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Thoughts from someone who dove into this fully, almost two years ago. Played CoH from the start (live) and played a lot of Homecoming, but was a casual RPer. Then finally went in deep. Crystal Dragon's list is great. I'll add: Look for RP mission groups. Sometimes just a little chat between and in missions will get you a connection. TAXI-4000 is my fav transit base. Pocket D is good, but sometimes hard to make longer term connections. Clubs are good but can get very loud (lots of conversations overlapping). Consider changing your "/listenrange" to something below 50. Bartenders at clubs can be a good source of information. Dance floor is often a "group dance" ("The dance shape" as it is sometimes called). Have your ID/description filled out, including the fact that you are interested in RP. Some hooks in your backstory can sometimes lead to discussion points. As I was told many years ago on the Live RP forums: Don't be too pushy. Start casual. Day-to-day type stuff that might go on in your character's life. Work school..."my super-suit still smells like the sewers". Bring a story - you may have to drive conversation or prompt questions about yourself. Most of all, good luck, have fun. Welcome to our crazy corner of the internet.
written with American Valor PCU-Stone-Craft Pizza Tori gathered up her things and pocketed her phone and headed across the quad with Max. As the two walked Max checked Tori out again it was second habit to him he did it without thinking twice. She had a strong tomboy vibe going on similar to J-Tom a little less fat if that was possible, mostly as she put it flat chested, Jenn wasn't much bigger both woman were very athletically built. "So for the record Jenn is Irish, and has a very mean right hook. I mean if we were an item then I bet you punch out anybody who challenged your claim, not that I'm claimed or anything" Max said still smiling. Tori chuckled. “Max, you have to understand. I fight for a few very specific reasons.” She holds up her fingers as she counts them off. “First, to protect people. Second, to defend myself. And third, for fun and challenge. And that third one is a distant third, but I do like testing my skills.” She looks Max over. “Plus, if we were dating and someone was hitting on you, then I’d hope for a three-some.” She turned and continued walking, trying to stay casual. She tried to keep a straight face as she dropped that bomb, but her face cracked and she grinned and giggled. She pulled the door to Stone Craft Pizza open, still grinning Max chuckled as he entered he paused, "You pick the cheerleader, I'll make it happen. Max said with a smirk and wink at Tori. She just laughed as they entered.
Tori just sighed at the circus that was Max and his entourage. Tori waited as they sorted things out. “Me? Oh, I’m free for a while.” She stopped, wondering if that was going to trigger more reaction. “I’m just going to go chill out on the quad. Nice day to sit outside." She packed up her things and started to slip away. "See you all later." Tori really wanted to talk to Max about things - see if he had any update on the stuff they were looking into. She gave a glance back to see if he'd follow. Tori wandered out of class, taking her time down the hallway to allow Max to catch up if he wanted. A mass of students poured out of a large lecture hall and she ducked into a little alcove to avoid the mass. She glanced at a bulletin board with various notes on it. Activities notifications, clubs, tutors for hire…and models wanted for art classes. “Huh.” She said out loud as she pulled out her phone and scanned the QR code on the add. They probably wanted the classic curvy woman’s body, which she was not. Tori looked down at herself; flat-chested and straight. More built like a guy. People always joked about her ‘man shoulders’ and bouncing a quarter off her abs. Not sure the art department would want that but couldn’t hurt to apply. Once the crowd had passed she wandered out to the quad. Finding a comfy bench under the shade of a tree, she started filling out the online application.
PCU - Metahuman Studies Class Tori closed her laptop and stretched. Stuffing the laptop in her bag she stood up as Max came over with his entourage. “Weekend was…uh, good. Busy.” Tori returned John’s nod and was just about to give Max a hug when Jenn slipped into the way. Tori couldn’t help but grin at Jenn’s strategic move to claim Max as hers. Grinning she wondered if Jenn was going to pee on his leg to mark her territory, as well. Jenn was very pretty, Tori noted, and definitely was Taking Jenn’s hand, Tori shook it with a grip a little more firm than necessary. “Nice to meet you Jenn.” She said, smiling, then looked back to Max “Nice win this weekend. What poor shmucks are you going to roll over next?”
Click the "Powers" tab on your power tray. Scroll down to inherrent (on the right of the window). There is a "Walk" power. Drag it onto your power bar. That should probably be asked in a different forum than Roleplaying but I guess it works here as well as any.
