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Everything posted by Ion_Burst

  1. Well, I tried literally everything with no success, so I returned the laptop and exchanged it, and now things seem to be working correctly *fingers crossed*. Thank you for your help! <3
  2. Okay, further update. I drove to my mom's house and tried it on her network and it's still doing the same thing. So I can confirm this isn't my internet/router/wireless network. I also tried (once I was able to get into the game after 31 failed login attempts) turning on /netgraph and letting it run for about an hour while I walked around and changed zones a few times. I'm not experiencing any data loss. This tells me that it's having trouble with something that happens right after I select the server shard. I tried connecting to other shards (where I don't have any characters) and got the same problem. So it's not Everlasting.
  3. Still needing assistance if anyone can help. So far I've tried logging in on multiple accounts on this brand new laptop, with the same issues on each. I've tried logging in on other machines on my same network with no issues. I've updated all my computer's drivers. I've tried deleting the registry entry for Tequila, I've tried the Homecoming beta launcher instead of Tequila, I've tried using a different manifest. I've tried deleting everything in the CoH folder from my machine and reinstalling. I've tried rebooting my computer. I've tried setting a security exclusion for Tequila and Homecoming in the antivirus software. I've tried setting the firewall to allow both Tequila and Homecoming to pass through. I've tried rebooting my router. I've tried running Tequila as an administrator. I've tried plugging directly into the router via ethernet. After somewhere around 15-40 login attempts, it'll eventually let me in, and once I'm in if I'm not immediately met with a mapserver error, it seems to work fine as long as I don't log out or switch characters. I appreciate ANY help you can give me.
  4. Just dropping a gif here to show you what it's doing.
  5. Thanks for your assistance. I tried that and everything went through just fine, but I still can't access my characters. I also tried just deleting the entire directory and reinstalling Tequila/Homecoming, no dice.
  6. Hello lovelies, I need your help. I'm having trouble logging into the game. Here's what happens: I open Tequila. No problems here. I start Homecoming. Check. I log into my game account. No problem. I select Everlasting, my home shard, and connect. Here's where it gets funky. Roughly 2/3 of the time, the character select list loads but all of my characters are white, featureless models and I get an error that I've lost connection, would I like to return to the login menu? On the 1/3 of the time that I'm able to see my characters and I try to log into one, it goes to the zone loading page for a few moments and then hard crashes me all the way back to the login screen with no pop ups or errors. I don't mind deleting and reinstalling my game to see if that corrects everything, but I don't want to lose my saved costumes, my settings or (most importantly) my macros. I know where the costume files are saved to and I've already backed up that folder. But where are the settings and macros saved to? Any help you can provide would be immensely appreciated!
  7. ...not loving how dark it turns everyone's names. This may be a minor thing, but I find the very deep purple makes names a lot harder to read. My only wish is that flagging with /roleplaying made character names turn orange or pink or something, a brighter color for my poor old eyes. Still, thank you for adding this tag!
  8. So here's the deal, you're asking on a CoX message board why CoX is better than CO, so of course you're going to get a lot of biased feedback about certain features CoX fans prefer over CO's implementation. I'll freely admit I'm biased too, after having had extensive experience with both games. However, there's a simple, unbiased fact that I think gets to much of the heart of the issue. During CoX's "live" period, the game developers (Cryptic, then Paragon) *never* stopped adding to the game. They were constantly adding new power sets, zones, story arcs, features, costume parts... Even right up until NCSoft pulled the plug, Paragon still had huge new content in development (some of which the SCORE/Homecoming team has been able to implement into the current issue of the game). Heck, CoX had TWO full expansions released during its run, which dramatically increased the size of the game and amount of content it offered. Contrast that with Champions Online. Over its entire lifetime, very little new content was added. Almost all of the development in that game was focused on the cash shop and the loot boxes. I don't know if it was a matter of financial constraints or simply biting off more than they could chew, but Cryptic added very little real content to the game for players to enjoy, and what WAS added was primarily microtransaction-based. Champions Online had a lot of wasted potential, and part of the issue was that Star Trek Online stole much of its thunder (and developer attention). Which game had better writing is a matter of opinion. Which graphical style looks better is a matter of opinion. Which game's "tone" is better or more engaging is a matter of opinion. Which game had more content is a case of fact, not opinion. The dearth of new content for Champions Online had a demoralizing effect on its early community. Promises made were slow to deliver, and many were never delivered upon at all. People lost interest in the game as they completed most of the content on repeated characters, and little was done to stem the tide of players leaving the game. The free-to-play button was pressed to try to bring in new blood, but that brought other deep problems to the game as much of it was locked behind paywalls. Champions Online has been on life support ever since. It's really a shame. Cryptic was unable to capture lightning in a bottle twice, and once the game began spiraling down there was little that could be done to save it, especially with their main resources dedicated to Star Trek Online. It's literally A Tale of Two Superhero Games; City of Heroes/Villains was beloved by players and by its studio, but the publisher pulled the plug unnecessarily and killed it before its time. Champions Online was neglected by its developer and abandoned by the larger MMO community, but its corpse is still shuffling around waiting for its mercy killing.
  9. KYDD! OH MY GOD MAN! How are you?? It's good to see you after all these years! Remember me? Lightheart is still kicking around too (although he is in Georgia right now for Mother's Day). His brain is going to explode when I tell him you're still around!
  10. Wow, that is incredible. I was one of the Silver Guard's founders, Ion Burst! Oh, but we had a good run back in the day.
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