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Posts posted by aeb

  1. My character, Anka clicked on all the history plaques for the Arachnos Rising history badge. She didn't get the badge, nor did she get credit for any of the plaques. I think she did most of them as a villain, though some may have been clicked first as a vigilante. But seh doesnt even have credit for clicking any of them.

  2. I wish there was a way for more than just the mission holder to easily enjoy the story behind the mission - especially the explanation in the beginning, but also in popups and clues - but the rest of the party members, if they're so inclined. You can leave the game, hopping over to the Wiki to read, or the mission getter can copy and paste to share... 🙂


    Would anyone else like that? And what shard are you on, if so? I'm pretty much on Everlasting myself, at least for now. 🙂


  3. On 10/24/2021 at 8:38 AM, Force Redux said:

    The idea of underpowered or overpowered ATs is laughable. This isn't those other MMOs where dev nerfs or buffs rotate on quarterly basis (ESO, looking at you).


    ATs are a playstyle. A playstyle is neither overpowered or underpowered. It just is your approach to solving conflict. Now, that said, CoH mostly appreciates a blunt-force hammer to the face approach to solving problems, hence ATs with high DPS with strong AoE (blasters) can feel like they are performing over the midpoint. Sure, if you measure your personal satisfaction from pure dps, then Blaster (or Scrapper or Brute) is your go-to OP AT.


    But it is the actual indicator for OP or UP? Nope, that's your powersets. Not all Brutes are equal. Fire/BIo and Kinetic/Super Reflexes are two totally different beasts. And those same power sets in a different AT are going to perform differently as well.


    Masterminds as C tier? Sure, if you like AoE spamming mobs. But MMs have proven able to tackle GMs, AVs, farms and everything in between. So, actually, have all ATs. Just when you think no one can take a set of powersets and solo an Imperious Task Force, someone posts a vid doing it on a Psi/Emp Defender.


    So don't ask which ATs are performing -they all perform well enough - even Sentinels (which are gernally rated as 'mediocre'). But its the power sets that are gong to make or break your decision about how well powered they are - well, that and your gameplay. I cannot take a Emp Defender and solo an ITF, but there are people who can do it just fine. 


    Trick Arrow, for example, used to be a miserable set. I found it only worked functionally back on Live when i paired it with Illusion Control, where it did reasonably well. Mid-tier. But with another AT? In the basement. 


    But now, after the fixes to Trick Arrow, I'd call it A tier on my Defender. A+ on my controller, and B+ on my Mastermind.  Its not the AT, its the powers. And the player.


    For anyone reading this who still cares enough to have a list of easy choices for leveling and getting into the game, here's my list of 'OP':


    Demons/Time mastermind.

    Time/Dual Pistols mastermind.

    Fire/Super Reflexes sentinel

    Ice/Ice blaster

    Willpower/Martial Arts tanker


    for starters. 



    Interesting choices. My fire/super-reflexes sentinel is my only character who can, while street sweeping in the Rikti War Zone, take on a Evil Boss, back into a mostly-purple mob, and more often than not, not end up in the hospital. 🙂

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  4. I hear this is already known, but maybe not precisely... a friend and I were doing my mission for Finale: D.U.S.T. to D.U.S.T. or Investigate D-SEC. We got everyone else, and won the mission, so we used our exit buttons, but Colonel Duray got to 25% health, and stuck. He was untargetable, wouldn't stop shooting, wouldn't heal, and couldn't hit anything, as far as I could tell. Most confusing. I hope this helps someone suss out what's wrong. 🙂 

  5. I was playing Laura Lockheart's story arc with a friend, and chose to complete the mission later, so I could choose another answer. Now, it won't show the mission on the map, and the contact is dead, so not clickable on the street, and not phone-able, either. So I can't even autocomplete it to clear it from my missions. Could you help me clear it? Thanks. 🙂

  6. 14 hours ago, Grouchybeast said:

    There are some mutually exclusive lower level contacts who share identical missions, and only one from each set of those contacts is in Ouro, I assume so that there aren't loads of duplicate missions in there.  So while there quite a few missing low-level contacts, there are a lot fewer missing missions that it looks.

    Show me them. I don't find them in Ouro... only one badge mission, Matthew Habashy, Officer Fields, Sondra Costel, Allan Thiery, the first Shining Stars arc, and a bunch of Praetorian stuff show for levels 1-9... I don't see any of the other contacts in Atlas Park and King's Row... I understand not having everyone if they overlap, but where are any of them? Levels 10-14 and 15-19 seem similarly bare of the other contacts, except for some badge missions. If they're hiding, I'd like to find them. 🙂

  7. 20 hours ago, Grouchybeast said:


    Pretty much all the old content is available through Ouro.  The only missions that aren't in there are the single missions that are basically radio-style content filler.

    I know there are contacts in Atlas Park, King's Row, Steel Canyon, and Skyway City who give several missions each, but who only are seen in Ouroborous for badge missions if they have one of those. Maybe. They don't count as proper story arcs, though. Somehow similar people in Brickstown and Founders' Falls are included,  and have story arcs. It's confusing.