Tori sighed. “Of course Alex. Just between you and I.” She gives him a reassuring smile and nod. “Guess we should pay attention to class though. But if you ever need help with this material let me know.” Tori settled in and listened, continuing to take notes on her laptop. She also pulled up hero alerts as she often did. She kept an eye on gang activity, especially in the Row and any further news about the Outcasts in Steel Canyon and near campus.
Tori scoffed at Alex’s offer to get invites to Max’s parties. “Alex, if I needed an invite to Max’s parties, I’d just ask him myself.” She let that sink in. “Yeah, I know, I don’t look like the typical floozy that hangs around Max. I’m not.” She gave a wry grin. “But I do know him. Much to the chagrin of his…other female friends.” Tori continued to take notes, resisting correcting the professor based on her real-world knowledge. “Alex, it is admirable that you work so hard at football. I do the same with…uh, some stuff. But you gotta have a life too.” She shrugs. “But hope you can get your shot.”
I also could have sworn there was a guide posted somewhere that I had read. Maybe someone else can find it. Or maybe it was on City of Roleplay Discord.
No worries about the questions! Please, better to ask. Also ViciousCabaret had some good additional suggestions as well that I forgot about. Yes, in character as much as possible. Lots of people speak in character normal or with quotes "This is in character" and use some indicator when speaking OOC Examples: ((This is OOC)) [[This is OOC]] <This is OOC> So once you get into Pocket D near the portal (not the elevators from blue or red side the glowy portal thing). Most evenings (EST is the basis) there will be someone standing there broadcasting (usually in various chats and I'm blanking at what they are called now because I am at work). They are basically a (usually) low level bot that just tells you that the club is open, the hours, and the name. Right click --> Description should give you a base passcode. Click on the portal and enter that passcode and it will transport you to the base entrance. Some take a little walking to get inside but it is usually pretty obvious.
Starts to say about a dozen things…stops. I’m assuming you mean in-game? Rather than forum RP (e.g. Paragon University thread). Start on Everlast. Unofficial RP server. Not required but I’ve found it to be the most active RP scene (but also haven’t checked all servers). #1 Location: Pocket D. Lots of people with “Roleplaying” colored tag. Look at their “Description” to make sure they are willing to talk to walk-ups. Hang around the Blueside upper bar. #2: Clubs. Almost every night a club is advertised. There will be criers in Pocket D (near the portal). Go to the club, listen to the music link. Try to talk to people. Bartenders are a captive audience. Even greeters are good to ask things (depending on the club). Listen and observe for a bit to get the feel for it. Get out there and dance; many times there is a large blob of people dancing. Get in there, react, ask questions, introduce yourself. Some RPers are very inviting and friendly (but sadly not all of them). #3: RP friendly SGs. This can be risky until you get a feel for things. But it can get you introduced to people. #4: Discord. Many of the clubs have a discord server (and City of Roleplay as well). Again, listen and get the feel. Then participate. Good luck. Also, hopefully I don't get beat up too bad for giving my opinions on this because everyone has a different way.
Tori chuckled at “tight end” a little bit. “I’m sure you do.” Tori wasn’t much of a football fan, but her dad was and so she’d picked up a fair amount of the game. The professor droned on about various types of chimeric human-animal combinations, also known as ‘moreaus’. Tori knew so many cat-girls, fox-girls, rat-people, and even a monkey man, that she just saw them all as ‘people.’ Why all the distinctions and separations between chimerics and werefolk? Still partially paying attention and typing into her laptop, she continued to chat with Alex. “Well that’s cool. You get some time to learn and get some experience. Plus I’m sure there’s other perks too.” She raised her eyebrows at him, indicating the women near Max. “Get a chance at some of the castoffs.” She chuckled as she kidded Alex. Poor guy was living in a big shadow and likely had to put up with everyone worshipping Max and ignoring him. Tori realized she probably wasn’t helping either so decided to change the subject. “So what do you do when you aren’t working out for football or going to class?” *If he says go to parties, drink, and pick up girls, I am going to have to punch him.* Tori thought to herself, grinning and hoping Alex wasn’t that shallow.
Tori had to chuckle a bit at Alex. Poor kid wasn’t sure what to do. She wondered how he reacted when a girl that was actually pretty and curvy talked to him. “Nice to meet you Alex, I’m Tori.” She gave him a smile. Knowing the syntax of the university email system Tori sent Alex her notes from the class so far. “There you go, notes sent. So Young, #3, what position do you play and do you get to play regularly?”
