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Not a Bug, But an Issue

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I have an issue that I wanted to talk about just to raise awareness, namely because I doubt I'm the only one suffering this problem.


I have a type of colorblindness called "blue cone monochromacy."  As such, while I can see color, I do not see color vividly.  Nor do those parts of my eye which distinguish bluish colors from one another just do not work.  Dark blues, purples, and blacks might as well all be one color.


The reason I bring this up is because of the numerous missions which take place in caves that are colored what I am told are vivid purples, blues, and the occasional black by my normal-sighted friends.  In order to navigate these caves, I have to do so by trial and error, effectively maneuvering with my map open.  In addition, the fact that the enemies in these caves are often dark-colored means they very often fade into the background, effectively becming invisible until I manage to use the "target next enemy" button, upon which a nice visible orange box suddenly surrounds them -- but all I see is the box, not the enemy.


I don't expect you to suddenly rework every make in the game, but did think you should know about this issue.  Perhaps there is something that could be done later on, when other issues aren't so pressing.


Thanks for listening.

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You might want to play around with the Cel Shaded options in the graphics menu. 


Graphics and Audio

  Advanced Graphics Settings

    Experimental Graphics Settings -> Enabled

Cel Shader -> Enabled

Apply Now in bottom left corner and let it reload.


Now you can play around with the cel shader options to see if it can make things easier on you.


I think the Color Posterization option might be your best bet. 

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I think the Color Posterization option might be your best bet.


I saw this today in the Cel Shader options and really wanted to mess with it. But I think it's probably the closest you're going to get to varying the colors a little bit. I know most Reds (at least for me on a 960 GTX) have some spots all over of a pinkish tone. If that's the case for most colors, you might be able to bring out the hues that you can see on the blues. It's worth a shot, at least.

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