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Posts posted by Mitchman

  1. I may not be the best on advice, because i LOVE bio armor. Super interactive set for me.


    But, avoiding that set i have heard nothing but GREAT things about dark/shield Scrappers. Great ST and tanky, plus throw fireball in there and you got some pretty decent AOE. (want to make one myself)


    Also, flying under the radar i have heard good things about War Mace/ Energy. 


    No experience on any of these because all my scrapps are BIO lol



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  2. No expert by any means


    But, invul is a great set that can easily get you your softcap/resist numbers. I personally LOVE bio armor for the absorb, the self-heal, and the damage boost. But, it is extremely overplayed. I know radiation is also very very strong when it comes to a defensive set.


    As for attack primaries, my preference has always been SS but lately the Rage crash triggers me lol. I believe Claws, War Mace, Street Justice are all well-balanced versatile sets. Great ST, Good AOE. Titan Weapons is also very strong, but the slow buildups when you don't have Momentum are a drag.


    I always on any of my builds run fighting, leadership, Hasten, Hover or CJump.


    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    Well then judging by what you say here and judging by what you quoted in the post above that one, I must say you and I have a VERY different idea of what makes MMO's fun.


    You seem very content with facerolling everything as if this were some console game set on easy mode. I stopped playing Console games because I found MMO's were far more challenging and required teams (hence MMO) to work together and share our strengths to form a unified powerhouse.


    Then along came IO's. Now nobody needs anybody, this might as well be DCUO where it's practically a one player game. This game required everyone to pull their own weight and bring on their A-Game when this game first came out and that is why I believe most players loved this game so much. No matter what class you played, you made a noticeable contribution to the team. You felt needed and important. Players would actually go out of their way and thank you for your heals. Players would praise your bubbles, players would complement the Tanks and players would be more than happy to have a Controller bringing order to chaos. Now, players honestly couldn't be bothered with having a healer on their teams. "They are not needed and teams are fine without them" as some have been quoted saying.


    Once upon a time, this game promoted team play in a way that no other MMO offered with the classes involved that made a symbiotic relationship. Sure, some games had Tanks and Healers and Ranged and Melee DPS classes, but controllers set this game apart from others. Plus...it was heroes, not some boring dungeons and dragons copy paste. This game was unique, required a well rounded team and had a wow factor unlike any other. Now...not so much. Now we have one man armies that can faceroll just about anything and Defenders, Controllers and the likes get put at the kiddie table and feel completely useless.


    So I am glad you feel this game is now better with IO's and you are completely happy facerolling content with little fears, nothing to really put you on the edge of your seat; all the while feeling that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with a Troller soloing AV's. However, keeping everything that I said in mind, I must strongly disagree with you. In my strong opinion, this game went from being the absolute best game ever created, to a decent game that fell from grace almost overnight with the implementation of IO's.

    Eeeeesh chill out buddy..........

    • Like 1
  4. To follow up i had a two week break from work and i got to really test out Fire/Bio and TW/Bio Scrapps. 

    Solo'd around 14 or so AV's with them did not get the chance to take on some GM's. With that being said, they both worked relatively well. TW absolutely feels stronger and i will roll with that for the time being. Was able to do them most of the time without dagger and very little help of the Lore pets.


    As stated above each one was so much different some took -4 minutes some took 15+ minutes lol.


    Next up i think i will give Ice/Bio a whirl.


    Thanks 😄 

  5. I have some pretty decent experience with shield defense as well as bio armor.  (All the toons listed below i have sitting around at 50)


    Elec/SD - Huge Burst AOE, but like stated above it feels like a lot of the time i am sitting around hitting Bosses with EM's weaker ST damage.

    WM/SD - Consistent AOE, obviously not as strong as Elec's AOE but still has enough to get the job done. Good ST.

    Fire/Bio - Consistent AOE, with offensive adaptation on + fire sword circle i find it pretty entertaining to light everything on fire. Only negative i have with fire melee is there is so many abilities that just feel week compared to other scrapper primaries.

    TW/Bio- Their is a reason this is so overplayed, it has everything that fire lacks. With 3 "AoE" abilities and the knockup effect. The ST is nuts as well. I have kind of retired my fire/bio for this toon it just feels so much stronger. 

    Spines/Ice - A slept on build, Strong fun AOE, tanky as all get out, gives for a fun interactive primary and secondary. Lacks ST though as well.


    *Future Build*

    Ice/Bio- This looks like it could be a whirl, looks like a stronger version of fire perhaps? Stronger ST, with a 6 second "Ice Stomp" once slotted. Looks really really fun.

    DM/SD - Heard nothing but good things about this setup for an all around general content build.

  6. 3 hours ago, Gulbasaur said:

    They're both fine, although rad's Contaminated effect will probably give you less bang for your buck as it's designed for AoE damage. The -DEF is heavily resisted by AVs.


    Bio is the important one as it has -regen and +DMG. The -regen means your enemy will heal slower giving you a quicker effective "arrest" time. As long as your endurance doesn't run out and you don't get knocked out, it's just a matter of chipping away at them. 

    Thanks i appreciate the feedback. I am actually tossing the idea around of a War Mace/Bio scrapper. I have a TW/BIO scrapper fully slotted, i just do not like the sluggish playstyle. But, have fallen in love with BIO so this might be a quicker form of that almost. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, siolfir said:

    There are a few topics (threads) in the general AT section, but they're usually skipped over due to the shortcuts to the AT-specific sections from the home page.


    I was just directing you there since that's usually where people post builds, either for critique or to show what they've come up with, and your initial post said you hadn't seen any of those. There isn't really one "post all of your builds here" section, so it's all good.

    Thanks for the help, appreciate it fo real.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Mitchman said:

    My bad dudes sort of new to navigating these forums.

    Thanks for the feedback 😄



    But, also on the AT part of the forums i still find it a pain to navigate from AT to AT. So i thought it would be a half decent idea to let ALL AT solo builds and ideas to be posted here.

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