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Everything posted by StormyWeathers

  1. I have an illusion/storm and my son has a time manipulation w/pets. Between the two of us and our pets, we're essentially a full team. Could you imagine this + 6 other players, who also have pets? 😯😯😉😉 We plow through groups seamlessly. The Time manipulation compliments the illusion/storm combo very nicely, from my own personal experience.
  2. In a solo stance against AV/GM strictly survivability. End isn't an issue, however dam is. I was asked to tell you Coyote that you baffled my son, who happened to do my build for me and that you are an absolute genius!!! LOL. It was "strongly" suggested by someone else (not my son) to put Endurance Mod in LS to assist in taking endurance away from bosses/AV/GM while preserving my own. My son is now chuckling while face-palming at the same time...lol. We'll be doing a respec on the illusion/storm and see how much more of a bad a$$ she can become 😄 Here is an attachment of my build my son did up based off of Force Feedback, already made the changes, is there anything you would change about this build?? My son runs a Beast Mastery/Time Manipulation MM where if it's him and myself together on a team we don't die and we can hold our own against an AV and we slowly beat it up. I've attached his build to this thread for input as well. Clearly there is something both him and I are not understanding here, any and all input would be fantastic in this situation. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. **NOTE** Stormy WeatherMaker Final 2 is the build my son did up for me and Mr. Know It All is my son's build he did up for his MM (needs the latest Mid's Hero Designer to open these) Mr_Know_It_All_-_Mastermind_Beast_Mastery.mxd Stormy_WeatherMaker_Final_2_-_Controller_Illusion_Control.mxd
  3. I am running an ill/storm and am able to assist in both teams and running with only 1 other at +4 x6, but anything higher than that, not so much. What I cannot do is run solo against AV's/GM's. What am I missing?
  4. If I were to compare the game now vs. what it was I can remember the following: Grey - 4 below level blue - 3 below level green 1-2 below level White at same level Yellow 1+ level Orange 2+ level Red 3 & 4+ level Purple 5+ level When you go to menu and select Help and then select villian rank, it does not give you the levels below or above by color now. it gives by rank. Even when not an incarnate, purple levels should be a bit more difficult to take down. IMHO the "purples" are considered "purple wannabees" It used to take a team of 3 to take down a purple. Now it does not. It can take a team of 2 to take out a purple and it doesn't matter if they have pets or not. (with pets, they just go down that much faster) I'm not saying to make it super hard where it turns everyone off, but maybe make it a little more challenging so that those who are looking for a fight can get one and those who enjoy grouping together, can do so bit easier.
  5. Hey Pinnacle! @Stormy Weathermaker reporting in 🙂 Started on Pinnacle at I6 and remained there until the closure (Stormy Weathermaker / Egyptian Kitten / Fire Nightengale) It's great to be home again! On Torchbearer and lurking on Pinnbadges Channel. Seen a lot of familiar names and glad to see them all! 🙂
  6. So this is, indeed, a bug. Thank you for the confirmation.
  7. Apologies for posting here, but according to another community member, they posted under the "Generic Bug Report" but never received an answer. They posted the same issue well over a month ago. Therefore, I thought it best to post here for the question to stand out more and hope to receive a quicker response. With that being said, Umbra Beast "power" (which then summons the pet) as you say accepts the Fear IO Set. So, unsure how the Umbra "power" vs. the "pet" are considered different?
  8. Have an issue with dark/dark character in which a Fear IO Set will not go into the Umbra Beast. Please note, this is NOT a purple set that is in question, but the IO Set "Glimpse of the Abyss" According to "allowed" enhancements and sets within the specific power, "fear" is listed as an acceptable IO Set. Glimpse of the Abyss has been slotted in to Fearsome Stare and Haunt. When it is attempted to put Glimpse of the Abyss in to the Umbra Beast, the set is not recognized as an acceptable set to put in. I have reached out to quite a few people within game and the Discord channel and no one can seem to explain as to why this is not an acceptable set. Very confuzzled. Please help?
  9. Yep......loyal until the end :-)
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