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Nurse Midnight

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Everything posted by Nurse Midnight

  1. Hah. Oops. Well that’s a couple of new concepts at least.
  2. Try putting underscores between the goto and tray, like goto_tray or you could try macros. -------------------------- For a peacebringer, that would be: /macro_slot 8 WDF "powexec_toggleon white dwarf$$goto_tray 5" /macro_slot 9 BNF "powexec_toggleon bright nova$$goto_tray 4" --------------------------- The equivalent for a peacebringer: /goto_tray 5 /macro_slot 8 HUM "powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$goto_tray 1" /macro_slot 9 BNF "powexec_toggleon bright nova$$goto_tray 4” ------------------------ And for a peacebringer: /goto_tray 4 /macro_slot 8 WDF "powexec_toggleon white dwarf$$goto_tray 5" /macro_slot 9 HUM "powexec_toggleoff bright nova$$goto_tray 1"
  3. These are really great. I would have never thought of using the fridge and ascension pieces. Thank you guys so much.
  4. Hey guys, I'm having some trouble designing a Champions character to City of Heroes and was wondering if anyone could help out some. This is what I have so far, but I feel like it could be better and I'm out of ideas for it. If anyone has any tips for the fur or a something even better it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  5. SG Name: Golden Age Heroes (Formerly the Gods of the Golden Age/Young Gods of the Golden Age Supergroups from Virtue. We put on those Golden Age Festivals!) RP/RP Friendly: We're a Heavy RP Supergroup Theme/Era: Golden and Silver Age Themed group, but with a modern take Redside/Blueside: Blueside (With a redside group for villain alts) Recruitment Message: We are the Golden Age Heroes. Champions of the ideals first set forth by the brighter heroes of yesterday. Justice, Liberty, and Integrity are our watchwords, the foundation of our beliefs, and the promise of the future we all strive to achieve. When iniquity spreads across the world and the people of Primal Earth watch in despair as the malevolent and tyrannical undermine the fabric of society, there is a need for good men and women to come together as a beacon of hope in an otherwise forlorn time. It is a task not undertaken lightly, for to be that symbol of the Golden Age Ideals of justice, liberty, and integrity that the world sorely needs, these men and women must sublimate themselves to the greater cause of these principles. It is here, in this chapter-house of these Golden Age Ideals, that those men and women gather in solidarity to stand against the forces of evil and protect the innocent from the rising tide of darkness. Those men and women, assembled as one, have vowed to defend the defenseless, protect the innocent, champion the just, and serve as exemplars of these ideals under the banner of the Golden Age Heroes. How to Join: In order to join applicants will have to fill out a short application on our website, Golden Age Heroes. ( https://www.golden-age-heroes.com/ ) There's a section in the forums called Membership Applications, just fill out an application template and post it up in the forum section. It lets us know who your character is, what they're about, and what they look like prior to meeting up with you. After posting the application, one of our officers will contact you to set up and ingame meeting/interview. At the time of the interview, please have a bio in the description box. We've also got a group discord available to members, where we do most of our posting and out of game activity. Some other things to keep in mind prior to applying: - Applicants must have a name that's causally related to the superhero’s powers or origin. The use of extraneous characters (periods, hyphens, apostrophes, and other typographic symbols absolutely unnecessary to the meaning of the name), aren't allowed as well as non-conforming spellings (unnecessary letter substitution, character swapping, misspellings, and so-called “l33tspeak”) and of course, the name can't be offensive. - Members of the Golden Age Heroes adopt costumes that are designed to reflect the glory and simplicity of an era long past. The so-called “four color” costumes must be inspired by the best and brightest examples of the Golden and Silver Ages of comics. Costumes must be suitably heroic, must not contain elements hostile to the Golden and Silver Age theme, and must be appropriate for the hero’s origin and/or powers. Off-duty civilian attire is exempt. As mentioned above, the GAH is a Golden/Silver Aged theme group, but we are willing to work with you to help make the character fit the theme. See you in Paragon!
  6. Oh no, my one weakness!
  7. Nurse Midnight, of the Golden Age Heroes (Gods of the Golden Age/Young Gods of the Golden Age) supergroup.
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