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  1. Having poked around with this as an arse/arse dom vs vanguard mobs at x4, the only real complaints I have are that occasionally I was noticed through my stealth and smoke can which resulted in my getting attacked, since the confuse requires damage being done, and that I wish the pet had some manner of AoE to help it taunt things better. Regardless I am looking forward to playing this set on live! I’ve wanted a grenade based set for some time and this makes me very happy.
  2. I don’t know if this is as intended, but I’ve noticed that the sleep grenade cloud vanishes if I kill the target I placed it on. If that is intended, it really reduces the effectiveness of the power. I also noticed my target didn’t fall asleep (but they were a ghost) unless domination procced on them. I also noticed that it was doing that without my having pushed the domination button? edit: upon further playtesting, I’ve noticed the sleep grenade patch actually vanishes when the body of the target it was triggered on despawns. Kind of like darkest night and other things like it. While this is clever, I feel like it makes it a bit inconsistent as a number of enemies simply vanish upon death.
  3. Please please please make the sleep grenade a patch tick sleep again, it’s completely unusable in its current form as it doesn’t even put them to sleep right away. All it does at this point is agro a mob and earn me a face full of damage if I don’t put something else out first. edit: having done some back reading, I see it will be fixed. Thank you thank you. I love this set and that patch sleep was actually one of my favorite powers. It’s so good for a dom
  4. Having the same problem here
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