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Everything posted by Lumicat

  1. My dream list: 1. An elemental melee weapon set. Using the animations already present but you can set it so that it is fire, ice, stone, etc. I always like fire melee because of the 3 swords attacks and it would be cool to have a full set. Picking an elemental set also gives you the typical secondary effects so fire would be DOTS, ice would be slows, etc. I love the mallet from stone melee and hopefully it could be applied to that as well with maybe the Battle Axe melee set. 2. A whip powerset that is a bit like how claws is melee with some range. There are currently 3 animations for whip I think. So it may not be feasible to create animations for the other powers but having a hold power could be taken from the mastermind set. 3. It took me awhile, but I am beginning to like dual pistols gimmick of switching between ammo types. Staff, and bio also have different effect toggles. I would like to see that implement in older legacy powersets.
  2. Storage is always an issue with SG bases. Of course one thing would be to raise the storage capacity of the base, but also, why not implement a permissions system for coalitions like the permission you can set up in the SG setting screen? At this point, with players having so many alts, it just would help a lot and allow for cool expansions for RP people and if Santa is listening, a portal to coalition bases. Oh, can we also have a consignment house rep as a base NPC?
  3. I have really liked the teleportation changes though I do wish the last power was like across zone travel, or even better the team teleport to mission. In the costume designer you have several options like bright, dark, but also cool things like Riki, crows, smoke bomb or tornado. Is there anyway to add a lightning strike type animation like Direct Strike or something for at least the teleport travel power?
  4. Definitely needs to last longer. At least 2-4 minutes to make it really worthwhile
  5. I would love to see a switch or even just make the KB to KD IO not unique so at least the player has the option. Of all the characters I play, the ones with lots of knockbacks are extra stressful to play as it is usually not well liked by players and it seems unnecessary. At least give us options.
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