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Everything posted by Dragonrage77

  1. A few things I personally would like but the server is good where its at for now to be honest. 1. More shared zones for villains, heroes and rogues/vigilantes as well as relevant story lines for each main alignment with consequences for your actions. 2. No excessive slimy ncsoft tenticles in the code, server, admin... they gave it up and abandoned it because they didnt bother to read or research the western/european the market their loss let them eat crow. 3. I would want to keep the characters i made and developed but with one change limit the characters to one account 20 or 30 but let those that made more than that keep what they made but not let them make any more untill they trim the fat. 4. Add a third coloring option for select costume pieces mainly luminiscent gear, so the glowing parts can be colored seprately from the standard non luminiscent parts. 5. No pay to win or "exclusive" stuff that you cant earn legitimately in game permanently or seasonably (as in earn and work towards, not rng based) I highly doubt thatll happen but covering all bases. 6. Add some polish in the existing zones especially the origional ones so it all works code wise and graphically blends in with whats possible with the current character graphics without loosing the games original charm. Finishing the wharf would be a nice touch as well.
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