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Kai Moon

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  1. Found a video from November 2019 with the Cutting Beam delayed fx. So this bug started sometime between November 2012 and November 2019. And just to clarify, this has nothing to do with Disintegration. My test character didn't have the Disintegrate power, and Cutting Beam never spreads Disintegration anyway.
  2. Got some video. Cutting Beam's visual and sound effects are playing on the primary target correctly. But they're delayed by 5 seconds on all other targets. Tested Original/Bright/Dark customizations, same delay. Tested Blaster/Corruptor/Defender/Sentinel, same delay. Found this 2012 video with no delay on Cutting Beam effects. Good chance this is a post-2012 bug. cutting-beam-delay.mp4
  3. Why should nothing happening to a target alert the target? Game mechanics should be intuitive unless there's a good reason otherwise. This reminds me of [Positioning] - a kludgy power that interrupts and de-stealths players despite having no effect on players. Players expect no effect to mean no effect, but there's a code quirk that alerts targets to nothing happening. Fortunately, the "notify mobs" flag to get around that code quirk already exists. Seems like a good use for that flag. (On that tangent, do the non-taunting melee hybrid powers interrupt or de-stealth mobs? That could be a minor exploit.)
  4. The Mysterious General Z arc from Christine Lansdale is 25-30, but the critter type used near a required glowie in last task appears to have a 28+ range. This can force the critter to be much higher than the mission level. The critter's surrounding spawn matches the mission level, as expected. Screenshot: Level 28 critter in level 24 mission at -1x1. Surrounding enemies are level 24 as expected.
  5. The Pecking Order badge mission (Eliza Thorpe / Lorenzo Tate) is level 25-29, but the critter type used for the third task's boss appears to have a 30+ range. This can force the boss to be much higher than the mission level. The boss's surrounding spawn matches the mission level, as expected. Screenshot: Level 30 boss in level 26 mission at -1x1. Surrounding enemies are level 26 as expected.
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  6. Another example, Elec Affinity gets its tier 9. Annoying. Fortunately, the tier 9 isn't very good. So it's not just Marine Affinity, it's the overall approach to the feature. Not saying "not a defect", though. It contradicts and undermines the story. They have powers I can't have, so I don't buy Rollister's dialogue that they're copies. They're more like the Flawed Clone with random powersets from Dean MacArthur's arc. Amusing, in an "I wonder what powers it has" kind of way. Not what the writer intended, but that's where I'm at.
  7. This only happens on the first attempt to combo after zoning. It may be related to unsheathe animation timing, or an unsheathe animation time offset. Steps to reproduce: 1) Load into the game, or change zones, with a Dual Blades brute/scrapper/tanker. 2) Without pre-drawing your swords, attack an enemy with Nimble Slash. 3) Immediately queue Ablating Strike. Expected results: Nimble Slash sets Weaken/Empower combo mode 1. Ablating Strike sets Weaken/Empower combo mode 2. Typhoon's Edge and Blinding Feint are highlighted as combo finishers. Actual results: Nimble Slash sets Weaken/Empower combo mode 1. Ablating Strike doesn't appear to advance the combo. Ablating Strike remains highlighted as the next combo step. Typhoon's Edge and Blinding Feint don't finish the combo. Reproducibility: 5/5 on the first combo attempt after loading into the game or changing zones. 0/5 on any further combo attempts. dual-blades-broken-combo.mkv
  8. Thanks for finding that! i27p1 is my guess for the culprit. The powers that fire but have no effect or a partial effect if the target goes down at the wrong time, as far as I can tell, all use the "execute power" mechanic. And if there's a partial effect, it's always the part that isn't in the "execute power" that works. The December 1st patch after i27p1 shortened the window for Transfusion to misfire. But it still misfires when I'm extra unlucky with the timing, or extra laggy. And, like @Burk said about Transference, it happens a lot with "execute power" effects other than Transfusion.
  9. In this thread, I posted videos of the Kinetics powers working in an early i26 build. This was broken on Homecoming within the past few years.
  10. I'd agree with that statement if there were an option to launch DFB with a "hard mode" Meinst whose cadavers are invincible until after she went down. That being how Ouroboros handicaps work.
  11. If this badge didn't exist, taking the zombies out last is easily the worst way to approach this fight. Meinst's ability to rez the zombies is insignificant. So it's one of those Badges Awarded For Playing Badly On Purpose. Personal preference, but I don't like those badges. I'd prefer if the encounter were changed so there's a strategic reason to avoid killing cadavers. Say, Meinst has a fast PBAoE to resurrect all nearby fallen zombies as embalmed, and you get the badge for preventing Meinst from rezzing any embalmed. Additional upside, there'd be multiple ways to succeed at that.
  12. Just popping in to say that DiB gives merits when launched redside, but not when launched blueside. Which is weird, man.
  13. Add Marine Affinity's Whitecap to the list. If the target dies mid-animation, the caster teleports, but there are no further effects. I think it's safe to say all powers using this mechanic on Homecoming have this bug.
  14. Soothing Wave heal and Soothing Wave debuff are two separate powers, with an apparent delay between their activations. The heal's timing is normal, and goes the direction faced at the beginning of the activation, as expected. But the debuff goes somewhere else if the caster is turning or moving. Video 1: Heal goes left, debuff goes right. Video 2: Heal goes close, debuff goes far. The videos may appear forced, but this happens all the time for me in normal gameplay. I use a face keybind and have a mobile playstyle. Possible fix: Use the Medicine > Injection mechanic instead. The same power affects both friend and foe, with different effects for each. heal-left-debuff-right.mp4 heal-close-debuff-far.mp4
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  15. AI 6 months ago vs AI today. This is why your brother-in-law won't shut up about that Nvidia stock he bought. 305201983613792265.mp4
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