PCU - Metahuman Studies Class Tori took notice of the late arrivals. She hadn’t seen Max in a couple days and needed to catch up with him on stuff. She smiled and gave a little wave that was dampened when she saw one of the cute girls with him give her a scowl. She wasn’t sure where that was coming from, but clearly the curvy, popular cheerleader types didn’t like the boyish, flat-chested, muscle-girl interacting with their property. She shrugged and went back to her laptop to take notes. Tori didn’t know Alex but saw that they had gotten bumped from the ‘cool kid’ crowd. She leaned over toward Alex and whispered. “You want the notes from the first part of class? I can shoot you those and you can share them with Max as well.”
((Sorry, been RL busy so trying to catch back up.)) After the weekend spent mostly training with Krys, Tori was less than excited to head back to class. But the alarm sounded early, and she went through her routine starting with a workout and some combat training. The weight room was sparsely populated on a Monday morning so she got things done quickly and in peace. She had noted that the football team had won and was happy for Max. He’d likely had his share of ‘fun’ over the weekend. After shower she rushed to her Metahuman Studies class, sneaking in a couple minutes late.
((Also, welcome VacaHombre!!!))
((Sorry for the delay on this...been wrestling with how this fits in with in-game stuff. So without further ado...)) Written with American Valor PCU - Tori's Apt Tori hums happily at Krys' attention. "Uh, Krys..." "Mmmhm yea..." Krys replied in a low moan guiding them to the couch. “Tell me about your sensi.” Tori asks as the sit on the couch. "Our sensi is a woman who aided us in leaving the fightpits. She had watched me fight and wanted me. She got both of us as I refused to go without Liv. I soon learned what that meant to have a charge. Sensi YuriKa was heavy handed with punishments and training. She commanded her minions with but a whisper. They did as instructed, lived and died at her word. That is who my Sensi was. No one speaks her name." Tori sighs. "That's not how it has to be. Not how it should be. That traditional cruel training is just wrong." “Let’s change that. Let’s learn together. I love training people but I’m sure there’s some things you could teach me as well.” She looks at Krys and smiles. Krys nodded and squeezed Tori's hand with a grin
written with American Valor PCU - Tori's Apartment Tori and Krys completed the walk to Tori’s apartment chatting about random stuff, keeping it light. They went up to the apartment and entered. Krys’ blade was set neatly on a stand on the counter. Tori knew how to respect a weapon and had made sure it was properly cleaned and not just laying around. “Your blade, m’lady.” She says, being formal and bowing as she says it. Krys stopped talking and stared at the blade sitting on display. It looked like hers but it couldn't be. Tears rolled down her face as she fell before Tori onto her knees then bowed. "Sensi. please forgive my transgressions to your house and person I did not know." Krys said from the prone position. Tori looks at her, confused. “What? No…no…” She kneels down with Krys, pulling her up. “Did you really have a teacher…er, sensi that treated you like this? Get up, I just cleaned up the blade.” "Hai" Krys did not resist Tori in any fashion and sat before her, Krys head remained bowed while she was mumbling something in badly broken dialect of Japanese. It sounded like an oath. Krys stopped and looked at Tori. "For my ignorance I can offer no defense, I am ready to accept any and all punishment, though I am unworthy as I am not dressed in accordance to your teachings. Please I humbly ask only administer punishment to me, For she is my charge." Krys sat in a position that offered her exposed back to Tori. The lower back was only partially covered with the tight leather bodice. Tori could make out what could only be many, many, healed scarred bokken strikes from her previous Sensi YuriKa. Krys sat unmoving waiting for the blows that never came, As Tori stared at Krys trying to process exactly what was going on. Seeing the faint scars Tori thought back to her own training when her dad took her on a trip to Japan. Old, classically trained ninja masters, yelling at her in Japanese. She understood their intent, and their demands, but not their words. Her dad, who understood only a little Japanese, desperately trying to translate. It was fortunate that she picked up martial techniques quickly and naturally. But still, the old masters had a teaching ‘style’ that they wanted to apply. Even when she completed a challenge nearly perfectly, she’d get a quick rap on the knuckles or swat with a bamboo switch. It was when the one teacher/sensi started to whip her repeatedly that her dad stepped in. He grabbed the switch on about the third swing and put the guy on the floor. She never saw that teacher again. She did see many of the other students with marks on them; some fresh, some older. Though she learned a lot, she was happy to be away from that place at the end of summer. When Krys trained, she probably didn’t have anyone to look after her. It had only been moments but in this instance a lifetime. Krys glanced at Tori who hadn't moved or acted, She knew it had not been enough, Quickly Krys pulled out a small leather strap and tightly secured it to her left pinky finger. Then she drew forth the matching Tanto except it was dirty and appeared well used the only gleam of the blade was from its razor's edge which she had placed on her pinky knuckle. Krys face was full of conviction as she spoke, "I humbly ask for your forgiveness of my past transgressions. Please accept this tribute as a pledge of my undying loyalty." Krys eyes searched Tori's now looking directly at her awaiting the confirmation to continue. The reaction was instant; in a flash Tori’s hand was on the blade, pressing upward away from Krys’ knuckle. The sharp blade cut into Tori’s palm but she showed no sign of pain. “No.” She said flatly as stared at Krys. “Not how we do things anymore.” Tori held the blade, as it cut into her, blood starts to drip down the length.
