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Trademarked Name

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Posts posted by Trademarked Name

  1. One word.....




    Let me tell you a story, and preface this that I completey forgot that ambushes were a "thing" in his game. I was doing a mish for someone in Founders Falls to do something about Countess Crey. I think I was supposed to go arrest her eventually, but I had to talk to someone in Indep. Port. about some evidence or something. I'm Lev 41 at this point. So I get on the tram to IP, but I didn't know if the contact was on the north or south side.

    ******SPOILERS FOLLOW!! If you haven't done the Countess Crey Mission, don't read the rest of this post!******

    So I randomly chose, the South terminal. I open the maps and of course the contact is north of the north terminal. I picked wrong as always!

    Realizing this, I go back into the tram entry to get to the north side (so I don't have to fly 2 miles north) and when I do, I see an odd thing out of the corner of my eye. As I run in past the entrance, leaning up against the giant map board in front is this soldier. He's got a big brimmed hat on like an army ranger, but he's all in this dark navy blue color and combat stuff in black. He's looking like he's sleep-standing pose.

    I think it's strange. I mean, I've seen masterminds leave their soldiers behind in tram stations, but usually they're collapsed in front of the monorail doors inside, not leaning non-nonchalantly against a mapboard at the front of the station. But literally it all crosses my mind in an instant, as I run in to catch the next train, and I forget about the oddball solder. So, I get off the north IP tram stop and fly to the contact that I was directed to. And as I'm reading the story line I see these blue flashes on the side of my screen. I didn't think anything of the blue flashes as sometimes when you're standing around talking to an NPC other heroes will come-up to you and may hit you with a buff to help you out, or their travel aura or other powers are glowing. So I'm thinking "someone's getting awfully close with their aura....either take a couple steps back or eat a breath mint. You know?...

    That's when I see it. My END is dropping like interest in baseball once your team is out of the running to win a pennant. I mean I am flat-lining! Some sapper is up in a tree hitting me with a blue drain beam. I'm almost at zero when I break off from the NPC just in time for 2 of his buddies also all in this same navy blue fatigues to start lighting me up with gun-fire! Before I get 30 feet away the sapper has jumped out of the tree and is on top of me with his stunner. My END is making the wub wub noise, and I'm getting NO response from my fkey INSP's I've got 4 Blues but nothing is happening because I'm stunned. Now my health is dropping like interest in Kathy Ireland when she hit the wall, and I'm about a hair's tick away from face-planting with these 3 dudes on me. I'm pounding the keyboard so hard, I figure i'm going to be shopping for a new one as soon as I shut-off the PC..I mean, I was enraged (not my toon. Me!) that's when just at that moment a green kicks in to effect! Then a Blue...I manage to blast/knockback the sapper while still taking damage from his buddies and emptying my INSP tray. but once the sapper was gone, I made short work of the other 2.

    It turns out, they're Malta Operatives. I look them up online and I'm getting mad. Why are these lev 42 enemies jumping me in IP. This is way too low level a zone for lev 42 randos! And Malta has nothing to do with Crey as far as I can tell. So I'm looking up "ambushes" in COH and then remember it's "a thing" and that sometimes people will get ambushed and run away from it, leaving the spawned ambush for other players to deal with. so now I'm mad because I think some jerk hero has spawned these guys in the same area as me and I got stuck cleaning up some weasel's mess.

    I was so mad I could chew nails.


    Then, I came across the story arc for the Countess Crey missions, and I wanted to read it through in case I missed any of the story line (I really like the story lines in COH's. I know I'm lame.) When I read that Countess Crey sends a hit team of MALTA OPS guys after you when you accept this one part of the mission arc. Do you see what i'm saying? CREY sent a hit team after me because I was on her tail and almost going to arrest her. That was the instant I went from being enraged to realizing...City of Heroes...




  2. First off, thank you for bringing this back. It's wonderful. I would hug the devs/gms if I could.


    Can I request smaller teleport pads/devices. Is there a reason they're so darn big?

    The arcane ones are annoyingly loud and all of them are massive. I've done the trick where you use a handscanner (BTW, LOVE handscanner) and then use a interdimensional shard nested in the wall within/around it. so you can click on the scanner to teleport, but couldn't there be a version of the wall-mounted handscanner (a small wallbox) that's clickable/usable with aux devices? Also, not really calling the shard "small" but there is no small teleport power in arcane like the shard.

    I'm not sure what I'm suggesting exactly, but something small that works with arcane beacons like the shard. Or just something small (like a hand-scanner) that is an all-in-one item you can mount on a wall that isn't 20' x 20' x 20'. Or just make it so that the shard works with arcane beacons as well as tech ones? Maybe someone who is more "arcane" knowledgeable can recommend suitably "mystic". (small floating eyeball that bobs a bit maybe? It's looking to see if you're okay to pass.) Just not one that is 40' tall.


    Also, NPC vanity pets like the snowman (especially if you do frozen room graphics), the demon pet and Rikti monkey for the base? I like the dogs, but maybe those or a cat? This is just pipe-dream stuff, mind you.


    Also, I know that a couple of people are asking for customizable NPCs, but how about just NPCs that don't change height, color, hair style, clothing etc. whenever you exit and enter the base. I have a new receptionist every time I go in my base. I feel like I'm on Murphy Brown. (80's show reference). I don't need 50 types of people holding a coffee cup, just one that is not changing constantly.


    Also, someone mentioned the "animated" armor from the Midnighters. I'd like any and all of the armors from midnighters; samurai, knight, centaurian, etc. That would be sweet. Or more of some "trophy" stuff other than the "big bads" like...my group would NOT have arachnos's helm or the keyfob of the clockwork king, or whatever. But some lieutenant people you may defeat early on in the game would be cool.


    Also an empty display case in a couple of sizes to stick things in. That way you could stick a skull inside of one and then say that it's "Tinder's skull" from DFB, or an axe in one and say it's the axe of some former hero that has retired or passed on.


    Also, Text plaques. You know how you have plaques around the city, when you click on them a bunch of historical/back story stuff pops up. Something like that where we could type in our own "This is the jock-strap of the team's most famous hero; Track-star! Known for giving minor villains in the 20's the run-around!" Also...Small plaques, please. They don't need to be 10' x 10'. The size of a book would be pretty awesome to me.


    Thank you!






    Heraclea got this damned thing US government surplus.  Whatever it is, it's dangerous, so even if it is covered in gold it was no bargain.  The Latin says cave faciem, 'look out for your face'; there have been incidents.  I'll spare you the details.  Heraclea says that there is some crazy man from Excelsior, wherever that is, who is desperate to get his hands on this thing, so it's important that we guard it closely. 


    I know this is being pedantic, but I think "Cave faciem" translates to "beware of your facing" or perhaps "beware of which way your facing" or even meaning "beware face-plants". "Cave Canum" for instance translates to "beware of dog") and faciem means "facing" as in directional facing for which way something is pointing. I believe "watch-out for your face" would be more in the vein of "Defende Faciei" (defend [imperative] your face [visage/appearance]). Though, "beware of face-planting" does seem appropriate for me when I try to run story arcs solo and I get to an underboss. If you are married to using cave, you could go with "Cave Incendium" <-beware of fire!

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