    • Like 1
  8. I just thought of one more thing... what if the old-style contacts that are around in most zones were more accessible, like through Ouro? I think the only missions available now through Ouro of the older contacts are ones that cough up a badge. I rarely remember to do them at level, while I can, because I'm after the stories, but if I could go back, I'd get them more often. 🙂


    P.S. I've played a game that's one long story. CoH isn't; it's a collection of shorter stories, or a long-running series with multiple episodes, some more related than others, not one big interconnected plot. It doesn't hurt or confuse to start with story three or episode 5, unless Episode 5 is the second half of  a two-parter that started with episode 4, and the game is pretty good at telling us when that's the case, with numbering the arcs in Ouroborous, and not letting you play out of order if you do it at-level. 🙂 

  9. I see your points, @GraspingVileTerror though one in particular suggests some low-hanging fruit. You say:


    "Making low level content accessible by high level players has some other concerns which limit the interest of some Devs from allowing it.  Notably, low level content is populated by enemies which pose less of a threat than high level entities, and very few factions in the game have units which exist through all levels of play."


    This is true, but many missions and story arcs are more limited in level than their factions. The four Atlas Park story arcs are levels 1-7, but the Hellions and Skulls two of them feature are listed as levels 1-14 in Architect Entertainment, and are featured in other story arcs (the last Shining Stars arc for the Hellions, and the two Kings Row arcs for the Skulls) which go are 15-19. Now I like low-level content, but even I find doing missions through Ouroboros at level 19 less painful than doing them at level 7. Since Vahzilok are listed in Architect Entertainment as 1-20, and Arachnos as 1-54, I should think that adapting these story arcs to top out at 19 instead of 7 should be doable with the villain groups as they stand now, and would make them somewhat more attractive. This wouldn't always work. The Hollows arcs couldn't be redone like this without expanding the Igneous, and the Faultline arcs would require expanding the Vahzilok, but Graham Easton tops out at 24 when the Tsoo are continuous from 15 to 40 in Architect Entertainment. So it would would work on a case by case basis. Still, I see some benefit with less work involved in expanding access this way. 🙂

  10. Two ideas for adding content came up with some friends last night. 🙂 


    First, I was thinking about Architect Entertainment. Folks are sure adding content there. Some of those missions are pretty good, too, and even cannon-compliant. I wonder if there's a way to turn some of them into regular story arcs; it seems to me that some of the ground work has already been done for, which ought to help, though more would need to be done. 🙂 


    When I mentioned this to a couple of friends last night, they had another idea: somehow open up our lower level content to being done at higher levels as well. I play another game that did this, and it seemed to work for them. Again, some of the work on them has already been done, though more work would be needed. 🙂

  11. Someone told me the sentinel is a particularly well-balanced at, being neither overpowered or under powered. Which got me tondering which AT's are overpowered? Also, which are under powered? I'm just curious, and still learning the game, despite playing since Homecoming began, so I don't feel sure. Thanks. {Smile}

    • Like 1
  12. 13 hours ago, Hardboiled Hero said:


      First, your team was apparently able to make it on without you, so you're not "holding them back".  If anything you're holding yourself back, but if you enjoy playing the character than giving yourself more time playing them is actually a good thing.


      The sentinel is absolutely pitiable, but being pitiable isn't the same as being bad.  In fact, eliciting pity from others generally requires that a person be good and likable.  Others attribute the "failings" of a pitiable person or situation to "misfortune" rather than any personal flaws or wrongdoing. The AT is likeable and enjoyable.  It "fails" mostly due to "misfortune" rather than being due to integral flaws.  The specific misfortune is that the sentinel AT was introduced at a time in which no AT is really necessary.  This isn't to say that there aren't also "integral flaws" with the AT, but I don't believe those flaws are actually that big.  I hate that the sentinel has reduced ranges and target caps, but I can deal with those things.  Opportunity could use some work, but it isn't a reason to not play the AT.  To me, the problem isn't that sentinels have flaws, it's that they seem to have too many small flaws, some of which could have been easily avoided and seem absolutely unnecessary.  Because I believe the sentinel could be easily better than it is, without being game-breaking, I make noise.  The sentinel isn't really "bad" though, it's just less good than it could be.


      P.S.:  By the way, the only character I've ever had booted from a party was a defender, so I guess sentinels at least aren't that bad.

    I don't want to be pitied, though; I just want to be a fully contributing member of the groups I join. I'm... just concerned about how much I really do contribute.

  13. 7 hours ago, Luminara said:


    In 2004 and 2005, I played a couple of the "least effective" characters it was possible to play at that time, a Trick Arrow defender before the buffs to TA in Issue 7, and a defender who only used melee attacks.  I learned a lot from playing those characters, but the most important thing I learned is that most people honestly don't care what you're playing or how you're playing it, as long as everyone is having fun.


    You're good enough.  And if you're having fun, you're doing it exactly right.

