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Iron Alex

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Posts posted by Iron Alex

  1. thank you for not nerfing scraps.. may we also look at increasing the range of the fire blast.. and adding fire snipe to the fire mastery set..


    also adding Masterful throw to the ninja set..  so that all scrapper and stalker mastery have snipes.


    so that we have some deviation from the same old picks.. Thank you



    Also on another note could veats and heats get a pvp pass over.. 


    was thinking maybe making the pool powers do more buffs for them or some extra secondary effect.. Like assualt either giving more of a damage buff, or a chance of double dmg.. or for example aidself  giving a chance to absorb.. idk

  2. i for one dont play PVE anymore (find it boring, and really dont have the time).. all i do is make toons for pvp.. my fav toon was a peacebringer.. i pvped with pbs since i8.. 


    Imho the best time for PBs in coh was prior to shutdown with all the pb changes.. PPM killed kheldian dmg in pvp.. and then the new pvp change pretty much put the nail in the coffin.. now i just focus on my sents and scraps for pvp..


    Kheldians need a overall.. for pvp.. espiecially ws.. they need either extra dmg, or some better debuff.. and WS need either better heal or some kind of absorb mechanic.. 


    Also what would benefit both toons would be the ability to pick more that 4 pool powers.. since we dont have a mastery.


    but this is just my opinion.. ive been advocating for kheld changes since the early days of the game.. the best was pre shutdown.. but the homecoming devs like blasters 

  3. 7 hours ago, Bopper said:

    That's a bug and will get fixed soonish.

    cool thanks.. do you know if there is any boost to heats/veats in pvp in the pipline sometime soon.. veats/heats without incarnates severely underperform!!

  4. anything bio.. but from a pvp stand point the strongest I've tested so far in order is ice, beam, psi and fire is tied,  dark but its slow.. electric is good for the fast end drain.. but mine is paired with regeneration so I can't tell.. but yeah if you want damage on any you have to go bio.. then maybe rad.. and fire waaaaay low.. also the mastery play a part in it as well.. best ones dark,psi,ice and I like soul 


    On 11/2/2020 at 7:34 AM, reib said:

    36-Sessa (all kinds of blasters) This lady from the cold north of europe is one of the best blasters in the pvp zone, always polite and friendly but has no mercy! good at evasion but not afraid to stay to die or win. more like Sessa pls!


    102-Sloth (blasters, once...) I don't think Sloth has recovered from the searing ban yet, I don't know if he will ever recover. even if it is no longer what it used to be, it is always present. come on president, make yourself great again!


    07-Majestrix (Blaster,empath) My dear Maj is one of the best players in the pvp zone. almost uncatchable with empath and  always ready for even unequal clashes. 


    26- Av? (blaster). This always drunk latino blaster uses all the tricks, knows how to escape and is always ready for battle. good, he has grown a lot.


    78-Mono (blaster, tanker, sentinel, domi) Some say they saw him not afk and that he fought very well. I believe that to make it perform at its best he need a cash prize. Hits very hard! (even afk).


    72-Aimz (wathever...) Aimz It's Just Aimz.


    11-Dark Humor / Cleo (blaster / stalker) Quite new to pvp has grown a lot, in the zone he does not avoid the clash and always makes you have fun. great!


    38-Alouu (and his crew) when it comes with blaster or scrapper there is always fun, hard to kill, angel in PFF. hey, it's Alouu!


    55-Condro (blaster, corrs, defs) If you read in chat "1v1 anyone?" for sure it is Condro, he hit RV hoping that someone falls into his trap and ends up in Arena duel. deadly!


    96-Mental Haze/everything Haze. Good blaster, always ready to evade but when hits he hits hard.


    01-Dankz (and his crew...just Diesel lol. bunch of stalks/blasts/MM's) Everyone speaks bad of Dankz but in pvp zone it is lot of fun. master of self buffing, t4ing and base tping. I recommend keeping him in ignore because if you enter the RV with a bad day you risk being banned just to answer him but he's THE enemy. essential!


    02-Sigil Marcus (blaster) *see 01-Dankz (Diesel apart, Marcus is always alone...)


    DISHONORABLE MENTION (when even the tricks are too many).


