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  1. I usually put in Ice slick for my alpha then dive in to start abusing AA procs. Flash Freeze is nice if that is needed, but Ice Slick/Flash Freeze -> AA is all that is needed.
  2. Hey all, So after benching this toon for a bit after hitting 50, as I felt it was alright I went back to the drawing board, and looked up some other notes and ideas from other peeps around that had some experience with the Storm powerset. With the the new found knowledge I have this build currently going. I am pretty happy with it, but always checking if there is some minor tweaks I can do that I might of missed. One thing I will say for this, is I did opt not to take hasten for this build as a choice, as I was running it earlier in the build but I found I was just sucking my blue bar way too much. I find right now, I am able to get pretty smoothly two tornadoes, and usually two to three lightning storms at a time. Defender (Storm Summoning - Water Blast).mbd
  3. So looking through what you have, just some eyeball suggestions. I have no experience with Arsenal so I cannot help there, but I played a bit with Dark, and can try to help with it. I am guessing you are trying to get perma-domination correct? There will be some of peeps will help out with some builds and parts when it comes around but, purps, ATOs, and some winters super help make a dom a beast. For power choices, looking just at Darkness control, I would remove Shadowy Binds, you do not need a single target Immob. The damage is poor and will not help ya in the long run. Possess can be helpful if you are running the Purple IO, but personally I am not a huge fan of it, but can be strong if you want to run it. I do not link the AOE hold, it has a long recharge time, and there are better powers, I feel Doms have that can take in AOE in controls that take over than the hold. Heart of Darkness is a must, it is a signature power of the set, while PBAOE it has a huge stun time, and if you want to (I recommend) it can be highly proc'd to do some good damage. Pick it up as early as possible, and six slot it. Fearsome stare should for 5 slotted, with 4 clouded senses and the proc for Glimpse of the Abyss, the fear has a natural long time, and the -to-hit is the big draw. Dark Grasp, can be 4 slotted if you need IO bonuses, or 6 slotted for proc damage. Living Shadows, only really need 1-2 slots. It is best to put winter IOs if you got the money for them the Winter range IO is best for them. Immob time is nice and long. Hasten only needs two 50+5 IO slots now, no needs to three slot it now. If I recall right now, I use Clouded Senses x6 in Haunt now, trying to lean more into the -to hit for them then damage. Umbral Beast - Expedient Reinforcement, All three Damage IOs, and the Res Proc, Soulbound Proc, Clouded Sense Proc Also as a general rule for the sniper attack, people usually go six slot it if they can, 5 manit, Apocalypse proc.
  4. I have three melee Doms in various levels which I feel are great to play around with, with the following secondaries, psionic assault, earth assault, and dark assault. I have Ice/Psi, and a Plant/Earth at 50 and an Ill/Dark in the early 20s. They have a solid melee components to them with a nice feel of punch.
  5. So I think the psi resistance think is a bit overrated. Yes robots have high pain resistance and some AVs do as well. But all in all there is a lot who have no resistance and you can really lay into that. Also if you were worried, the two main melee attacks have great proc quality, as well as the range immob attack. Drain Psyche is the bees knees for it, as well as psychic shockwave. Once you add plant to it you will be a monster running through mobs. Plant is extremely procable with vines, roots, and carrion doing some massive work, adding in the handy -def as well. This can be an AOE hoser with some solid ST chain attacks. Epic/Patron would be more personal but with the little extra they add you can be a beast.
  6. I will say, I understand the pain sometimes that come up for this. I know there is a SG that Voltor is apart of that does planned MO events at times where you can sign up and do attempts with them. I was able to get a few hard runs with Voltor, as he is a machine for badging. If not, and I am around to play a game I can assist on that. I enjoy the old school challenges of this. It has been a while since I done old school MO runs.
  7. I will saw Death Shroud is a very strong power and good for fury buildup. I can understand the end resistance but I think with end and discount from Psi is very nice. Also Touch+End does so much for you too. I think a mix too is a good way to test some waters and get a better run on what you want. I have done quite a bit of tests on this too from Def heavy to a mix I have now. I will always kinda keep the mentality of layered defense. Especially if there is not inherant DEF in the build. I will always say leverage what the set is best at. Dark is resist and heal. So those are quality you want.
