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Everything posted by Cervantes88

  1. As long as it's optionnal to display all of that I'm fine. If I don't want any date attached to my character it'd be nice to have the option to turn all of them off completely. But it's clearly not a huge priority. Would it even be possible to make this milestone system retroactive ? I'd settle for just the removal or hiding of the first appearance date personally.
  2. Yeah it actually bugs me that I'm going to invest a ton of time in a character and have some random shitty date attached to him in his description so I'm actually tempted to wait for a somewhat significant date to create it... it's really dumb (and borders on OCD lol) but the option to not display it would put my mind at ease. I didn't even care too much before, but now it's like a dead pixel that I can't forget about @~@
  3. Really ? Well I'll take that too. Like I said it's not a huge deal but it does bug me.
  4. That's a lot of effort. Isn't it much simpler to make the "First Appearance : blahblah" line a part of the editable description by default so you can erase it if you want when you create your character or afterwards ?
  5. Well precisely because it's the only thing that appears in my bio and the first thing people see about my character. I just wish i could edit it out, it's no big deal, just annoying. I'm sure it's not too hard to make it a part of the editable description instead of a fixed element of the description tab. But I don't know anything about how games are made so there's that 😛
  6. It's still at the bottom though isn't it ? I wish it was part of the actual description so you could edit it out if you wanted.
  7. Yes an option to hide it would be enough. As I said some people might want to keep it to show that they are old characters.
  8. I see, I must have stopped playing before it was implemented then. Well if one of our benevolent devs would take the time to look into removing it, or maybe making an option to display it or not, I for one would greatly appreciate it. It's nothing urgent but it would make me feel better not to have an arbitrary date displayed in my character bio regardless of if I make one or not.
  9. Yeah it annoys me to have the only thing in my bio be a meaningless date. Like I might have played the character for a while, wanted to change powers and then sat on it for a while then started fresh at a later date. It's not my character's "birthday", it doesn't even correspond to my playtime. Just having the option to hide it from my bio would be great. I understand some people might like to keep it on display to show that they were among the first characters to be created when the servers went up.
  10. I'd like the option to remove or hide the date at which I first created my character from my description. No particular reason I just don't like having this line in my otherwise empty character description, I'd rather have people inspecting me go directly to my powers tab. When I played on live servers when you didn't have a description you didn't have a tab saying when you started playing your character, people just saw your powers. Granted I did stop playing a while before the servers went down so maybe it was added afterwards. Now if there already is an option to do just that then I missed it and I would very much like to know where it is lol.
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