    00-Critakill @Dutch The Hooligans (stalker/dont care...)  I had never seen anyone using 3 buffbots on hero base (it is legal?) and I hope to never see someone again, after Critakill. SHAME ON YOU!


    What do you think? you like it? I missed many, add yours!




    I like to take this opportunity to talk ABOUT MYSELF!!! "RICK FLAIR VOICE"


    Only play wack toons.. but ill blaze you up on my peacebringer for SH!TS AND GIGGLES


    hope with the changes you arena guys dont stay away from zone!!!!



    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, macskull said:

    We got I13 because a developer who didn't PvP decided PvP needed to be completely retooled to their own whims despite the PvP community already having a list of things to look at, and then the feedback of the PvP community was more or less ignored. These changes, at the very least, are coming from the PvP community. Making accolade powers purchasable removes at least one of the barriers to entry for PvP.

    There's literally no such thing as "arena pvp ganking" since all player involved have to intentionally join an arena match.


    What i meant by this is some arena matches dont actually end up as a 8v8 fight its usually just hunt the easiest player and rack up points.. so its just a gank fest against the weakest player on each team.. whilst zone is more evasive pvp.. yes there is team coordinated strikes.. but the weakest person can easily take them selves out of that situation.. but either way it irrelevant to the whole convo of this thread.. my point was there is a distinction between zone players and arena players who happen to play zone from time to time.. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Troo said:

    I and others totally get that there is an active group that are participating in regular arena PvP and the perspective they have on what works for them. There are some good ideas that can come from that.


    To be honest, the current approach does come off as "this is what we like and we want to do it in zones". (maybe more than intended..)


    It could be more inclusive of folks who aren't regulars but who are interested. Simple things could provide a more inclusive approach:

    • New options are coming to Arena, come try em out.
    • We're gonna try these change in one zone, come try em out.
    • etc.

    Comment: If folks are seeing more names in this thread than they see in game, that's a good thing.


    I like:

    Pocket D An entrance to Recluse's Victory has been added

    Free Fire Zone (PvP) Helicopter Line PvP zones are now connected

    New Arena Maps

    Arena Maps

    Powers Disabled in PvP All Incarnate powers apart from the Alpha slot are now disabled in Recluse's Victory


    I don't like:

    PvP Accolades

    All PvP Zones (Bloody Bay, Siren's Call, Warburg, Recluse's Victory) The Siren's Call vendor still requires the zone event to unlock

    PvP Powers Changes


    As a whole there is a tinge of overreach in the PvP zone changes, in Arena things could be optional where this will not always be the case in zones.

    yup If anything make a bigger arena map and or another zone to test out the changes.. 


    Giving everyone accolades just makes everything lazy, same reason we got i13. To cater to people who will either never come into zones.. or come in die 2 times and never pvp again.


    I personally only zone pvp.. arena pvp ganking might seem fun for some but not for me.  


    these changes will not even the playing field of underperforming set, and will not make new players play  the game more.


    whats going to happened is the experienced people will have access to all these temps and accolades without going out to earn them, and the new player is going to die and complain why their getting lit up on their scrapper...


    the only fix to pvp is either pre i13 with toggle suppression .. or increase melee sets and set blasters back to 1600 hp cap.

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, America's Angel said:

    *Fightclub eye twitch*


    I think the durability of some sets (regen, invuln, Elec, etc) are fine, and other weaker sets (Dark, Ice, etc) need bringing up. IMO, ranged should be balanced against ranged, and melee should be balanced against melee. This is a team game. Blasters don't need to be able to kill melee characters at range, Scrappers don't need to be able to catch and kill blasters in melee.


    Agree with the rest of your post, though. Taunt 100% needs nerfing. I like that it forces enemies to get in close. But I dislike HOW close they have to get, and that it's perma. Way overpowered.


    Also bigtime agree that melee attacks need their range increasing due to server tics. (Maybe to ~15ft like Knockout Blow? I can always land that fine.) It would need to be unenhanceable, though. (I always laugh when the alpha slot boosts my KO Blow range).

    Your comment is why some in this forum is making a distinction between arena and zone pvpers.. most zone pvpers like to solo.. and do their own thing.. i for one only team if its only needed.. where as arena pvp you always team.. so NO melee shouldnt just be balanced around melee and vise versa.. it should go back to the old way.. where if i hit your squishy with knock out blow,, you go to 20% that was the balance.. if you primarily arena pvp. please dont ruin the game for the pvpers that DO NOT ARENA..

