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  1. Glad to donate in order to keep Paragon City around!
  2. Happy to chip in to keep the lights on!
  3. Glad to donate to keep CoH online! Thanks for keeping this game running πŸ™‚
  4. Happy to support Homecoming; some of my college friends were in town and I was able to give them a blast from the past! 😊
  5. Click the "donation system" link, it will take you to a PayPal page.
  6. Donated! Thanks for keeping the lights on in Paragon City.
  7. Glad to keep contributing to keep the lights on in Paragon City.
  8. Missed last month, so I gave double this month. Thanks for keeping this game running!
  9. Donated! Merry Christmas, Homecoming and Paragon City!
  10. Donated! Finances are a bit tight this month, but I found some spare cash in the couch for my 'monthly sub' πŸ˜‰
  11. My friends and I are big fans of Halloween, so we’re very happy that the Halloween event is coming back! 😊 Go. Knock. Get Skittuls.
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