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Everything posted by Mark

  1. AFKing in missions from 1-30 is not a stupid walk in the park? Again, the same damage is already possible with P2W powers. The powers that you're complaining about having access to are the same damage as P2W powers at that level. One more time, it's the same damage with worse animations. Giving people access to their powers will not suddenly make them stupidly OP. The powers that you don't have access to while lower level can be swapped out with P2W powers for the same effectiveness but with a different animation. And it's not every player, new characters will still have to slot their powers normally. This change would be for the people who enjoy lowbie events. Literally nothing changes past Lv. 30ish.
  2. Can you please explain how having access to your powers in Posi 1 will change midgame specifically? Players are already supplementing missing damage powers (the ones that go away when you enter) with P2W powers. P2W powers are usable at all levels. It's the same damage with worse animations. Midgame is about 35ish? You have almost everything already anyway.
  3. You act like AFKing in an AE team, probably the most common way to level now, isn't already about that...but alright. If most of the population is already doing 1-30ish AFKing in missions, whats the problem? All it would do is give players a more interesting way to level up. Nobody should care past Lv. 35 because that's about when you get everything anyway.
  4. Can you please explain how having access to your powers in Posi 1 will change endgame specifically? Players are already supplementing missing damage powers (the ones that go away when you enter) with P2W powers. P2W powers are usable at all levels. It's the same damage with worse animations.
  5. Great Feedback. Excuse me for suggesting changes that would make a MMORPG more community driven.
  6. Yep I didn't have incarnates in mind, agreed there
  7. To each their own, I would find it fun so I suggested it. It wouldn't change anything for mid or endgame.
  8. Access to all powers at all levels after acquisition (maybe not Incarnates) and allow notoriery to be set on all TFs/Missions/Instances Everything past SBB feels like a race to leave your team behind and clear the objectives as fast as possible. My favorite missions are DFB, DIB, Posi 1+2, Yin and SBB because they require the team to spend a little time interacting with each other to figure out a good team pace. They don't take long and they allow players to focus on using their powers instead of trying to keep up with the person teleporting to the objectives. I understand everyone has different playstyles and my intent isn't to hinder anyone's fun. Having access to all the powers you've gained through 50 at all levels will only increase the fun for everyone. It might lead to more people running +4 DFBs or Posi 1-2s as a fun way to power level friends. Randomness: Can the shaking animation from Enflame and Spirit Ward be removed please? Speaking for myself, I've had tanks cancel them because of it. Vanguard MDC NPC by Ms Lib, +XP gain or some kind of temp buff on defeat, large aoe (a tiny +recovery please mayhaps?) edit: There would be no change to mid or endgame. People are already supplementing the missing damage powers at low levels with P2W powers. It's the same damage with a much more lame animation.
  9. From my experience, people have a negative reaction when these are used. I think it’s because it adds a pause to the team flow, especially if it’s a steamroll group. Everyone stops and waits for it to be over while giving the Defender side-eye. What if it was changed to a toggle? While under the effect, the enemy has high resistance but not invincible — so people who attack it without realizing it’s about to be shielded won’t rage at the user. Maybe 90% damage mitigation? It would then be useful for things like holding the 3rd DFB boss while the adds are handled or holding the angel adds in SBB. Could the shields stay up as long as your teammates are close? That way there’s no need to refresh every so often. Maybe start the cooldown if the teammate wanders too far. What if Clarity was changed into a trait that adds it’s effects to Barrier/Haven and/or Disruption Field/Dispersion Bubble? What if shields gave a little +Recovery?
  10. - Something fun that new players who are interested in PvP can jump right into after a few DFBs - Capped at Level 10 - 4 v 4? - Cool rewards/buffs that would encourage players of all levels to queue? Why level 10? I think it would be the perfect balance of skills in a PvP setting without being overpowered. The higher you level, the more jack-of-all-tradesey your character gets. Level 10 forces players into more defined roles.
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