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  9. 17 hours ago, M3z said:

    I would say raise max movespeed on melee by 10-20% (instead of 92 maybe they move 105-110 or something) and maybe give them 2-3 ft more base range on their attack(this is just to help with the low tickrate of the server and ping more than anything).

    i agree with this.. until they fix the gap between melee and range pvp is pretty much off balanced and blasters will continue to outperform

  10. I with a lot of people on this forum saying incarnates are not the problem. This change is more geared to the ones who do more arena, because these changes do follow a lot of arena rules. However the changes are not as game changing as i13, which destroyed pvp especially zones. 


    As someone who actively try to stay away from all fotm build and usually pvping with things you normally dont see in pvp (ie peacebringer ect), i will adapt.. however if you really want to fix pvp.. reduce the resistance on blaster, place them back to 1600 hp cap..  and increase all the melee dmg powers except Assassin strike..


    right now the problem is everyone just running a blaster build and trying to shoot out 1200 points of dmg in 6 sec and repeat, and melee not being able to do anything about.. except picking up some range attacks and hoping to get a heavy hitter off while the "squishy" stop moving..


    the other thing to do is place back slow movement.. and imho as someone who loves using melee in pvp that implementation sucked bad.. so i much rather squishes being squishes and all melee dmg raising to even the playing field. 

    • Like 1
  11. yeah this proc is a known proc.. and the new devs are unable to fix it or haven't gotten around to fixing it yet.. from when i tested it, it fires off randomly.. sometimes the global proc works sometimes it doesnt and the heal is sometimes a large heal (highest ive seen is 300hp) to a small heal..



    its bugged up bad.. the best bet would be for the devs to allow it to go into shields or auto like the other auto heals.

  12. On 3/24/2020 at 3:40 AM, Felis Noctu said:

    Mids' Reborn Unofficial

    Current MRBU Release Database Version: 20.2604

    Latest Release: 2020-03-26 (1120pm PST)




    Mids' is an awesome and incredibly useful program, but unfortunately its maintainers come and go. The current official dev team is indisposed for one reason or another, and while they do intend to return, Homecoming continues trucking forward with new updates and fresh content. Not only that, there's a number of lingering quirks and inconsistencies that could use some tender loving care.


    The devs have given so much to this community. It's time for the community to give a little back!




    @Zed (Discord: Zed#7901)
    @Felis Noctu (Discord: Feles Noctis#9086)
    @Procat (Discord: Procat#3599)
    Crytilis/Metalios (Discord: Metalios#2673)




    Frequently! Zed and I are building lists that contain anything from major bugs and missing content to picking nits over tiny details, and whenever we have the time and the urge we poke around and tweak a few things. Even better, the more info all of you can feed us, the more things we have to pull from!

    • Release will be updated when we have more polished content at a nonspecific time, generally after both Zed and I are done for the day.
    • Bleeding Edge may be updated anywhere from once every few days to multiple times a day based on how much we're doing! But keep in mind it may not be as complete. Mondays are my cleanup day.





    Mids' Reborn Hero Designer v2.6.0.7 (required)

    Mids' Discord Server




    Release Builds

    • Click Download Release Build
    • Click first archive under "Assets" section of most recent release

    • Open downloaded file

    • Extract contents of "MRB-Updates-######" to Mids install folder, overwriting as prompted

      • For a clean install, only extract the "Data" and "Images" folders

    Bleeding Edge Builds




    MRBU Features

    • Easy Bug/Error Reporting
      • More of a Github feature than ours specifically, but Github has an Issues board that makes it easy to report and track bugs, features, and anything else we or you may need to know about. We'll definitely be keeping an eye on the forum thread, but issues reported on Github are likely to see a faster turnaround as they're much easier to keep track of! We've included a relatively simple reporting template that should fit most problems you may come across,
      • Issues Reporting on Github
    • Database Version Number
      • The official Mids' DB version is 19.1021. MRBU is going to be formatting the version based on the Homecoming release our changes are majority-supporting. This means that, as of this writing, our DB supports Issue 26, Page 4, so the version number is 20.2604. When Page 5 releases, our DB number will only change once we're confident we have the majority of the update implemented. To help us we this...
    • Homecoming Beta Server Previews
      • Beta-specific changes and content will be added to Mids using the identifier "zn_" (new) or "zc_" (changed) before the name. This sorts the beta set to the bottom of its respective list, making them easy to find. Depending on whether this is NEW content or CHANGED content may affect your builds in different ways, which is explained in the FAQs below.



