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  1. Any suggestions or comments would be fully welcome I've only got a vague idea as to what i'm doing |MBD;23770;1439;1920;BASE64;| |G9lcAKyKx/lXLKSkJLigx4yXS5GuPS0nUx6NA2GSfH4rdyu9frcZiSFZuvpahwWkq9N| |WKY/eTFqgn9Kn5NlUo6ree0+XrlldjYg9SdARsABnf7//tdd4i++5rLERdmnCpLjECq| |fwuq5bFxBqZYGEQXQ+0a6z6t0pfTCqcT1R621lXAshY9r9oP4a1LcBQ1wBO35ijkWRU| |9GXN3+Ys8EhI/9uYvewFmR+S4PXm1ePCXBEmm+QliQX+HHsD6O2OM/ft10YroaIliPv| |A2j3ZPPzOMVwFrk8npPmlCJ5zuRTegv+Z4s3rOJjF8N+ES8uf8fg8YT1SCJi9bjsFZX| |Nz6CHaBwObP5i9Hprq6/0H4jveAri426yNdwF180Pi16S1pvonvyyqGMuWa9twVP6Nl| |LcpFPrS4MfaR44w/zB6SuWfbVhJyNtTCx8HjwyTbNLsp61VQXbqYiW6efmp4rrX1xiQ| |BE7boT36LTwDnN6i8vvJzbxaXYhYPWqXvkvMZ63qrULOh/0xiXnEky3HFTPqaVtgSXj| |7vDfKUMfzg8+CoNOKx2RNFHaBtKynFGUDZz2ntigu6GF5qe05vs49pGuLfqBdeRZl57| |+Dn8gVebEkCMyfzM/JDes/q1o7/fSLcPfknzvwR0HFGG4ljtWFKilulaZsuvPaHAKfX| |hTHlJsqyfpww9UTDVytNg131H6+uu4rXMyzn+rt2ZdDMGF1/kdfTYLZ9eJ9coRVkUDQ| |2ydigInDIH7DE9hulfaAFximJVTV/A0KDmNrHJecnOmqghhVSQwwpKk2Sq+kHi7becs| |mF3CNYY9ObEmpMQOJKnE8Z389yaeLb93Loph4x23MdxRdb/9Gfod9L9AG9+7Iign+Yc| |LGClrT4U5lu+4i+H9ByRHdHlAA5GLU3zR0IMTW1mDQmogM2grUIIa8KIM1nZEdYO7JS| |pnAUe4yREm1rU5I93puqCVHrlKYj0NDLBaehIUEaRP5uIQXVGxUSsT3HK1JqVKyGsnS| |CnLKM3F5eu8ArBNtWFvowo8Ds6iDfrXX07ROGWkGNpsxXMdudUMoJdnBSx0FS8xZAYD| |r0obWmrE53GEqmUYFHlpdtiA9Y+lXpYTYuZaa5qZIhjgtfh2IDDC6wLF1LQO6JxzKt7| |gB5u2gCMAxEpFSWrvLjeM8WBQBvMSy+KINVm3D2AiUr+BiWFW0OTTOPy/Uuc1wsIQW6| |eiQAmCUmpmrmwx4DclWL8mwtx3N72qwbixAjbKekLcYJU0JxKPTf2gFTz1Grgx3K/3+| |8QQWNGE2OHRc4Mh6om77BoLmMATo4y38W2byp9iJ9G1yifwoua+ByuXp8QwwGrrSfQU| |CoVN4zPP9augixXVhOmd9WOmJctvxFXSKElghL0Dj0Xn1A5wCwBMDPOwbazoZZh2PSE| |rb50qDkfn/v62dIiNzG7gQttaS6HsEbxDUOUTDyQ3cLj8b0z9KHLA621SO1qHJnfTE1| |mdefo+GrTRx0dFF+AM+WUt58OI26MrFUtPR99+eRgPz3NgY9gXDk+pcEt35q/uRUhdy| |ytr2GecH3jAM2O58YhnwPLgBfoQPOOZMLzxHt+GacduEs2nB8ENXqd0W7nlurv18cx9| |2crsVHqxPowfjifV5aNRfvUod5FhjN1DAcFW6CnEr2o6fMFOvHPDYOfsh5krlarXJPj| |I9ktqlq+sZI2XeewqcJHBbyqr5Eog2S6ZuyZ7D6pmiFXYOJEHYOIrSf+vnnfDepOjGj| |jL/mXPaV8xFPe7EVjrwn1J7Q/Exh3sDm04/zPr6xbjJLk9rEhYB+Va8AdwSHBXWW3L3| |SCNF+diWasrb3V6keqSeKDQAg9Cbs0A7Zdf/LxsVSdnUZnMhQX313jn/rfZVxhC5Iag| |5bzOYVzYbnGZI81qSQXxHU0ewkqDg8+FBqRy/qG78QY=| Dominator (Plant Control - Fiery Assault).mbd
  2. Thanks for all your inputs!
  3. Unfortunately just finished building a Marine corrupter so not looking to make a new one right off the bat, but I'll give time a try, thanks for your input!
  4. On live I had a Demons/Nature Afinity MM towards the end of the game and it was one of the most fun characters I've ever played, as well as one of the strongest. I'm looking to do another MM but having trouble picking, and was hoping you guys could give me your thoughts! I've got a few combinations in mind... I'm thinking one of these Necro/Cold Dom or Beast Mastery/Cold Dom Mercenaries/Elec Affinity Thugs/Rad Ninjas/Kin or Time or just do Demons/Nature again From my understanding Ninjas are quite weak and easily killed, but I'm willing to take the gamble with kinetics anyways 🙂 Just wondering what some thoughts from other players might be?
  5. Zakkon1

    Dark Armor?

    I have a sort of hate hate hate relationship with dark armor, I played it before set bonuses were a thing and I played it shortly after they were released, and it never performed optimally for me (I was a SS/Dark Armor brute who never had an ounce of endurance to spare in a time before incarnates) but lately I've been thinking of trying to build it again. I haven't built a melee character with a resistance set in a few years, should I go for S/L defense cap on a Savage Melee/Dark Armor brute? Should I frankenslot for S/L resist bonuses instead? I've been playing with a couple builds but as I said, I've no idea how people build now a days and was wondering what some Dark Armor users thought.
  6. Playing a Sonic/Storm Corr right now who's al ot of fun, but doesn't hold a candle to the earth/storm controller I had back on live Stone Cages does -knockback so you've no need to put KB to KD IOs in, and you can watch tornado rip enemies apart. The combined to-hit debuff of Hurricane and Earthquake on AVs will make your team untouchable if it isn't already.
  7. Zakkon1


    Thoughts? Anything I should change? Mastermind - Ninjas - Time Manipulation.mxd
  8. Thanks for the thoughts!
  9. Looking for some input on my newest build; honestly would like to fit in weave, maybe, but not sure how. infiltration is just a filler power, and slightly for conceptual reasons, I realize it doesn't stack with superior invis, and likely take afterburner instead. I'm also having trouble deciding between energy primal forces and soul mastery, energy transer vs soul drain. I haven't done a build in a long while, so please let me know your thoughts. nowya.mxd
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