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Everything posted by TheFightingCanadian

  1. As the title says, the current arrows are hillariously large and are all the same color. Sure alternate arrow tips would be cool, but id be happy if we could get their size reduced by 50%
  2. Oh I would kill for a whip melee power for scrappers!!!!!
  3. I would love more chest emblems. Are these pretty simple.static art pieces? Perhaps a contest to have folks submit player created emblems to get 10-20 new ones added a few times a year?
  4. Oh.....and their mask/helm :)
  5. Can we get the Hero 1/One cape added to capes? We need more options to showcase national pride and patriotic heroes from around the world. Champions Online has flag capes for most countries. Thank you!!
  6. I would love it if you could create a simple option, like salvage sorting has, to sort inspirations. Thank you :) I know there are macros, but imagine if every QoL that has come before was never made, instead a guide to macros was offered. Eww. Thank you for all you do!!
  7. Character - The Fighting-Canadian Account - @Fighting-Canadian Battle Cry: Behind me! I will be your shield! upload
  8. Thank you for all the work! We all appreciate being able to come home. Thanks for the homecoming
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