i tried to create a very simple macro / keybind, so that when i press "1" on my keyboard, it will use an heavy ranged attack, and when this attack is in cooldown, it will use a light ranged attack that have a faster recharge rate
it did not worked, and when i tried to ask for help in this forum i was disappointed to discover that the game limits this
is possibile to create macro to make you dance after you kill an enemy, and makes you fly like superman, but not macro that reduces the number of keys you have to activate when you fight, as explained in this guide: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/The_Incomplete_and_Unofficial_Guide_to_/bind#Neat_Things_You_Can_Do_with_.2FBind
this makes the game pretty awkward for many classes:
the game was first designed to have a level cap of 40, no prestige powers, no temporary powers, no incarnate powers
in this conditions, the 20 powers a character gained from level 1 to lvl 40 were enough to be slotted in 2 lines, and be used in an effective way
but today a character at the top level have:
24 powers
4 incarnate powers that require activation
2 running powers
1 jetpack power (if you dont have fly)
3 prestige attacks (that come controllers still need at lvl 50)
1 power to rez when defeated
1 mission teleport
1 team teleport
1 secondary mutation, power
1 read the luck
1 vanity pet
1 animal form
many accolade powers that you can earn...
is a bit too much, for a game were you must activate each of this powers one by one
sentinels, tank, scrappers, brutes, stalkers, have many auto powers that dont require activation, and many toggles that you only need to activate once, then you can forget about
but dominators, controller, blasters, can be a mess
honestly, i don't see any reason to limit the game, and keep its control system awkward while it could be improved