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  1. Thanks! Already had the copy just didn't know the filename.
  2. ... so they are all still in the same location when I launch the game. Can anyone tell me what file do I need to move?
  3. Just starting it but I like it better already since the helpers actually can spawn up front. On the road tunnel it seems they only ever spawn in back so no real help. Thanks for the map #.
  4. Oh wait 54069 is new to me so I'll need to try it.
  5. Ya that was what I was seeing and it seemed better than the outdoor city farm as the mobs are still close enough to draw in from the closer ones. Decent trade off in my book. I'll need to try 54069 again I was coming up with better numbers on the one I created but maybe it was an odd run.
  6. So for the Smashing/Lethal I made a set of maps using the road tunnel that just make it easier to get in with whatever lowbies are tagging along so they don't get killed instantly. The enemies are the same build that AA uses on the asteroid map. Give it a try if you like 61170.
  7. It really just depends on your play style. I have a total of 113 lvl 50 characters between old live and Homecomming. Of those 23 are storm with 7 controllers, 7 defenders, 6 corruptors and 3 MM. The last was a Demon/Storm MM and it is a lot of fun. My favorite is my Illusion/Storm controller. If you want to feel like you are playing 2 controllers at the same time try earth/storm the havoc you can create is lots of fun as well just very hard to solo with it but great if you like to support your team.
  8. I'm late to this discussion but I have numerous lvl 50 stormies so here are my thoughts for whatever that's worth: Gale: Yes - I open almost every attack with it and at the least slot it with a KB - KD. O2 Boost: Skippable but if I take it I slot it with Preventative Med Chance for Absorb Snow Storm: I always take but just put a End Red in it. Anything to slow down an AV or EB and their neighbors is good. Steamy Mist: Yes! Slot with LoTG 7.5% and then whatever other great DEF or RESIST procs and their Resist/End counterparts work. Freezing Rain: Frankenslot this with various damage procs and a Recharge Red IO. It is the second power I cast after Gale. Hurricane: Situational but great, at least for me, in the right situation keeping in mind not to make a mess of everything for your melee teammates. Thunderclap: Skip Tornado: Again Frankenslot this. Lightning Storm: Love getting multiples of this out. Sometimes I'll put a KD proc in it and whatever set I feel the given character needs to help soft spots in stats. Have fun!
  9. Ah okay well that sucks. I wanted just to have 2 different color sets. Oh well.
  10. I have a Female Crab-Spider. When I went to the tailor all the other costume slots didn't show my main costume so I saved it and then selected slot #2. When I then tried to load the costume I just saved I get the attached errors and choosing "Attempt Fix" does not work. I also attached the costume file. Also you loose many of the parts you had and they are not selectable again so something about the initial build that isn't available later. Opilio.costume
  11. No the arrows on the tray that let you change to the next higher numbered or lower numbered tray. It would be fantastic to be able to lock that.
  12. Suggestion for new option that I see they are rolling out on one of the alternate servers is the ability to lock the trays so you can't accidently change them when playing. If I had a nickel for every time I've had that happen at a very bad time....
  13. Ya as an example right now I need to just remove a slot from a primary T4 power and move it to a power pool power and then add the proper IO to that power. So I think it would be great if there would be some way to do just that without having to pick all powers and assign all slots and IO's to just accomplish that simple change. Not saying it would be easy but it sure would be great.
  14. Not sure how still a Max of 6 slots per power and sets are specific to a power how could that be violated?
  15. It would sure be nice to be able to use a respec but get the option of starting with your character as is and then remove specific IO's and replace them. Or once the slot is empty move it to a different power and slot that power instead rather than having to start with picking everything again from scratch.
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