      Reveal hidden contents
    • BETA PREVIEWS: "Do you plan to remove "z_PowersetNameHere" when the beta changes go live? What happens to our builds then?"
      • That depends on whether the beta powerset in question is a NEW set or a CHANGED set, due to how saved builds and powerset IDs work.
        • NEW sets will not affect your build when they're pushed to live. The "z_" is purely visual in these cases, and the powerset was built into Mids' just like the others, with a powerset ID that intends to stay. We'll change the display name when the time times and the powerset will rearrange itself into the list alphabetically, so you probably won't even notice.
        • CHANGED sets are a little trickier and a bit less user-friendly. We recommend that if you want to edit an existing build to use beta changes to see how they'll affect your character, that you also save a unique version of the build labeled as BETA in some fashion so as to not overwrite your live build. This is because, unlike NEW sets, CHANGED sets are a duplicated, entirely new instance of that powerset with a unique identifying ID.
          When the beta changes are pushed to live, these changes will be copied into their live powerset counterparts then the beta powerset is removed. Saved builds use the powerset ID to know what to put where, so any builds with CHANGED sets will complain at that time and be missing powers at those levels. This doesn't corrupt the build! Slots will even persist in those locations, so all you'll need to do is add the live versions of those powers and the enhancements you used.
      • We understand that the issues involving CHANGED sets aren't ideal. Thankfully it doesn't cause permanent damage, it's just a bit of a hassle. We believe that, in the end, being able to see what your builds will look like in the future is worth this minor nuisance.

    Archived Patch Notes (see download package for recent changes)

      Reveal hidden contents

  I26P4 Patch Notes (as of 2020-03-25)

      Reveal hidden contents I26P4

    MRBU Features
    Database Version Number

    • As of this Issue/Page number, the Mids database version is going to be formatted to match the year and matching Homecoming Issue/Page number of the last update, in order to make comparing versions at a glance easier for both devs and players.
      • Year: 2020
        HC Vers: Issue 26, Page 4
        DB Date: 23/03/2020
        DB Vers: 20.2604

    Homecoming Beta Server Previews

    • We’re in the process of adding Beta-specific content and changes to Mids’ to allow for analysis and number crunching of Homecoming’s beta changes. These sets may be found by looking for anything beginning with “zn_” (new) or "zc_" (changed), which in the case of powersets will push them to the bottom of their respective lists.
    • As the beta server is changing much more frequently than on live, and the beta BIN files are currently difficult to parse to extract raw data, this added content may not always be 100% accurate. We’ll do our best to get them as close as we can!


    General Archetype Updates

    • Fiery Aura powers updated to reflect current in-game values


    • Most primary specialization powers updated to reflect current in-game values
      • Does not include Snipe powers at this time
    • Many Storm Summoning powers updated to reflect current in-game values

    Scrapper / Stalker

    • Fix for Ancillary pool being locked when adding a snipe power
      • To accomplish this, Quick Form has been moved from ancillary pools to class inherent abilities - so it's always there even if you don't take any snipe power. This change might unlock your existing builds, but that hasn’t been tested.


    Tanker & Brute Changes
    AoEs, Scaling & Stats, and Others

    • These changes are wide-reaching and difficult to manage from a purely database-editing angle. Mids’ does have AT class modifiers integrated, however they’re hardcoded and compiled as part of the program itself. As well, they’re massive lists of values that would need to be carefully adjusted based on what Homecoming currently uses, which would require being able to get a hold of that information. BIN parsing for the game files still isn’t at 100%, and as such we’re taking the more difficult path and updating each power’s values individually, a very slow process. As such some values may not match in-game numbers. This is an ongoing process.
      • Brute Primaries > Status unknown
      • Brute Secondaries > Status unknown
      • Tanker Primaries > WIP
      • Tanker Secondaries > WIP
        • Updated:
          • Battle Axe
          • Broad Sword
          • Claws
          • Dark Melee
          • Electrical Melee
          • Energy Melee


