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Everything posted by Mythus54

  1. So what are the chances we can get a full Steam release?
  2. Just as the title says. I'd love to play via the Steam Controller, but having a hard time finding a good, up to date profile. Anyone else using the Steam Controller to play and have a setup they're willing to share?
  3. Yeah, I read the FAQ. That doesn't answer my question. "Our hope is they will consolidate" and "We're the only officially licensed server" is all that's said. That doesn't say what happens to other servers. Are the Homecoming team now legally obligated to report any other servers they know about to NC Soft? Can Homecoming issue a C&D on behalf of NC Soft? These are things we do not know.
  4. So, having not read all 14 pages of the thread, what does this mean for other servers? I get that Homecoming wants to consolidate, which will be good for the community overall. One server where everyone plays, so we can all enjoy the game as it was meant to be. Not a bunch of tiny servers with only a couple hundred people each trying to play an MMORPG. But what happens to the other servers? Does this mean NCSoft is gonna start sending C&Ds? Is Homecoming going to on behalf of NC Soft? Are they all going to be left alone with a notice of "Hey you'd have a better time on the new, officially licensed servers? Because a bunch of C&Ds from the Homecoming team is a surefire way to eradicate any goodwill.
  5. Upload them to Imgur and use IMG tags
  6. Is Everlasting the RP server? I'm not a PvP person either.
  7. This is Valeria, a scrapper SJ/Shield Hero Thinking of making a more "Captain Marvel" style capeless/shoulderpadless costume for her as an alternate.
  8. I appreciate everyone's help! This is Valeria, a SJ/Shield Scrapper! Just need to get a good backstory for her, and a nice secret identity costume... I really wanted a Kamen Rider style armored helmet at first, but I just couldn't design one that looked natural (or all that good, for that matter) https://imgur.com/a/Azdw8Gb
  9. I'm doing SJ/shield too lol. I'm just stuck on my costume and can't decide if I want a full helmet or not. My original idea was a Kamen Rider style helmet, but it's not really possible. I've worked up ideas for other helms, but honestly open face with like, valkyrie wings or something works just as good with the suit I made...
  10. Why Brute over Scrapper? Just wondering, because that chance t crit and do double damage sounds really nice. While talking about creation, does the source of my powers matter in any way? What's the difference between choosing magic or tech? I will just refer you back to my first comment. "I've not rolled a lot of melee character..." :D To me Cap seems more like a Brute than a Scrapper (I see Brutes as falling in between Scrappers and Tanks). Also, please explain the Crit Chance and double damage you mentioned in your post. I couldn't find a reference in the wiki for the classes, and I didn't see anything in the (i)nfo provided in the powers during creation. It won't let me upload the screenshot, so I'll just type the end of the Scrapper description: "Scrappers possess Critical strike capability. Their melee attacks have a chance to sometimes do double damage
  11. Why Brute over Scrapper? Just wondering, because that chance t crit and do double damage sounds really nice. While talking about creation, does the source of my powers matter in any way? What's the difference between choosing magic or tech?
  12. I know! I just can't decide lol I'm a total noob to CoX and don't really know the pros/cons. I'm just going off idea right now.
  13. I don't mean a full ripoff, I'm making an original character, but I do love the whole "melee with fists and a shield" idea. I know DCUO even made it a dedicated combat style if you paid extra for it. So I know the shield bit can be a secondary power for a scrapper, but I can't decide on Martial Arts or Street Justice for my melee...
  14. I'm still new to all of this... Do I have to have started in on Going Rogue to do this?
  15. Thanks a lot! I'm new and a little overwhelmed by all the character options, but I've always been a sucker for pet jobs. I'm Kinda making and remaking characters and trying to find what I really want to play.
  16. Basically not sure if I can make the character I want. I want to be able to do melee combat with some pets. All I've looked at give me ranged weapons, though. Ninja gives bow, demons an energy thing, zombies give magic, etc. I'd love to do some kind of "dread knight" or "ninja master" that wades into melee with my pets.
  17. I know the feeling. I never got to play CoH until it was about to be shut down, so this is really all new to me. I'm just kinda winging it and hoping I'm not screwing myself up for the end game and stuff.
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