written with American Valor PCU-Tastee Diner They sat quietly both eating and thinking, Krys had eaten about half her fries and half her second 1/4 burger when she set it down and looked at Tori. "You know I'm not lying to you when I tell ya that I aint no stranger to fightin, right. See I think Alie thinks I just go fightin hopin fer the best, but we have learned tactics and planin'. I try never to go in blind iffen I can help it. I don't like killin much. I will iffen they make me, but I rather not. This here job Alie was tellin me about is serious, See If I understand he's a killer cause he likes it. He likes hurtin people and from what she said he killed the wrong people, He don't care who he hurts to get what he wants as long as he gets it. Seems everyone wants him too, The gov't. po-lice, FBSA, priviate companie, even other bad guys. They are all willin to pay Alie said. She said it's dangerous to go after him head on, so she is working on plans to see what if anything we could do to make it safer. Alie said she will point out the guy when were ready." Krys watched Tori so she could try to get a read on her. Then Krys took another bite of the small burger. Tori paused. "I saw you fight Krys. You're a damn expert. Raw talent and could use some cleaning up, but you are really good." She looks at Krys, who blushed at the compliment. "I am not sure Alie is on the level, but if this person is that bad, then let's bring them in. Protecting people is what I do, so I'm in if this person is killing indiscriminately." Krys smiled at Tori, a big smile with a sparkle in her eyes, "Um, we should go on a date, just the two of us, maybe catch a movie together, train, talk or somethin." The slight blush in Krys cheeks remained as she stared at Tori. Tori smiles at Krys and then leans over and kisses her cheek. "I'd really like that. Get away from all this serious stuff and have some fun." She grins. "Maybe even get into some trouble." "I'm dressed for fun and trouble." Krys smirked then added, "Exceptin I'm down a tool. Alie said you had it, ya didn' bring it, did ya? It's okay iffin we need togo back to yer place." Krys grinned, then she started to wrap the other parts of her food for transport.
written with American Valor PCU-Tastee Diner The food was nice and hot straight off the grill. Tori watched as Krys did the strangest thing, She started disassembling her food and rebuilding it while cutting things in half or quarters then setting it aside. Krys looked at Tori questionly and said, "I think your apartment is nice. For a while we lived on a very old rundown dock, On a half sunk house boat. So you're a city bounty hunter?, and it pays?, So the bigger the bounty the bigger you get paid? Hmm that's what Alie's up too. Why she wanted to recruit you." Krys smiles as she picks up a 1/4 scale of the Atlas burger and takes a bite. Tori considers asking about the way Krys was eating but decides against it. "Well, I'm not truly a bounty hunter. I don't go onto those bounty boards and take jobs there. Just when there is someone on the wanted list or something, the city pays a little to compensate the one or ones that brought them in. A lot of wealthy heroes don't even take the bounties. I do because it helps pay the bills. Vanguard pays too for any help in the war zone." Tori starts in on her burger, eating it slightly faster than she should. "There are ways to make some money but no one is getting rich just off of hero work." Krys smiled actually enjoying eating the real food, no soy or Aeon neutri-paste, the burger tasted so good. Krys grinned at Tori. Krys finished her bite and said, "What if I told you we had an angle on a bounty and it paid millions? Could that increase your hero rating status? So you can always get the big jobs like that douc,.. I mean Positron guy who gets paid to stand around while you do the work?" Krys took another bite of her small burger. “If you told me I could make millions off a bounty I’d say there was a catch. Something worth that much stinks of problems. Or else it is highly illegal.” She thinks for a moment. “Is this a real thing or just a hypothetical? I’d have to hear more details before I could make any decision.” She continues to eat her burger and the accompanying fries. “And yes, Posi can be a douche-bag at times. Most of the big-shots are. Some of them aren’t too bad once you get to know them and they aren’t all like ‘we have to save the city’.” She grins. Krys face scrunched up with a sideways glance to Tori, "I ain't fakin sick, so don't poke fun at me. I pressed Alie about it this mornin' when she started talking all smart. We got no schoolin, we ain't dumb neither. We get by. This schoolin we're in is different but we know things." Krys started eating her divided fries. These were just as good as the burger. She had a small smile on her face while watching Tori enjoying her food also. Tori looked over at Krys and started to clarify ‘hypothetical’ vs ‘hypochondriac’ but decided against it. As Krys said, she and Liv were smart, but clearly lacked some of the finer points of higher education. "Well, if Allie has all the details and is done making fun of me for being a hero, I'm willing to listen." She shrugs, trying to seem nonchalant about the whole thing. Tori fretted to herself. She didn't want Krys or the rest of them to go into something highly dangerous and get themselves hurt or worse. The 'get rich quick' jobs tended to be near suicide and were more than often highly illegal.
