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  1. ive had the same issue the last few days but it finally went through today, not sure how or why or what the problem was but maybe try again?
  2. it finaly went through today even tho the server was on "max" i can only assume its because of the recent updates
  3. it first happened after about 10-15 min but ive learned from past mistakes and saved the costume and powers the next 6-7 attempts were all about a min in character creation, no forced restarts or anything and the server population went from 3 pips to 2 during the several attempts i made, about half the time, after i had to close the game with task manager i would restart and see the character i just made but without a star or spider (i started as a hero) and it said 7028 days since last log in, the other half of the time it was just an empty character slot.
  4. while trying to create a new character everything works fine until loading into the world it fluctuates between stalling out on loading in (after clicking yes for tutorial and then yes to play). or it kicks me back to the log in screen and says disconnected from DB server. my other characters that i have already played have no trouble getting into the game. Any one else having similar issues or possibly know of a fix?
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