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Jack Power

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Posts posted by Jack Power

  1. 14 pages of one (maybe two) topic(s) is kinda hard to overview and I understand there are different views and I do respect this.


    Just wondering if this isn't something that the difficulty setting doesn't fix? I am by no means a high level player and haven't even tried the hardcore stuff. 


    I did, however, try some PuGs (be proud of me Snarky) where we faced the new Council right after their bump. First contact was a painful wipe with a few comments in team chat about the new power level of the Council. Then we got our act together and had no more issues. No more than any random PuG. I have no idea what difficulty we were at but everything was purple to me.


    On a personal note, I do find this game to be a bit to easy street sometimes, and while I find the feeling of being 'super' while wading through countless enemies, I find there's something to say about the feeling of achievement when you beat the odds and defeat some enemy you really wasn't supposed to beat.



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  2. My personal issue with CoV is that the whole premiss. I have to date never made a character that would be the least interested in working with/for/in Arachnos. That leads to the entire red side  being a stretch for me. I dislike the brokers as well. The condesending attitude others have pointed to is also nothing I think is helping.


    I'd like to see a more free flowing contact web where it's more transperant what the contact really want you to do. More rougish or more villainous arcs and some ability to pick and choose the way you want to travel.



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  3. 3 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

    Thank you guys!


    So... um... what's a MSR?


    (Why yes, I am the oldest noob on this server, I was there the first months on the official servers)

    And not noob. Newbie perhaps. But if you were there in '04 that's not accurate either. My old definition is a noob (n00b) is someone that doesn't want to learn, but a newbie is just a new player. 🙂



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  4. Sorry to see this happen to you Snarky (again). Personally I wouldn't run higher level stuff with a random PUG as several others have noted. Now I don't run any high level stuff since I don't want to risk having something that big get ruined by some moron.


    That said, I almost always PUG since I don't have a steady group to play with. I really enjoy PuGging since I like the randomness of it all. Usually pick up teams work just fine, but sometimes you get a group that doesn't work stellar. I find it kinda charming.



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  5. I'm just now running through the gold part of the game for the first time since forever. While in transit from one mission to the other, I tried to assist a poor PPD officer harassed by a member of the Destroyers. The Destroyer goon had a red threat box as expected, and the PPD officer had a yellow one. 


    I charged the destroyer and promptly defeated him (no AoEs used). I was kind of surprised when the PPD officer attacked me from behind, forcing my hand against him as well. As I'm following the loyalist path I figure this isn't the way it should work, but I'm not really sure on how the yellow threat boxes actually work as in the blue side of the game I only see them on Crey employees, and they deserve a good beating in any circumstance.


    Is this a bug? Or (probably more likely) me not knowing how stuff really works?



  6. There's a lot to say about why I love our City, but I think most have already been said. I'd answer a modified question: Why do I still play? Or why did I come back? 


    I came back for nostaglia since I from 2012 to 2019 kept searching for the same sense of home and not really finding it in any other game. When I got back to CoH it felt so familiar and welcoming. This time I brought my two boys with me. And since last weekend we all talked their mom into joining us! This is a woman that thinks Minecraft is difficult :). 


    It was very cool to play the four of us at once around the same table. 


    In the broader view of things I take this as a sign that this game has someting for everyone, and even if you take a break now and then you usually drift back to Paragon City or the Isles or even Praetoria for that matter. 



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  7. 4 hours ago, Luminara said:


    Yes, provided that something is lost.  There's no way in hell we'd be permitted to change a 10' radius AoE to 16' radius without paying for it in some way, at least in regard to offensive powers.  The radius of every offensive power is an important factor in its balance.  It's a lot easier to squeeze 10 targets into a 32' diameter sphere than into a 20' sphere, and that's one of the ways offensive AoEs are kept from becoming balance concerns.

    Well, I'd take that for granted. Was kinda thinking that a wider AoE would be lowed in damage and maybe tohit, higher end cost, stiffer recharge. 



  8. Cool!


    That's what I thought, but thanks for the confirmation. These changes are just for the player right? Wouldn't think it be ok for some random player to change anything for the entire playerbase.


    Is there som old gallery with examples of what the comunity has done with this?



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