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  • 4 weeks later
Posted (edited)
  • SG Name: Giggles Inc.
  • SG Leader's: @RoyalTree & Jojee
  • SG Outline & Purpose: Having been absent from playing the game for awhile, I and my cousin have decided to get back to the game. However, we recently moved on from the Everlasting server and instead of transferring, we decided to start fresh. We are casual, yet active player's, looking for same. There is no mandate to play schedule or time frame for playing, at this time. The SG will be family friendly in nature. Both of us are helpers by nature, my cousin is the PvP and game mechanics/instructing leader and I am more of the banking, SG building, personal helper. If your looking for a SG that puts player's over playtime and enjoy a lighthearted yet committed SG feel free to look up one of us. My 

I wanted to add we have no VOIP/Discord, if we get +10 active member's then we may start using Discord if there is enough interest.

Edited by RoyalTree

SG Name: The Dauntless

SG Officer: @Shibbs


We started our SG around HC's launch. We have a small, but dedicated core of veteran players from Live. We've experienced most of what the game has to offer, and are now looking to do more stuff with the community. The current goal is to keep our roster quite lean; we have about 8 active members as of writing this post, and ideally we'll never have much more than 16; I don't believe a large SG is the best fit for some people, and I don't want to spread folk thin. If you're a new or returning player looking for assistance and company getting back into the game, I can highly recommend us. Alternatively, if you're a more experienced player looking for new challenges, we do that too. The only content we don't touch on too much is PVP.


We don't really get into politics, but if you have personal beliefs aligned against other people based on their race or sexuality, you're not going to be a good fit. Also, please no minors. Our SG chat is pretty chill and tame but I don't want someone's mom mad at me in the case someone cussed or mentioned a mature topic.


We have a Discord.


In summary...

We want:

- New/returning players; people sticking around is good for the game!

- People interested in doing content from 1-50 and beyond.

- People who like challenges & badging.

- Folk who want to help lead, guide, and inform.


We don't want:

- Weird bigots or socially abrasive people.

- Minors.


AKA @Shibbs

Posted (edited)

Hello, heroes!

I am looking for a casual super group that is RP friendly.
I have played CoH at launch and picked it up a little while ago. I'd say I'm moderately experienced but certainly looking to learn more!
I'd be open to pretty much anything from TF, trials, and arcs to base parties and everything in between.
I do work a lot and I'm not online as consistently as some but I'd still like to find a community in this game to fight crime and have a good time!

My chat handle is @OZAZEL and my two mains are Ozazel and Ivorwolf. Hmu in-game and let's talk!

Edited by Yozev

Alas, I am left to myself! I had a great core group of friends back during LIVE, and a few of them returned when Homecoming came along, but one by one they have fallen away. I miss the reliable company of teammates that I know, whose playstyle I know how to adapt to and can compliment with my own. This is the greatest game ever made for teaming, and I'm not letting it go, but I have no friends who still play. I run about 40 toons on Excelsior, am retired so I have plenty of time on my hands. Was once a charter member of the "Saturday Knights" SG on Champion. Anyone interested in a dedicated PVE teammate, please hit me up to join your SG. @Nasty Rascal


  • 2 weeks later

Looking to find some teammates. I played COH long ago, but didn't make it to 50.  I think I switched games to play Vanguard: Saga of Heroes when it came out.  That being said, I'm enjoying COH. I ran across a leveling guide and am using it. 


I'm in absolutely no hurry and hope to take my time through the stories.

I currently have 7 level 15 toons waiting to find a group for the Trial Caves of Transcendence. (All with the requisite quest.)

Defender:  Storm/Storm, Electrical/Electrical 

Controller: Mind/Dark, Illusion/Kinetic, (leveling an Earth/Nature)

Tanker: Fiery/Battle Axe

Blaster: Archery/Devices

Stalker: Ninja Blade/Dark




  • Like 1
On 2/14/2024 at 9:55 AM, Wiseguy said:

SG Name: The Dauntless

SG Officer: @Shibbs


We started our SG around HC's launch. We have a small, but dedicated core of veteran players from Live. We've experienced most of what the game has to offer, and are now looking to do more stuff with the community. The current goal is to keep our roster quite lean; we have about 8 active members as of writing this post, and ideally we'll never have much more than 16; I don't believe a large SG is the best fit for some people, and I don't want to spread folk thin. If you're a new or returning player looking for assistance and company getting back into the game, I can highly recommend us. Alternatively, if you're a more experienced player looking for new challenges, we do that too. The only content we don't touch on too much is PVP.