    Powers Update & Fixes

    • The following powers had their scaling resistance bonuses reimplemented:
      (the expressions existed but were ignored by Mids, leaving them at zero)
      • Arachnos Widow > Teamwork > Foresight
      • Brute > Super Reflexes > Agile
      • Brute > Super Reflexes > Dodge
      • Brute > Super Reflexes > Lucky
      • Scrapper > Super Reflexes > Agile
      • Scrapper > Super Reflexes > Dodge
      • Scrapper > Super Reflexes > Lucky
      • Sentinel > Super Reflexes > Agile
      • Sentinel > Super Reflexes > Dodge
      • Sentinel > Super Reflexes > Enduring
      • Stalker > Super Reflexes > Agile
      • Stalker > Super Reflexes > Dodge
      • Tanker > Super Reflexes > Agile
      • Tanker > Super Reflexes > Dodge
      • Tanker > Super Reflexes > Lucky
    • The following powers had their damage over time values corrected:
      • Corruptor > Beam Rifle > Lancer Shot
      • Corruptor > Fire Blast > Rain of Fire
      • Corruptor > Ice Blast > Blizzard
      • Corruptor > Ice Blast > Ice Storm
      • Corruptor > Storm Summoning > Freezing Rain
      • Corruptor > Water Blast > Whirlpool
    • The following powers have been marked as a click-buff to allow toggling of the effect:
      • Blaster > Temporal Manipulation > Chronos
      • Dominator > Martial Assault > Envenomed Blades
      • Pools > Presence > Unrelenting
    • Arachnos Widow > Fortunata Teamwork > Mind Link: Values adjusted
    • Arachnos Widow > Widow Training > Follow Up: Damage and ToHit bonuses now scale
      • Damage: 30% per stack, up to 4 stacks (120%)
      • ToHit: 10% per stack, up to 4 stacks (40%)
    • Arachnos Widow > Widow Teamwork > Mind Link: Various values adjusted
    • Blaster > Atomic Manipulation > Beta Decay: Recharge bonus now scale correctly
      • 10% base + 2.5% per stack, up to 10 stacks (25%)
    • Blaster > Plant Manipulation > Wild Fortress: Absorb value adjusted
    • Blaster > Tactical Arrow > ESD Arrow
      • Endurance cost adjusted
      • Description updated
    • Pools > Flight > Hover: Endurance cost adjusted
    • Sentinel > Invulnerability > Durability: Absorb changed to MaxHP
      NOTE: In-game information claims MaxAbsorb, but power effects extracted from game files as of 2020-03-08 indicate MaxHP. This means it will not be enhanced by Cardiac Radial Alpha.
    • Sentinel > Radiation Armor > Particle Shielding: Allowed slotting of EndMod enhancements

    Super Reflexes / Arachnos Widow Foresight

    • SR’s original implementation was Scrapper-exclusive and relied on a flat, consistent, non-AT-modified, unenhanceable, unbuffable slope for its values as its passives’ resistances scaled up. When the set/effect was proliferated to other archetypes this slope was maintained with only minor adjustments to the base values.
      • Brute, Scrapper, and Tanker resistance begins building at 60% Max HP, reaching 20% resistance per passive at 0% Max HP
      • Sentinel/Stalker resistance begins building at 60% Max HP, reaching 25% res per passive at 0% Max HP
      • Arachnos Widow > Teamwork > Foresight resistance begins building at 75% Max HP, reaching 32.25% at 0% Max HP
        NOTE: Game description states it gives slope resistance to all damage types, but like SR's passives Foresight does not actually include Psionic or Toxic resistance.


    • Pools > Fighting > Cross Punch: Reordered power in set to avoid confusion
    • Pools > Force of Will > Weaken Resolve: Reenabled slotting of Accurate ToHit Debuff enhancement sets as per in-game Manage Slots UI
      → NOTE: If these IO sets cannot actually be slotted in-game, the Homecoming dev team should be informed.

    • Sorcery and Force of Will are now mutually exclusive. In addition to a visual clue, there is a note about it in the powersets' descriptions
      → KNOWN ISSUE: Exclusivity is only shown when attempting to take powers from two sets.


