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  1. Shard: Excelsior Base Code: AIRPORT-28073 Builder/Owner: @Inferno Girl No special considerations are needed. The Airport is a small transport hub. The TSA check has a bit of a line, but the moving walkway will get you to the terminal fast. Have you ever wanted to hop behind the automated baggage area at the airport?
  2. EJO is having our Halloween Party and Fall Carnival! We will have LIVE ToT (visit for treats!) Oct 28 & 31 7-11pm EST SG base code HALLOWEEN-23459 (Excelsior)
  3. Global (in game): @EJOPhoenix & @Inferno Girl Forum Handle: CaPWN & Jonalynne (Jo Jo) Discord Handle (if applicable): capwn. & jonalynne Collaborators (if applicable): Many great ideas and suggestions from our EJO SG members! Are you the owner or builder? CaPWN is owner If not the owner, do you have the owner’s permission? N/A Owner’s global, if different from above: @EJOPhoenix from above Builder’s global, if different from above: N/A Base Name: EJO Halloween Base Code: HALLOWEEN-23459 Base Shard: Excelsior Additional information you want us to know: Yes, we have some interactive characters and would like to schedule a time to be present. The Elite Justice Organization (EJO) would like to invite everyone to our Halloween Party and Fall Carnival! We are excited to be a part of the Homecoming Halloween Base Contest and Base Crawl. We hope you enjoy our cooperative SG base build and have fun while visiting!
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