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Everything posted by Sintres

  1. Awesome! Thank you for the advice i will try it when i get home!
  2. [shadow=black,bottom]Hey All, Quick question for anyone who games on Linux.. I have a Lenovo Laptop with a NVIDIA 555m GPU that works well in fedora and uses that GPU after hours of configuration lol. My question is has anyone used Wine to get Tequila to work to load and run COH properly? I haven't tried this just yet, wondering before i get home if anyone had issues or it worked. Thanks![/shadow]
  3. [glow=red,2,300]Amazing News! As always you guys have my enteral thanks for bringing my childhood back to me![/glow]
  4. Ahh that is right! Thank you for the information! Childhood is rushing back!
  5. I remember back in the day there was this dance club like area, i forgot but it was named Pocket D it was a dance club techno area that you could only transport to if you had the spell or something and space was just outside. Any chance this is still in game and could we transport to it? thanks!
  6. Thanks for the update!
  7. Same ^
  8. Thanks guys for trying to bring my childhood!
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