    • Enabling a Diamagnetic Interface will no longer debuff the player's regeneration, resistances, or tohit
    • Enabling a Reactive Interface will no longer debuff the player's resistances

    IO Sets

    • ATO > Might of the Tanker resistance proc no longer affected by Musculature Alpha
    • ATO > Superior Might of the Tanker resistance proc no longer affected by Musculature Alpha
    • Aegis: Psionic/Status Resistance effect text updated to reflect actual psionic resistance bonus
    • Sudden Acceleration: Knockback to Knockdown
      • This set will now only affect the power it is slotted in, as in-game.


    Powers (HC beta)
    New Support Powerset: Electrical Affinity

    • Label: zn_Electrical Affinity
      Up to date as of I26p5 Build 4
    • Currently implemented for Controllers, Corruptors, Defenders, & Masterminds
      → KNOWN ISSUE: Mids does not currently appear to be able to display Targeted Absorbs, so Insulating Circuit will show as (Self).

      → KNOWN ISSUE: We do not currently have the full power data and are working from the in-game tooltips, and are using raw numbers instead of values affected by AT-modifiers. As such the numbers may not be 100% accurate at all times. The Homecoming team has been contacted about the possibility of getting their powers-related files directly.

    • Shock cast time has been increased to 12s from 8s

    • Chain distance has been added as radius

    • Mastermind: Defibrillate enhancements updated

      • Controller, Corruptor, & Defender Defibrillate enhancements updated to mirror Mastermind

    New Origin Power Pool: Experimentation

    • Label: zn_Experimentation
      Up to date as of I26p5 Build 4
    • Added powerset icon
    • Added scales and modifiers so it has variance among ATs
    • Experimentation > Corrosive Vial:
      • Effects now use pseudo-pet

    Power Updates & Fixes

    • The following Leadership (zc_Leadership) powers have had their activation time reduced from 3.63 seconds to 1.5 seconds
      • Pools > Leadership > Maneuvers
      • Pools > Leadership > Assault
      • Pools > Leadership > Tactics


    • Experimentation, Sorcery, and Force of Will are now mutually exclusive. In addition to a visual clue, there is a note about it in the powersets' descriptions.
      → KNOWN ISSUE: Exclusivity is only shown when attempting to take powers from two sets.

    IO Sets

    • NEW
      • Artillery (Targeted AoE, Rare, 30-50)
      • Bombardment (Targeted AoE, Rare, 30-50)
      • Preemptive Optimization (Endurance Modification, Uncommon, 21-50)
      • Power Transfer (Endurance Modification, Rare, 21-50)
      • Synapse’s Shock (Endurance Modification, Rare, 21-50)
    • Artillery set icon updated
    • Power Transfer: Chance to Heal Self no longer marked as Unique



    • Snipe powers may be missing data
    • Water Jet may be missing some data

    Power Updates & Fixes

    • Dominator > Martial Assault > Envenomed Blades: Correct power not adding toxic damage to other attacks
    • Pools > Force of Will > Weaken Resolve: Reenable slotting of Accurate ToHit Debuff enhancement sets
    • Scrapper > Titan Weapons > Defensive Sweep: Correct defense bonus to in-game value of 11.25%


    Known Issues
    Need More Information

    • Water Jet damage value for Blasters doesn’t match in-game.
      → Will need to investigate calculation differences

    Can’t/Won’t Fix

    • ATOs and Superior ATOs are not marked as mutually exclusive.
      → Won't fix. Not related to database, and would require extensive Mids’ code changes to accomplish.





    i dont understand any of this,, followed steps and im lost. my mids still showing help

  13. 17 minutes ago, macskull said:

    Self-heals are flagged in such a way that they shouldn't be affected by Incandescence (they're flagged as unresistable which means +/-res(heal) from sources like Incandescence doesn't affect them). Healing Flames is working as intended, Warmth shouldn't be flagged as unresistable which means that's probably a bug.

    aaa.. gotcha.. thats a bummer

  14. On 5/2/2020 at 5:35 PM, macskull said:

    Aid Self is the power that's not working correctly here (I'd assume), not the PB heals, since every other self-heal or self-max-HP power is the same way.

    so are you saying no other heal power gets a buff from incandesance besides defender and controller heals?? 


    also HEALING FLAMES  from sentinel fire aura, and Warmth from sentinel fire mastery is also not working with INCANDESANCE

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