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Everything posted by Xensor

  1. Getting back into the swing of spending more time designing heroes than playing them :P Dr Manhattan - Radiation / Temporal Manipulation Blaster Ultron Prime - Robotics / Traps Mastermind Xensor Hellion - Elec / Elec Blaster (a remake of my first ever CoH toon :)) The Swamp Beast - Savage / Bio Armour Brute Dark Orchid - Plant / Thorns Controller
  2. Holy moly those are fantastic :)
  3. Defiant heroes, AWAY! ;D So i was there in the CoH beta, ended up joining a SG called The Knights of Britannia. Over the years i built so many toons! Xensor Hellion - Elec / Elec blaster, my main Tyr Hellion, Peacebringer Darklight Angel - Warshade Brick Hit House - Stone / Something tanker Papa Doc - Thug / Traps mastermind Plus soooo many others that I've sadly forgotten - wish i'd taken screenshots of them all now! TBH it's all been so long that i can barely remember much but the odd SG name here and there rings some bells :D
  4. This is probably a bad idea but i went fire/titan, simply because it fit the character i was building :) Sometimes you just gotta go with what;s fun rather than what;s best ;D
  5. Holy balls batman, i remember the Contingency :) Weren't you guys there during the CoH beta? I was in the Knights of Britannia back in the day but I always wanted to join you guys, never got the chance tho :P Oh and hiya Ringko, can you guess who this is? ;D
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