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Posts posted by OmegaX123

  1. 5 hours ago, Luzion said:

    FAQ Can NCsoft shut COH down and the answer was yes. I will not play a game that NCsoft has anything to do with. I love the game. I will leave on my terms not having it ripped from under me again.

    NCSoft could always shut any of the rogue servers down. It's called a Cease and Desist Order. Now that HC is officially supported and licensed it's less likely that they will.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Lorak_Vanadius said:

    Sorry to keep bugging you. After a few tries I made some progress and this is what I see now. the problem is that, for example, I would say that vidiotmaps does not work ingame


    (Image removed for brevity)

    Did you click "Add To Launcher" before launching the game? That installs the files, I believe, just putting them in the Install list only makes them ready to install.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Amaterasu said:

    I was on Virtue!

    Fellow Virtuite! (That's Virtue-ite, not Viltrumite, in case the similarity in spelling causes confusion)
    I guess with it being the Unofficial RP Server (the Everlasting of pre-Sundown), and the most populous server in general towards the end especially, it's not too unusual to find more of us out there. Though I really wish I could find some of my old teammates from Terata (the monsters-as-heroes SG) or Young Phalanx (the Teen Titans/Young Justice or Young Avengers of the Freedom Phalanx)...

  4. Title. I recall a thread with a bunch of unique build ideas like combining and resizing parts to make various things that were never meant to be in SG/VG bases technically, like pianos and shelving and stuff. Unfortunately I don't remember its name, and it doesn't seem to be updated recently enough to be on the first page of the subforum. So I'm looking for either that thread, or any new tips people have figured out for base building.

  5. 22 hours ago, Psi-bolt said:

    money sinks of the P2W vendor

    Most of the stuff that was Veteran Rewards on Live are free at the P2W. It's only stuff like specialized movement modes (aside from Ninja/Beast/Athletic, those are free too, so basically the shapeshift ones and the 'using a hoverboard or magic carpet' type ones), extra origin powers (you get the one that goes with your origin + 1 for free at P2W, but any more than that you have to pay for), and temp powers and such that are 'money sinks' (and yeah, some of those temp powers were Veteran Rewards iirc, so yeah, some of the old Vereran Rewards are a money sink).

  6. On 1/11/2024 at 5:18 PM, Azari said:

    My toons on live suuuucked. 😛 they can stay dead.

    This! The only toon from Live I had any loyalty to was M2, aka (as mentioned earlier in the thread) Manticore Jr (unofficial nickname, I know there was another Manticore Jr running around on Live that had that as his official name [EDIT: Might have just been Manti Jr, because of the 'NCSoft character names' restriction], we were in the same SG, Young Phalanx), hence my remaking him not once but twice on HC, his NC-verse self as a hero and his displaced HC-verse alternate as a villain. Him and the robot that bore my name, OmegaX, who I played on Freedom as part of Freedom Reborn (the SG made by and comprised of hero versions of the forum identities of the members of the Freedom Force game modding forums of the same name).

  7. Congrats to the team from me and all of my toons, especially the one(s) I brought back from the official servers (via remaking, of course), the two versions of M2 (aka Manticore Jr), the heroic one (M2 Reborn) who came from the old pre-Sundown universe and the villain one (M2 the Fallen) who operated as a hero in the HC universe until the NC universe version came and stole his thunder. I haven't played in a long time, and especially on those two, but it feels like really coming home, now that it's all above-board.

  8. No matter what my character concept is, I can always find a SG or just a group of people who have similar concepts and are welcoming to people outside their existing circle, and if I can't, then I can make one and at least a few people will show interest (the only problem with that last option is that IRL stuff and other games take up enough time that I can't maintain an SG, and I have zero experience leading one anyway so I don't trust myself doing it).

    • Like 1
  9. I've been away from the Isles for far too long. (And I don't remember either of my vampires' names, though I know they were both WoD-inspired, and one was a Jiang-Shi). I've missed the smell of the place, as odd as it may sound. You may yet find me stalking the streets once more, very soon.

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  10. All my monster type characters a)were heroes in the Terata SG back on live, and b)were lost to the void when Sunset happened and the original Virtue-verse was destroyed. Unfortunately I don't have any concepts or even ideas that would work there, my current 'monster'/'fae'-adjacent characters are just a couple vampires (one of whom is canonically new to the Rogue Islas and a Japanese 'import', the other is new to his vampirism, just turned in the 80s) and a hero fae who mostly just runs an extradimensional neutral ground club similar to what DJ Zero has going but different in many ways (Club Valhalla, which since I've been away from the game, has been unmaintained and still sits in 'open during construction/renovation' status). I do hope you find someone to take up the role, though.

  11. Name: Terata
    Alignment: Hero/Vigilante
    Roleplay Friendly: Yes
    Discord: None yet, will edit when I have one set up
    Recruitment Message: "Monsters" of Paragon City (and I'm not talking about Lusca, Jack-In-Irons, or any of those sorts) unite! For too long have we been treated as second-class citizens, or worse, pests. Seriously, just the other day I saved a woman from muggers and she immediately called out to a passing hero to beat me down! I mean sure, lady, I may look scary when Umbra is taking the wheel, but I just freakin' saved you from those guys, maybe take a context clue?

    Anyway, yeah, getting off-track. Umbra (that's the shadow-beast living inside me, if you were wondering) tells me that in some parallel Paragon there was a group of "monsters" who banded together to protect the city from the real monsters, and I thought that sounded like a sweet plan. So. Terata. I think it means "monsters" in like, Greek or something? I dunno, that's the name Umbra gave me to call it, said it was what they called themselves in that parallel city. I'm registered and all that, this isn't just a pipe dream, it's happening. Or it will, if anyone signs up besides me. If you're interested, leave a note here, or look up "Enshadowed" (that's me!) and talk to me.


