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  1. Caemgen and Joyitude are entering as a duo 😄
  2. Joyitude Triumphant!
  3. Posted my entry, wheee!
  4. Thank you, thank you, Seen2BeGreen. Icanav, I thought how wonderful lighted eyes would be. It would require leaving a fairly large hole in his head to put a tiny light and battery in after all the soldering is done--since the metal gets up to 1500 degrees during soldering, very melty melty for any electrical work. Keep thinking though, it's a good challenge. I also thought a bright green enamel would look good for his eyes....still thinking on that. Christopher Robin, you can't catch me! Neener neener. Joyitude Triumphant
  5. Oh yes, lol, good. I'm not the only one to die silly deaths! 😄
  6. Hey, TemporalVileTerror, thank you 😄 That makes me feel like the Clockwork Queen!
  7. Thank you Techwright. I should have thought of using a pet to get my reference pics! What @Caemgen and I did to get pics was Synapse, grabbing snips and screenshots on the move. Lol. I had to let them zap me while I took pics. I died for art!
  8. Yes, CR, that one. I used it to get a screenprinted shirt made for him last Christmas. It came out well and I hope you don't mind me using it 😄
  9. Thank you Christopher Robin. I had tons of fun making it for @Caemgen. It DID take a long time but I enjoyed every piece, I love working with metal and solving each little problem--this kind of construction is a series of soldering problems, essentially. 😄 I saw the drawing you did for him and I love your art too. Being creative is the BEST fun. And, yes, I am willing to discuss taking on more work of this kind.
  10. DESTITUDE here. Global @Joyitude on Homecoming, mostly on Excelsior. Hi! (bigwave) Can't wait to see you again, running mates! :D Please msg me, yay!
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