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Posts posted by OmegaX123

  1. The only part of that that my SG, Takamoto Industries, doesn't live up to, is the Active part, and that's mostly down to a combination of lack of members and my RL obligations. If I get more members and the SG starts being more active before you find a group, you're welcome to apply, if you have/don't mind rolling characters with science/technology backgrounds (preferably armored, but anything sciencey works, after all, during "Superior Iron Man", Tony took in briefly a Gamma-powered kid - granted it was Happy's kid and also beneficial to him, and that's why his inverted personality was cool with it, but it still counts - so why wouldn't a SG founded by an Iron Man-inspired character allow similar?).

  2. To save your password, it would have to store it either in a file on your computer (which a smart hacker with a RAT/backdoor could get access to), or in a salted hash on the server (which would lead to further accusations of misdeed on the part of the GMs by people sowing FUD/trying to drive the community either away from CoX's Phoenix Force-like resurrection or at least to some of the more vanilla-like servers like Rebirth, Reborn, /coxg).

  3. (SNIP, lots of text)

    I think you replied to the wrong thread. You probably want the patch notes thread, this one is discussing the User Agreement (and has apparently shifted to a discussion on whether Homecoming GMs are stealing our money and personal info or just taking donations to cover server costs and getting our email addresses and IP addresses for the usual reasons they're needed, ie to register an account, and so the devs can ban/IPban someone who does something deserving of one).

  4. You also almost had Sam "Strippin" Thorne, former Yogscast member and current husband of Brooke Leigh "Dodger" Lawson, as well as a pretty popular streamer in his own right, along with Octopimp (I think it was him, it was someone they kept calling Octo and that wasn't even part of his character name), ItMeJP, Gmart, Dodger herself, and a few others, but within minutes of starting, their audience (or so they believed at the time, not sure if that's actually the case) started joining and brought the server down so they switched (temporarily, since that server changed its name and moved to Europe) to the at-the-time new server.

  5. Anyone who STOPS the donations, rather than let them keep piling in with half-assed promises to keep them for later use? They've got a long way to go for me before I start hanging them up on the conspiracy line.

    THIS so much. The fact that they explicitly and deliberately open up donations only for a set amount of time or funds, whichever comes first (as I understand it), and literally shut down the donation link when that is hit, making it literally impossible to donate to them after they hit that point unless you go full stalker-mode and track down the personal PayPal/Patreon/whatever of one of the team members and send them money directly, speaks volumes about their trustworthiness. They're not taking all the money we want to throw at them, they're taking a set amount to cover predicted server-related expenses and a bit for emergency funds, and they're not forcing people to pay in order to play, they're allowing people to help fund the servers if they so choose, and only until a certain funding goal is reached.

    EDIT: In short, they're a damn sight better than "Skyrim Together's" team, at the absolute least.

  6. ((I'm trying out that whole thing of forum-posting your characters' stories and anecdotes that I've seen people like Coyotekid's Stone Dragon, Colette Valiant's Ascendette, and the original Ascendant (may his player RIP, from what I've heard) on the live-servers' forums doing. This is an 'inspired by' character, I'll see if you can figure out who/what by after reading this chapter. On a side note, does anyone else think the double-parentheses to denote OOC chatter in an RP context is just a little too close to the triple-parentheses antisemites use as a dogwhistle to identify and call out Jews and people they think are Jews? Just a random thought.))


    "Finally! Ginger!" The strange man cried out as he suddenly and spontaneously appeared in Atlas Park, eyes rolled slightly up to look at the hair hanging in his face. He raised his hand to his chin. "And a beard! Interesting."


    "Still got both legs... Arms, check..." He seemed to be doing a semi-out-loud tally of his body parts. "Looks like we're all good. Now then, where have we landed this time?"


    The newcomer glanced around, looking for someone or something. "Wait... Where is...?" Worry rose in his voice as he continued. "Oh no... No no no... SHE'S GONE!" He collected himself as best he could. "Well... Looks like we're stuck here for now, then. Now, exactly where is 'here'?"


    ((Sorry it's short this time, after that (plus a random stranger using Mystic Fortune on me, which wasn't planned for but was loosely worked in to some small degree), I pretty much slipped quietly ooc, headed to the P2W vendor to pick up whatever free stuff I felt went with him, registered a supergroup in order to have housing, and built it, and by the time all that was done I noticed the sun was coming up, it was already 6:30 in the morning.))


