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So I treated myself to a new comp.  it’s not the greatest but it is very solid and for CoX is maybe a bit of a overspend.  It has an i7 an Nvidia 1660 ti card w/6 gb. It has 16 gb ram. It has 256ssd as well as a 1T drive. It shows CoX so beautiful. MSR with graphics on high and maybe a slight touch of lag. Or I am still processing seeing everything and so am just stunned. But my load screens.  Heh.  Prob worse than my 300 econo gaming box.  The bar will many times crank through all the way to the end.  Then nothing for 10-15 secs. Never had a crash. I am running on an Ethernet cable with minimal comp to server lag.  Any ideas if I screwed a button up cranking all the setting up or any suggestions???

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