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Cobalt Azurean

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Posts posted by Cobalt Azurean

  1. 13 hours ago, jason1040 said:

    I played almost exclusively on the Champion server as Night Warrior, part of the Supergroup Megaforce.  I'd love to reconnect with some of the people I used to play with back then.

    Oh man, classic MEGAforce member, that's going in the Wayback Machine. Welcome back, I believe you found yourself to the Champ Vet Discord server, so party on.

    • Like 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, Lunar Ronin said:



    I started playing City of Heroes before City of Villains launched, and I still ask myself to this day: "Why would anyone want to play blue side?" :classic_laugh:  Like you said, tons of filler content, tons of delivery missions, too many zones, dull and boring.  Everything from Issues 0 and 1 are terrible, which is the majority of blue side content to this day.  And Atlas Park... I hate Atlas Park.  Too shiny, too bright, too many people, too dull.  Even when I did play blue side back on live, I avoided Atlas Park as much as humanly possible.


    This thread has been interesting, because most of the complaints in regards to red side are reasons why I love it.  There's no hub zone, so there's no massive glut of PCs like Atlas Park to avoid.  There's fewer, more compact zones to travel.  The zones are more dingy, thus feel more real.  St. Martial reminds me a lot of Atlantic City in real life.  It has the glamorous casinos... and the rest isn't so glamorous.  As for the lack of agency... I never saw much agency blue side either.  You either perform heroics, or you don't.


    To each his or her own.

    As the kids say, "Let's get this b-red!", amirite?

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  3. If we could get Mace Mastery: Shatter Armor to get the Executioner's Strike option from stealth, that would be fantastic. Thematically it makes sense, and I think it would bring Banes back into line as a solid single-target DPS contender.

    I know its not necessarily powers-related BUT if we could get some additional options for Mace skins, like the Fire and Ice Sword - Elemental, would be great too. Or even this, from another asset (Rikti Computer) within the game, would be fancy option for not just Banes but Swords across the game.


    • Like 1
  4. There are/were a few channels dedicated to Champion ex-pats, and there's still a Discord with an occasional trickle of activity but I haven't seen anything from @Steel Brigade in a long time. @Doomlord Slayermann runs the Discord, so that's at least one UHB person around still, Ms. Snazzzy, Nibs, a few others too.


    Here's the Discord link: https://discord.gg/GwvdvqWmcc


    C'mon down and wake up us old folks from our naps.

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  5. 7 hours ago, BazookaTwo said:

    JUST found this thread. Thanks to a vid in this thread I found my old SG name - it was United Heroes Brigade. My mains were Bazooka Tooth (Ar/em blaster), Pinball Wizard (Kin/Energy defender), and Texas BBQ (Fire/Fire tanker) - Lots of fond memories of our group running around in the offcial SG costume and setting great examples for other players of good teamwork.

    I miss this group and if it's still running I will rejoin. 



    Yeah, the medieval shoulders and red/white color scheme said 'UHB' to me, which was going to be my suggestion before I saw your edit.


    Welcome back, enjoy the nostalgia.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Wizard Lizard said:

    Hey, I remember you! I played as Beetle Bug/Plinko in Everyday Heroes. I found your post while looking for Rimrock, the leader of Everyday Heroes. He'd put together teams in the SG every night and played a TON. I'm pretty sure he's like 90% of the reason our SG's prestige ranking was so high. It's very cool to see someone from Everyday Heroes after so long, this game was a huge part of my childhood and much of it was spent grouping with ya'll!

    Rimrock's global was @Deathhimself on Champion, in case you go looking for them, which is a strong assumption they're still using the same global.

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