    ((The basic concept is similar to what the original Terata was back on Virtue in the pre-sunset days. Monsters (mostly movie-monster inspired, but they had, and I hope to as well, some inspired by comic books - both monstrous villains and heroes as well as fringe cases like Jackie Estacado from "The Darkness" - and original monster and monster-adjacent themes) fighting on the side of the proverbial angels. RP or at minimum RP-friendly, no goal from a gameplay perspective other than to experience content, both official and fan-made (AE, publicly-shared SG bases, etc), as a group, and maybe some fun RP sessions. Would like to recruit someone with some base-building experience, I have ideas - with some wiggle-room for what anyone else who joins might want within reason - but not the skill to execute them. Also I'm a fairly inexperienced SG leader, so someone with some experience in that regard would be nice. Like the in-character portion of the post said, drop a DM to me here or find "Enshadowed" in-game if you're interested.))

  12. @LuminaryI sent you an in-game email (assuming your global handle is @Luminary), I tried to /t but I don't know if it went through because I didn't get any feedback from the game. I'm offline now, but after the weekend (I'm going to a friend's place for the weekend), if we cross paths in the Isles you can invite me if you so wish.

  13. Love a good community base, and yours is pretty awesome, though I'm only speaking from the screenshots so far. I can only hope that Club Valhalla will one day be even half the Paragon (pun intended) of community base awesomeness that this one appears to be. Though I need to either brush up on my techniques or hire/recruit a co-builder who knows how to build a building out of the available parts once the build area has been 'jailbroken' using the build outside the box trick.

  14. I kinda want to get one of my groups involved (assuming I can get myself back into an active state to make it worthwhile), but none of them fit the concept of being at a recruitment event for SGs (Young Exemplars are meant to be a team of former sidekicks like the Teen Titans/Young Justice or Marvel's Champions, Takamoto Industries is a tech firm that happens to secretly harbor a team of armored heroes so they'd be more at home at a regular job-fair type thing, and Club Valhalla is a nightclub rather than a SG so they'd be more likely to recruit by taking resumes at the club itself)... I might build a new character to attend as a prospective member, at least, though.

  15. I'm moderately decent at base building, and have relatively well mastered even the 'build outside the bounds' method if you wanted an outdoors area around the base (though if you do accept my help/membership I'd probably need to work with someone else on the building if you did want an outside area and wanted the base itself to resemble a standard vampire haunt like a crypt or a Victorian mansion or something, because I'm not the greatest at building buildings from scratch, you can look at Club Valhalla (in my history, one of the threads I started, there's a base code to visit) for proof of that. I don't have a character who would fit in yet (I play mostly blueside, but could throw together a leech-themed villain), but if you could use my help, then I will.

  16. I never played a catgirl/catboi on Live, but a)being more into anime (both the tame and a little bit of the less tame side) than I was then, and b)with the drastic drop in numbers (seriously, Paragon City Hall, surely they should be on the endangered species list by now!), I've actually thought of bringing a nekomata or nekomimi type character into my roster. And I have sorely missed Pocket D RP, though from what I heard the quality of it was dropping from 'good' to 'mostly erp' (which can still be good, but the way I hear it, it really wasn't) even back in sunset days on live...

  17. There's a new one I'm forming (I believe it was "Young Exemplars" I chose as a name, as a nod to Marvel's Champions, teen heroes 'fighting the bad guys our way, not theirs'), but I'm not as active as I was back on live, though with this sg and a desire to start up Girl Gadgeteer's Takamoto Industries again (plus, if Young Phalanx isn't taken, wanting to revive my old main on live's sg, in which case that would be another teen sg, more of a nod to DC's Teen Titans and Young Justice), I may be trying to be more active in the coming while.

  18. And yet another one I ended up missing due to irl concerns... I even parked the character I was going to enter with right in Statesman Plaza, in full samurai garb (having spent a costume token to do it, so I guess now that particular member of the Sigma flight crew is doomed to be the 'Feudal Japan obsessed wannabe samurai' at least until I make some decent INF or get another costume token) about an hour before the contest, too, just had to log off for irl reasons and ended up not getting back in time.

  19. I suppose if that's the case I can either bring a different character or use one of the costume slots I think I still have available on 'their' character to create a traditional look for one of the crew and just not bring out the 'big guy'. I've missed out on all the costume contests so far, between real-life obligations and a broken computer, so I'm hoping I can a)make it and b)find a way to squeeze one of my characters into the theme for this one.

  20. So for anyone not from the region, or from here but living under a rock/whose only involvement in the geeky world is via our second home here, there's a convention in Halifax, Nova Scotia, that's been an annual occurrence in the fall for nearing 10 years now, called Hal-Con. I've noticed a few conventions, both in the Live days and under the new private server overlords, having either official or unofficial impromptu meet-and-greet sessions for Paragon/Rogue Isles folks, so I thought I would broach the subject with regards to my own annual traditional con.
    I don't know how many of us are from the region/plan to be here in October, and how many of those people either have Hal-Con tickets or the funding to procure said tickets (though if you're in the area/going to be around that time, and are into geek culture in general and not just our game here, then it's worth considering, as some of the guests attending this year are pretty high-caliber - though one of the high-caliber guests had to cancel because of previous commitments on Marvel's Runaways), and I don't officially represent the convention on any level so if anything like this became a thing it would be an unofficial thing rather than on the official schedule, but I thought I would gauge interest and plant the seeds.

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