    Thanks. I needed to hear that. I hear folks criticizing others, but I'm not doing those things. 🙂


    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 28 minutes ago, Luminara said:


    Are you playing for your own entertainment, or to impress others and meet their expectations?

    I'm mainly playing to meet up with friends and socialize, but I don't want to be a detriment to the team when I team up with folks, whether friends, acquaintances, or strangers. I want to pull my own weight, as some say. I struggle with lagging - I'm still not good at keeping up with the team - and I wonder about the rest of my skills, if they're good enough. I felt both grateful and bad about my playing when a pick up group did a second Numina because I didn't get into the last battle before they were done, so didn't get credit. {bite lips}


    No, I don't want to be the best... I just don't want to hurt the team. I do prefer to play in a team, or a league... but sometimes I solo to make sure I don't hold anyone back, as long as it's not too tough to do by myself... {look down}

  15. 2 hours ago, Myrmidon said:

    This right here. If you enjoy Sentinels, by all means play Sentinels (I have four of them at 50 myself).

    I have three three sentinels at fifty, but one just got her 6th T3 today. The other two are all T4s. I have four defenders - they're slight favorites over sentinels - two in all T4's, one moving into T4's, and one still working on getting into T4's. Last is the blasters, I think one just got her 6th T2, and one her 6th T1, but one or both might be working on the next level. 

    • Like 1
  16. 12 hours ago, Hardboiled Hero said:


    I don't think I understand the thought process there.  Why would being good at an AT that is considered "bad" make you concerned about whether you're a good player or not?  Shouldn't being good at something that others have trouble with be a good thing for you?


      If you don't have a pre-conceived notion of what a sentinel should be, great, just try it and I hope you enjoy it.  The reason you see so much down-talk (IMO) is because most players DO have pre-conceived notions of what the sentinel is, and those pre-conceived notions usually involve the sentinel being Over-powered.  Because the sentinel isn't OP, any honest discussion of the sentinel's power-level is probably going to seem like "down-talk", at least at first. Furthermore, I wouldn't really say we have the sentinel "figured out" yet.. so when people come in complaining, we can't necessarily give them "positive" answers.


    Finally, there's another issue that kind of dove-tails into this.  It seems like most of the talk on these forums (for most or all of the AT's) is about damage, followed by survivability.  There's an inescapable fact that only one AT can be the top damage at any given time.  Even though the sentinel is a pure damage AT, it doesn't top the damage charts.  Theoretically, the fact that other ranged classes also bring support and control puts the sentinel in a worse place. However, I believe that this game is actually so unbalanced toward damage that all of the non-blaster ranged classes are actually in the same boat.  In other words, if the sentinel is "bad", it's still no worse than a corruptor, defender, dominator, or controller. Then again, all of those classes can find their way into any content.. so you might as well just play what you find to be fun.

    The thing is, I don't know if I'm good in general, or if I'm just less bad... or even as bad, and... 


    On Everlasting, which I usually play on, I even heard someone describe sentinels in some depth as "the new pity AT." How can that being my best fighters be a good thing?


  17. I think sentinels are more support than we realize; with that Vulnerability, they can really raise the DPS of the entire team. When it's a team of one, that's not nearly as much as when it's a team of eight, especially with other damage dealers on the team. For this reason, I actually think of them as more Damage-For-Team than Damage-Per-Second. (If you don't think vulnerability does enough, take them to the Summer Block Busters, and watch the AV hit points go down steadily with  vulnerability on, and not with it off. Something about four-member teams against AV's makes the difference striking. 😉 )


    That said, my top two... okay, they can't solo an RWZ pylon or a giant monster, but enough others can't, we have regular Hamidon Raids, MotherShip Raids, and giant monster hunting pick up teams. They also can't handle most AE fire farms, and AE smashing/lethal farms are tough enough to feel stressful. I prefer street sweeping in RWZ's red zone in lieu of more traditional farming. As long as they steer clear of the pylons, they can even take those armored flying machines if they... well, the dual pistols/bioarmor has be distinctly careful with those, but she can usually get them if she is. The fireblast/super reflexes doesn't even have to be as careful with those, as long as she isn't careless. 🙂

  18. Thanks. I never played on Live... actually, never played an MMO before Homecoming. The sentinel was the second AT I tried, so I didn't have a lot of pre-conceived notions about what it should be, and just learned what it could do...  I've been struggling with why folks complain about them so much. My toughest, strongest characters are my two highest sentinels (the two incarnates with all T4s), and I'm a little concerned about what that says about how good a player I am, with their reputation for just not being as good. If that's the best I can do... but range seems to come to me so much more easily than melee, and they're the least squishy ranged. 🙂


  19. Okay. Thanks a lot. I didn't know the stats were in the ATs, too. I just looked up Damage Scale, and my second favorite AT was missing from the lists. 


    I do remember the damage seeming to go down, but that looks pretty good. Interestingly, it's as good as Tanker, which isn't known for as great damage either, but they're 

    both better than brutes, who are known for their damage? Okay... I have more to figure out, I see. 🙂


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