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Posts posted by Jokaste

  1. I'm about to hit 50 on my Demon MM as well so I would be interested in hearing advice as well. The only one I've heard so far is to take Hell on Earth and then dump all of the unique pet enhancements into it, specifically the two def ones, the two res ones, the placate/taunt one and finish it off with a recharge IO just so you can use it more.

  2. Tactics does not provide accuracy it provides tohit.

    This is a good time to explain the difference.


    From my understanding, Accuracy is multiplicative whereas To-Hit is additive. So if an attack has a 75% Accuracy, then a 20% Accuracy boost will raise it to (75x1.20) 90% and a 20% To-Hit boost will raise it to (75+20) 95%.


    3. A Defensive IO is routinely placed on Protector Bots, why to boost what?


    Protector Bots will cast Force Field shields on the other robots and MM. (And possibly other players but I'm not sure, it's been a while.) The Def IO enhances that. Endurance reduction is also good for them since it affects the Henchman casts and they spend a lot of time buffing and healing, which suck up end. All this means that Protector Bots spend very little time doing damage and when they do, they don't do that much anyways, so Def/End (and maybe heal depending on how you feel about it) are typically better on them than Acc or Dam.


    While a lot of people are reinforcing the idea that you should just use Pines, Pine's isn't all that great for a few things, especially MM pets and explaining unique IO enhancements. MM pet powers literally just say "summon pet" and don't tell you anything about what that pet does or it's damage or hp. For that, I like to check in game. If you look at the info for any pet power or upgrade power then it will tell you what abilities that pet has/upgrade grants and even let you examine the abilities to see damage, accuracy, end cost, recharge and other values.

  3. Title. I was really enjoying my Ill/FF Controller while leveling but I just hit 50 and I feel absolutely useless. Was in a MLTF and even the 48 Brute was doing more than I was. I have like no damage and I can't CC any of the AVs, which seem to be the only thing that was giving anyone any degree of trouble. We were mostly Scrappers and Brutes and they would just wade right through groups of enemies without taking any damage at all. If any enemy even glanced at me I had to immediately use Personal Force Field or I would just get destroyed in 3 hits. Eventually all I was doing was sitting in invis and using Deceive but for some reason they even started attacking me after that. The only time I felt like I was contributing was with Phantom Army, Phantasm would get summoned and immediately 1-2 shot and Spectral Terror wasn't really worth using since nothing was ever in danger of killing anyone but me anyways.


    I was thinking about making a new Controller, pref Mind to get away from pets.

  4. I was having the same problem using CreamSoda, I downloaded Tequila as someone recommended and ran it from the same folder CreamSoda does and it updated the game, launched, let me accept the agreement and now I have no problems. If I had to guess, I'm guessing CreamSoda didn't get the message that the game was updated this morning.

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