    ((Character specifics are Mercs (for reasons that might be obvious if you know who he's inspired by, it had to be Thugs, Mercs, or Ninjas. I actually don't remember if he was Mercs or Thugs but I'm pretty sure it was Mercs)/Time MM, Blueside obvi since he appeared in Atlas, Science origin, and not much more to tell. Costume will be posted in a screenshot in the next chapter or as a comment to this before I rp/write/post next chapter, because I forgot to grab one last night. Suffice to say, it's pretty eccentric but I think it's cool personally.))

  7. Takamoto Industries is using this (I really should put a bookshelf door or three on the wall where the secret entrance to the Paragon Armor Defense Squad - "A Suit of Armor Around the City" - section of the base, which is not a separate SG that shares the base, just my personal name for the 'night job' of the TI employees :p ), but I never thought to grab screenshots to show how it's done.

  8. I talked with a friend...we tried running it at a lower, old school setting but that didn't take either. And he worked on the original game at NCSoft!

    A little off topic, but I assume this friend doesn't currently work at NCSoft in any capacity? Otherwise we'd pretty much have some level of an answer (unless the friend is/was a Cog or a Sprocket and not a Prince :p ) re: whether this is sanctioned (or at least tolerated in some official capacity) by NC, I'd imagine.

  9. The most untrustworthy thing, that i cannot understand, besides covering up expenditures, is the fact they have allowed the same person who lied to us for 7 years be allowed to be part of the team running the server in any capacity.  I was waiting to play after the whole BREE nonsense, but the fact he’s here means I won’t play here.

    Leandro (whom I assume you're referring to) has repeatedly stated, in this very thread, that neither he not any members of the S.C.o.R.E. team (the aforementioned 'person(s) who lied to us for 7 years') are part of the Homecoming LLC (the aforementioned 'team running the servers'). They're either just playing, or in some cases working on backend code stuff, nothing to do with the servers themselves.

  10. I think I remember Raptor from the FR forums, unless I'm just crazy, but it's possible that either you joined the SG after I semi-abandoned Freedom in favor of Virtue, or we were just never on at the same time, because I don't remember Capt. Consuit. Nonetheless, wholeheartedly agree that it's good to see some of the old crew around.

  11. I did this trick to create a simple in-base network. I used the police boxes, colored blue of course. Then I set them against the wall to conceal the beacons. And thus, I have an in-base TARDIS network.

    Ooh, I think when I finally roll my /Time character I've had brewing in my head for a few days, that's what I'll do.

  12. I keep checking back to this thread to see if any old Young Phalanxers (not Teen Phalanx which I have seen, we were a separate group with a similar concept apparently) check in, but still nothing... Though I have seen a lot of names I remember from either in-game or the old forums.

  13. First, /sign

    Second, THERE'S MOUSELOOK MODE?! I don't know if I forgot that from live, I didn't know that on live, or it was added by the new team, but this is info I could use (if the dialogyes/dialogno fix is implemented and works with /bind), I find q/e turning (and particularly how imprecise and jerky it is) rather annoying, especially when I'm trying to aim myself directly at a mission/location waypoint.

  14. I hope they open the holiday events, but if they do, I hope they only do it during the appropriate times of the year.  And if that's the case, maybe we'll see the Summer Blockbuster event pretty soon - unless it's already on and I'm missing it as I type...

    Summer Blockbuster Double-Feature? On now as we speak, I noticed on my sole post-20 character yesterday (I don't know what level you have to be to access it, but it 'wasn't there'/was hidden probably due to underleveled-ness when I created a character today or the day before yesterday, but it was there on my 20+ yesterday).

  15. Update to my post above (just making it a new comment so people see it):

    Takamoto Industries now has a Discord presence. If you would prefer, you can join here and post an application in the Applications channel (there's a format posted in the Welcome channel that it would be preferable for you to use, though not enforced, just because it'd make it easier for me to sort through all applications and find people who are a good match to both theme and playstyle).

  16. Huh. I could have sworn there was a costumes board before. Maybe I'm thinking of chat channels in the Discord? Either way, /sign, I always forget to take screenshots or save costume files, but for one thing this might help me remember to do that, and for another I'd like a place without having to go to the /r/cityofheroescostumes on Reddit or the chat channel on Discord to see other people's work.


    EDIT: Typo. I swear I'm not a pothead (even though it's legal here in Canada now), so I don't know why 'help' decided to turn into 'hemp'.

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