  8. Okay, I took a look over the new one you put up, a couple things I noted for the build. I think you are a bit light on KB protection with 8 I can count. You probably want 10-12 points of protection most times. With physical perfection and superior conditioning, you do not need to 3x slotted unless you are chasing the set bonuses. I would toss just a +End proc, and not worry much about end. I like concentrate on my builds as +to-hit and +dam is gonna help a lot against some end game enemies. The focus more on resistance, is better overall than chasing def, I like the plan for that, as without DDR def will only hold up so much. I would also not sleep on Oppressive Gloom, it is a mag 2 stun with minimal slotting or end requirement, it can help out when times get hairy. I am not a fan of mental strike, I feel it is very whelming of an attack, might be a slot you can look at an epic attack or something else to compliment. In Psi blade go 5 x Touch of Death, a little extra Res is better than the 1.25% of def. If you have open slots from the end powers, take one and move it into TK Blow for 5x Mako to get some more resistance there, and more damage. I would if possible make those 6x as the def bonus from ToD and Mako will help out more than the small percentage point. Take two slots from CJ and move it to Cloak of Death, and put the Reactive Defense slotting in there instead of Kismet. I tried to keep it out of any extra purples and high end stuff as you mentioned, but just some shifting as seen on the picture, and the file attached for him. I put in my brute which does include purps, PVP IOs and Winter. So not what you want, but just for reference. I would also look at Psi mastery as the End recovery there is very nice. Also Incarnate if you are going down that train Cardiac is fantastic. *EDIT* Forgot to turn off the To-hit proc, so you too hit bonus is not reflective of what it is usually. Brute (Psionic Melee - Dark Armor).mbd The Shaded One dark bugaloo - Brute (Psionic Melee - Dark Armor).mbd
  9. I do not have access to Mids right now, but I do have a Psi/Dark Brute, and she is a beast I feel, especially with Psi mastery Epic. I will add my build for you to take a look over. I am not sure how much purples I tossed in or some Winter's so you results may be different and investment of course.
  10. Snokle

    ATO Fiery Orb

    As others have mentioned it is very bland or not great. It can be abusable in the right storm but overall nothing impressive. I usually ran it in my Immob attack it was able to proc it a bit, but it did not help my too much. Tried it in AA and felt lackluster. I do not think I run it in my Earth dom, or Ill dom as I was never impressed by it.
  11. Currently on my DA brute, I am running all three toggles. Death Shroud was always #1 for this as it is a damage aura, and I put a Brute ATO in there for the fury generation. I take Oppressive Gloom, as it is very low cost to run, and only really needs base slotting. While I am chomping at a boss or AV, it keeps the minions a bit at bay and fodder for fury buildup, and various toggle buffs. And cloak of fear I have running no on the build, as another layer of defense with how it works. End is heavy for it, so I did not really use it till I had my Alpha done. Since then and the rework I have been enjoying it just to add another layer of mitigation to the set. Also since it can have Clouded Senses slotted into it, a nice set of IO bonuses.
  12. Unless someone else is out there working on an alternative, most of them are not updated or really worth using. It is Mids or nothing.
  13. Should of had a Canadian with you, they know how to handle beavers.
  14. Myself and my wife both agree that Episode 5, sets the tone big time for the series, and easily the best that came out. Also choosing the song which my wife identified immediately from a very popular R&B/Pop band from the 90's was a perfect touch. Aside from keeping the art similar, and trying their best to keep VA to sound as close as the originals (and with originals 20 years later) I feel adds a great service. Episode 6, follows up on the 5th, with a couple people we know would be back sometime and confirms the Age of Apocalypse mentions, bringing a little bit of horror into it with the fears people have during mass wars. I am excited to see how the rest of the season goes, if they go like Invincible and have a major story arc that happens in the background and foreground over multiple seasons, or they will do major arc for a bit then hope to the next. I think I want to mention is Emma Frost and her simple comment in Episode 5, really got a smile from me to see her more devious side and not just boring evil mutant. I am hoping that this could bring in (or mention) a personal favorite X-Men book for me X-Force.
  15. Went through with a few more passes testing out different Epics/Patrons, and went back to fire after looking at adjacent builds, and plotting out some other ideas, and worked up this. A smoother attack chain, so I am just not standing around, the defense I feel is comfortable enough, with the damage resistance to handle combat and damage. Buffs are overall better, and just overall I feel a bit tighter, than the last few passes I went through and tested. I will go do some testing on it and see how it feels to run it now.
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