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Everything posted by randslefthand

  1. Thank you both for all of the information! I can't wait to get home so I can start tinkering with this 😁
  2. Lol, I guess I didn't realize that brutes weren't expected to be tanks. Though I guess this comes from maybe my experience in other games. Thanks!
  3. Any particular reason for that? I ask because I'm not particularly comfortable tanking in group settings and I kind of want the option to do group content when I have the time to do so.
  4. Savage melee animations are great and I guess I missed the whole -end/+recharge aspect of it when I was looking at the different scrapper primaries. That sounds perfectly up my alley! Do you have any build advice? Nothing too in-depth, just like powers you feel are mandatory or are safe to skip?
  5. I know exactly the experience I'm looking for, but no clue which sets to choose or how to slot them out to achieve it. In no particular order: 1. Active play style. I like being busy. 2. Low down time. See above. Not a huge fan of having to rest after pretty much every fight. 3. No KM, Claws, WM, or Shields (only animations I just cannot stand) I've played a katana/regen before, but it felt weak. Any and all tips would be much appreciated! Including pointing out what should seem obvious.
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