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Everything posted by DavidWyeth

  1. I try to not get political in this game. For one thing I like a lot of different people involved in many different groups and many of them don’t get along. I really don’t know exactly what the fuss about this is, but I can only assume that it’s the number of people complaining about the voting feeling that the “best” base didn’t win. Well anytime you have several different items to pick from the winner will have less than fifty percent of the vote so that most of the voters don’t think it was the best base. That will always be the case. Did people vote for reasons other than what the base looks like? No doubt some people did. But that is how voting goes. I agree with Kartanian that this just isn’t fun anymore. There was a vote and a winner. It’s one category and popularity will be a factor in any people’s choice award period, no matter how many times you have a vote. I have entered many costume contests and I rarely ever see one of my top five picks even get mentioned, and at the same time I have won some contest myself. Not any of the official ones, but some of the community ones. Art is very subjective and not every likes the same thing. I will bet money more than 50% of the community disagrees with the judges’ choices too. When you have many options to choose from, the winner almost never gets fifty percent of the popular vote, which inherently means most people believe someone else should have one. People need to get over it. Applaud the winners politely, thank the judges for running the event and move on. It’s a game and I personally have had my fill of screams for revotes in the real world. I don’t need here too. Thank you but I voted once I don’t see a need to do so again. I am sorry that you must deal with this and appreciate your hard work.
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