Written with American Valor PCU- Off Campus Tastee Diner Tori winced in pain at the hug but hugged back. She held Krys tight, happy to see her, happy to be with her. “No, it’s nothing. Just a scratch. Sorry I’m late. Met some old friends on the way.” She gives a wry grin. Tori self-consciously runs her fingers through her hair, still trying to get it to look presentable. “You look…really nice Krys." Tori couldn't help but stare. Krys was wearing a tight black leather bustier corset with tight black leather pants her DM boots. She spent quite some time putting her hair into cornrows. She looked at Tori with a small smile, then looked away to the flowers. "Um thank you, I wanted to look special for you. I brought you some flowers, I hope you like em, Here." Krys reached down and removed a small stick like device from her belt then passed it to Tori. It was a small first aid healing spray. it had 3 charges left. "I would feel alot better if you used it." Krys said as she joined Tori scooting in next to her in the booth. Tori took the device as she slipped into the booth. Once they were well-hidden in the booth she pulled up her sweatshrit to expose her wound. With practiced ease she sprayed under the bandage and around the wound. It quickly provided the desired result, stopping the bleeding and providing accelerated healing. "Thanks Krys, just didn't have anything on me and I was already late." She looks at the flowers and smiles. "These are very pretty." "I would say let's just talk about it later, but that's why were here. This is later, finally." Krys face fell with sadness in her eyes as she looked down, "You got hurt, because of me. I said no more laters. I'm sorry Tori, I just needed us to talk for you, for me, to understand clearly because you're the one that I want." Tori smiles. "I was not hurt because of you. I know better than to walk the alleyways and not be alert. And I'll be fine, this won't even scar if I take care of it." She leans over and kisses Krys' cheek. "Its been a rough day and lots of stuff is going on. So it means a lot that you want to be with me." The smell of two Hot Toddy's arrived a moment before Beth did with a big smile. "Hi again and Hello welcome to Tastee's Home of the Atlas Burger. I'll be your waitress today If you're not ready to order just get my attention and I"ll be over in a jiff. So what can I get for you ladies?"
Tori made her way across campus and then looked at her phone for directions. Tastee Diner wasn’t too far away and she figured she could walk it. The workout hadn’t helped much. Normally she could take out her frustrations, but she wasn’t sharp with her technique, and it simply frustrated her further. Tori walked, lost in her thoughts about the last couple days and going through the styles she saw from Jonny in her head. Normally fairly observant, she was paying little attention to where she was going when she rounded a corner into an alley, practically bumping into a trio of Tsoo who were shaking down some poor businessman. She almost apologized before she realized what was going on and dropped into a combat stance. “Well, what have we here?” The apparent leader of the group growled, his voice sounding a little like he’d swallowed broken glass. A thug in a red Gi dropped the businessman he was holding by the collar and tossed down a bunch of caltrops around Tori. He grinned evilly, while another thug drew a small crossbow. Tori swore to herself but lept free of the field of caltrops, hitting Mr. crossbow in the chin with her knee. A series of blows left red Gi slumped against a dumpster. Pain rippled through Tori as the leader hit her with a quick blow to the kidney. Then he started winding up, gathering energy for a powerful strike. “Geez, you guys think this is some kind of anime fight where I wait for you to power up?” She quipped as she slammed him with an uppercut, lifting him off the ground. The follow-up curb-stomp put him out for the fight. “How you like that dragon-ball boy.” A subtle clink of metal was all that allowed her to react, as shuriken flew at her. Grabbing a trash can lid she turned to block them. On a good day she’d have gotten both. Today was not a good day. One made a metal-on-metal sound and stuck into the lid, while the other hit the lower her side. Fortunately, she turned with it, and it caught a rib that partially deflected it, but it left a good-sized gash in her. She yelped in pain as drops of blood hit the wall behind her. The Tsoo thug tried to push his advantage, but Tori recovered, dodging his kick. She got inside his guard and smashed his nose with her elbow. As he reacted she threw him onto his own field of caltrops. One of them must have hit something