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  1. Loved Beast/Time myself. Alot of slowing powers to drop on groups of mobs with a one button max stacks for pets crt rate. Farsight and Chrono are awesome group buffs to.
  2. I'll give that a try thanks.
  3. I'd like to make a decent Damage build while still being viable for CC lockdown thanks to Domination when able. I just dunno what else to do for defensives and so forth. I tend to typically play in a party setting (though being able to solo up to +2 alone at times would be nice.) I'll attach what I currently have (The last 2 slots are free for suggestions, also open to suggestions for epic pool power and basic pool powers just put in the ones I know tend to be baseline for alot of builds). If anyone has questions please ask and I will try to reply when able. The damage skills I put for Savage are generally the ones I would like to focus on. Much the same for the Earth skills. The rest I'm open to suggestions if anyone with more experience would have some info to help out. Ideas For Skill Set.mbd
  4. Thanks for the suggestions and help guys.
  5. Ok thanks for the info. The Diamagnetic Core sounds really good then especially since I am using Wolves and very fast attacking minions.
  6. I'm currently using a Beastmaster/Time guide I saw on here a while back hit 50 and am currently working on the Incarnates. I took Agility has my Alpha Slot (Due to the increased recharge and def buff bonuses). My question is simply this what other Incarnates do you guys feel would be worthwhile (I am using Tactics and Def buff as well as Mace Mastery with Power Blast and Haste/Afterburn) I assume possibly Endless (to help offset the massive cost for afterburn and raven spamming as needed) I would like to get a good Melee Summon that could pair nicely with Wolves and doesn't knockback ect but I am unfamiliar with the other Summons outside of Longbow. (*Note* I forgot to mention I also got the Judgetment power Vorpal aiming for the upper right slot one with the def to all for me when used in melee. Givin I tend to be in melee often with wolves I figured it couldn't hurt.)
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