single spot, eliminating the need to hunt and search for the link you saw two days, four tabs, three posts, and a signature ago.


    All are welcome to join and submit their websites, guides, servers, etc., but please take note that this is a public beta, meaning that if something can go wrong, it probably will, and that's okay. Once you get to the site, take a look at the blog post before diving in too far.


    I've placed a few listings up for well known sources, such as the COH subreddit, this website, as well as Thunderspy's, but the idea would be for individuals who own these websites to place and maintain the description/URL of their listings. I know there are a few resources out there without maintainers (old guides, forum posts, and the like) and would love to have those available as well, so feel free to add things you may have come across and thought important enough to bookmark. Since the goal is having everyone maintain listings for their own content, if you come across a listing for content that you own/manage/market, please feel free to use the contact link on the site and I'll be more than happy to assign the listing over to your own account for maintenance.


    As an aside, and this may not be for some of you:


    This has been something to keep me busy during a period where I've been jobless, fighting for assistance, and dealing with the death of my mother almost a year to the day after my brother committed suicide. Without this project, without having COH to turn to, I would be in a very dark place mentally. So when I say thank you to everyone who takes part in this website, who gave me a "LOL" in team chat, who rezzed me for the 8th time that one BAF when I was only half-slotted, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  11. Hardly, @FoulVileTerror. Cross browser coding is the only way to code, however IE's standards of coding are not worth implenting, as Microsoft Edge has replaced that browser on any modern computer (IE: >XP), which hardly anyone uses other than long enough to install another browser. That being said, Edge is still more cross-compatible than IE could ever hope to accept, which is why my coding works across all modern browsers (including Edge). I am not about to try to degrade the layout and design principles for a browser such as IE, which (accompanied with Edge) has only an 8.9% stake in global browser usage to begin with. The only people coding for IE nowadays are people that are doing so for intranet usage on computers that aren't capable of running modern browsers, much less COH in general.

  12. 2 hours ago, DoctorDitko said:

    Absolutely! It's very important not to work in IE.

    Please prioritize this feature.

    IE must die!

    LOL! IE is nowhere near even being a thought when I'm working on a website. If it fails in IE, all the better.


    Still looking for more volunteers! I've had some great feedback so far; would love to hear from more beta testers. 😀

  13. cohRock, that was intentional. As the site is only accepted beta testers at this time and any other visitors will simply see a coming soon page, there was no need in posting the URL just yet, or ensuring it is listed in search engines. Once my beta testers give me the thumbs-up for operational features, I'll open it up to all and be sure to post the link. 😉

  14. Forgive me if this is not the correct category, or if this type of post isn't allowed, but I haven't had much luck with responses on Reddit, so I thought I'd try another approach.


    COH Directory is a project I've been working on as a way to keep busy in-between new alts, while making it a bit easier to locate sources of information within the COH universe. Consider it a user-submitted Yellow Pages of sorts, a portal for all things COH-related.


    While I have enjoyed the challenges this has given me from a web developer's standpoint, my weakness has always been getting pulled away from the computer and forgetting where I was at, and thus forgetting to (completely) fix a few things. I've done my run-through a few times now and think I've managed to remove the tape, but would love a couple of pairs of eyes in case I've missed something that needs fixing.


    To be clear, I know the website is not stunningly gorgeous - my focus has been in the operations department and less of the design department. There's a bit of a ways to go as far as the overall look of the site, but making sure the functionality is there is what's most important at this time.


    So, any chance I could get a few volunteers? I'd especially love to hear from those of you who may run a COH-themed website, be it a blog, a tool, a forum, etc., but am certainly not limiting my selection pool to only them. I've already had a few responses regarding the overall look of the website, but have not had any actual testing done yet.

    Seeking: 7 Volunteers
    Have: 3 Volunteers

  15. Definitely a +1 in my book. 


    It would be awesome to just see the toon's own buffs, along with mine, as an option for viewing active team powers alongside the team list. On my /kin, this would be especially helpful when there's another /kin on the team. I hate when I've SB'd everyone except the other SBer. 😣

  16. The tooltip for Mutation's Heightened Speed effect shows negative flight speed, despite the effect giving increased flight speed.


    Current Text:



    Proposed Change:

    Flying Speed +5.01 (Ex figure)

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