critical because he shuddered then immediately stopped moving. She cursed as gripped her side, trying to staunch the bleeding. The terrified businessman looked up at her, still clearly scared. “Oh, um…you’re welcome. Get out of here. I’ll come back later and make sure your shop is ok. I don’t want these jerks messing with you.” As he ran off, Tori tore pieces of the Tsoo Gi’s that looked semi-clean and used them to clean up and make a makeshift bandage. The wound was messy but looked far worse than it was. It needed a few stitches, but Tori didn’t have time for that. She secured her makeshift bandage and tried to focus her Chi to help slow the bleeding. It was partially successful and she hoped the bandage wouldn’t leak too much. Pulling a sweatshirt out of her bag she pulled it on over her now bloody T-shirt. Taking a look at her phone she swore. She’d had plenty of time, but now she was late. If she ran, that was sure to open the wound further, so she took off walking at a fast pace. She finally saw the diner and went up to the door. As she reached for the door handle she realized her hands were still pretty dirty, including blood stains. Looking into the diner, she saw Krys, but thought she could get to the bathroom without being seen. She entered the diner and quickly dodged to the bathroom. As she washed her hands she saw herself in the mirror. She cursed quietly to herself and ran her fingers through her hair. “You look like crap girl.” She said to her reflection as she tried to clean herself up. She winced as she straightened up, the kidney blow starting to cause tightness in her lower back. “That’s gonna leave a mark.” She said, touching it gingerly. “Ouch.” Having done what she could she took a deep breath and walked out to where Krys was sitting.
Tori helped to clean and tried to stay out of the way. It looked like something important was going on with Daniel, Johny, and the old guy. She went over to a training dummy and started in on it. She angrily assaulted the innocent training equipment. She was not balanced; her dad would tell her that her Chi was scattered. Her movements, though powerful, were imprecise. She quietly swore at herself for every little mistake. She finally stopped, shaking out her hand after jamming her finger. A quiet string of curse words escaped. She did some lifting for a while before finally going in and getting cleaned up. When she was getting dressed she noticed a text on her phone. Tori stared at the message and slowly sat down. All those emotions from the last couple days bubbled back up. Her gut was in knots again and her head was swimming. “Damn. Guess I knew this was coming. I’ll get yelled at again. Guess I deserve it for whatever reason.” She started to text back, stopped, and erased. Repeated that several times and finally settled on: *See you there!* With a heart emoji. She shrugged and finished getting dressed.
Tori waited for the small crowd to go in. She recognized a couple of them from the Tai Chi class. She then moved in, removing her own shoes and snuck into the locker room. She quickly changed into sweats and came back out just in time to see everyone devouring food and drinks. She’d eaten already so just helped clean up, grabbing a broom and picking up soda cans. Helping clean was good; it took her mind off the various stresses in her life. She listened in as they talked about something from Hong Kong. It as something important as Daniel looked downright stunned.
Tori was getting close to the dojo when she saw the small crowd. “Oh what now? I don’t need this today.” She grumbles to herself as she approaches. She can hardly get to the door and thinks about giving up but really needs to get out some frustration. As she navigates the crowd she hears people; “It’s Kid Dangerously!” “I can’t believe it’s really him!” “I’m going to get his autograph.” “His last movie was awesome.” Tori paused. She’d heard of this guy because he was all over hero media. He was apparently a movie star as well as a registered and highly respected hero. She sighed. “Just what I need.” She leaned against the wall outside as the crowd fumbled with their shoes. She just wanted to work out her frustrations. Not deal with a bunch of starry-eyed fans. Maybe there were some thugs out there that needed attention.
Tori returns Max’s hug, holding him for a bit. She did need that hug this morning and as much as she hated to admit it, Max was annoyingly likeable. His strong arms helped her feel safe for the moment. “Thanks Max. And good luck this weekend. Make’em wish they’d never heard of the Bullet.” She grins and heads out. She decides the dojo will be a better place to get out her frustrations and heads that way.