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  1. I see that a support ticket has been created. Thank you. I added additional information to the ticket.
  2. Back when the game first launched, I started a supergroup invited all my real life friends, and built a large base. Due to life's chaos, I have not played in a while. Neither have many of my friends. When we came back to the game, it appears we are no longer in the supergroup. I can enter through the passcode macro I had set up, so I know the SG id, but we don't have access to the supergroup any longer. Is there a way to fix this?
  3. Beam Rifle Targeting Drone Speed Boost
  4. I realize development is purely donated time, BUT... can we get the ability to order the list, or to select which option is selected by default? As of now, it selects the 32bit by default.
  5. So I have been trying to figure this out, but I am missing something. I understand that while in SG Edit Mode, I can enter: /sgpasscode YourCodeWordHere and that will set the base passcode to the YourCodeWordHere-####, where #### is you supergroup id number. Unfortunately, I am not getting any text back and can not find where to find my supergroup id number, or anywhere that the passcode is listed. So how the heck do I find out what my SG ID # is, and is the passcode listed anywhere?
  6. I have been having problems with the Logitech gaming mice for the last couple years. A $70 mouse should not last less than a year before acting up. Perhaps it was just the model I was buying, but I have decided to stop buying logitech mice for a while. My keyboard, headset, and gaming pad are all logitech as I am a big fan of the company. My 2 cents. I am using a Tecknet HYPERTRAK https://www.amazon.com/TeckNet-HYPERTRAK-Precision-Programmable-Cartridge/dp/B00E64DTDQ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=teknet&qid=1560252611&s=gateway&sr=8-1 $27 on amazon. It has 5 thumb buttons, which are quite ergonomic. I am very happy with the mouse overall. The software is much like logitech's, but the gui makes it look very basic.
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