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Energy Aura

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Posts posted by Energy Aura

  1. On 9/22/2019 at 9:35 AM, TraumaTrain said:

    A target dummy would be great to have. You could use it to really see what an attack or other power action would look like. Useful when you're playing around with colors and such.

    I think this would be a great addition.  Can make a practice range as the OP said, colors and power looks. Make this 1 first!

  2. If you're building for range I would recommend also building for AOE defense of 45 or more. With the winter event sets you can easily cap both ranged and AOE on most blaster builds. Remember fireball and that annoying AOE blast from the squids are both AOE. Now solo that ITF.

  3. Still running hasten on blasters seems like a power and slots waste. I run all my blasters hastenless and have no problem maintaining whatever is critical to the build and firing non-stop. For example, 45% range def s/l/e 48% on my energy/energy blaster with Perma Energize and Power Boost. No end issues, run attack chain until my fingers bleed and still 100% end. Less frankenbuilding and more full sets for recharge etc is what I recommend to all blasters.

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  4. Here is my main's build... Solos like crazy, but team friendly as well. Power Boost is a MUST for -EM





  5. Dusting off an old character from LIVE and updating the build in Mids Reborn (MR) and I stumbled onto a interesting slotting convention. According to MR, Glue arrow fully slotted does more damage then Fistful of Arrows or Explosive Arrow, can be slotted with a -Res debuff (Annihilation), has a longer range than FoA and more team friendly than Explosive Arrow (no knockback). Add in the innate -Speed/-Recharge and this seems to be the top dog in the AOE arena for the build. Oh, and it's in the TA secondary so it out-damages the primary Archery AOEs.


    Just an interesting piece of info I stumbled upon, and not seeing many builds I researched using it other than 1-3 slots.

  6. Does anybody remember at the beginning of City of Heroes when people used to create pool power only characters or at least try to.

    I don't think any of these actually were viable even in the early days but I had the thought of revisiting this idea now that we have a few extra pools to play with. Perhaps there's a viable option out there. Granted he/she won't satisfy the min maxer in me, but maybe I can put something together with Mids Reborn that is semi-viable.

  7. Attached is my Hasten is a crutch Tri-form, perma-Eclipse build plan...I developed this from the OPs old school post.


    Oh, did you know 3 purple Essence Transfer and 3 normal Essence Transfer yield 16.25% recharge? Muhahahaaa!!!!




  8. I login my level 25 illusion and radiation controller and was setting up my monitor for power such a stealth, recharge etc. and I noticed that the global re-charge from my Luck of the Gambler 7.5% was not showing in the recharge section. Other globals are working as I am seeing my Miracle +recovery and my Numina +regen/recovery.


    Started Synapse AFTER I noticed it was not displaying. I started the TF to check if that fix it. When I quit TT it still was not showing.

  9. I login my level 25 illusion and radiation controller and was setting up my monitor for power such a stealth, recharge etc. and I noticed that the global re-charge from my Luck of the Gambler 7.5% was not showing in the recharge section. Other globals are working as I am seeing my Miracle +recovery and my Numina +regen/recovery. I then started a Synapse TF and still it did not show under recharge. My LotG is level 26 but global recharge is not effected by level so therefore I’m assuming it is bugged.

  10. And then there’s the other school of thought which is drop Hasten completely if you have a build that doesn’t require a permanent recharge; so Blasters listen up. Using the right sets with recharge can easily grant you Hasten level recharge without Hasten. This frees up one power and 2 slots. 99% of my characters use this method.

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