We don't really get into politics, but if you have personal beliefs aligned against other people based on their race or sexuality, you're not going to be a good fit. Also, please no minors. Our SG chat is pretty chill and tame but I don't want someone's mom mad at me in the case someone cussed or mentioned a mature topic.


We have a Discord.


In summary...

We want:

- New/returning players; people sticking around is good for the game!

- People interested in doing content from 1-50 and beyond.

- People who like challenges & badging.

- Folk who want to help lead, guide, and inform.


We don't want:

- Weird bigots or socially abrasive people.

- Minors.


Hi there! Are you recruiting? I am also from live.

On 2/14/2024 at 10:55 AM, Wiseguy said:

SG Name: The Dauntless

SG Officer: @Shibbs


We started our SG around HC's launch. We have a small, but dedicated core of veteran players from Live. We've experienced most of what the game has to offer, and are now looking to do more stuff with the community. The current goal is to keep our roster quite lean; we have about 8 active members as of writing this post, and ideally we'll never have much more than 16; I don't believe a large SG is the best fit for some people, and I don't want to spread folk thin. If you're a new or returning player looking for assistance and company getting back into the game, I can highly recommend us. Alternatively, if you're a more experienced player looking for new challenges, we do that too. The only content we don't touch on too much is PVP.


We don't really get into politics, but if you have personal beliefs aligned against other people based on their race or sexuality, you're not going to be a good fit. Also, please no minors. Our SG chat is pretty chill and tame but I don't want someone's mom mad at me in the case someone cussed or mentioned a mature topic.


We have a Discord.


In summary...

We want:

- New/returning players; people sticking around is good for the game!

- People interested in doing content from 1-50 and beyond.

- People who like challenges & badging.

- Folk who want to help lead, guide, and inform.


We don't want:

- Weird bigots or socially abrasive people.

- Minors.



About a week in, lvl 23 Rad/Rad Defender, looking at rolling a few more toons.  If you guys are still looking I could really use some folks to group with / guidance. 

  • 3 weeks later
On 2/14/2024 at 7:55 AM, Wiseguy said:

SG Name: The Dauntless

SG Officer: @Shibbs


We started our SG around HC's launch. We have a small, but dedicated core of veteran players from Live. We've experienced most of what the game has to offer, and are now looking to do more stuff with the community. The current goal is to keep our roster quite lean; we have about 8 active members as of writing this post, and ideally we'll never have much more than 16; I don't believe a large SG is the best fit for some people, and I don't want to spread folk thin. If you're a new or returning player looking for assistance and company getting back into the game, I can highly recommend us. Alternatively, if you're a more experienced player looking for new challenges, we do that too. The only content we don't touch on too much is PVP.


We don't really get into politics, but if you have personal beliefs aligned against other people based on their race or sexuality, you're not going to be a good fit. Also, please no minors. Our SG chat is pretty chill and tame but I don't want someone's mom mad at me in the case someone cussed or mentioned a mature topic.


We have a Discord.


In summary...

We want:

- New/returning players; people sticking around is good for the game!

- People interested in doing content from 1-50 and beyond.

- People who like challenges & badging.

- Folk who want to help lead, guide, and inform.


We don't want:

- Weird bigots or socially abrasive people.

- Minors.


Are you guys still recruiting? I haven played CoH since the live days and am trying to relearn the game again.

  • 2 weeks later
Posted (edited)

Group Name: La Lune Bleue

Alignment: Heros/ Praeto / Villains

Roleplay: Peu de Rp mais un penchant pour les bios bien écrites !

Discord: Me contacter @Kobi ou bien @zpɹɐ pour une invitation

Recruitment Message: 


La Lune Bleue continue tranquillement son recrutement de joueurs Francophones afin d'élargir ses rangs ! Actuellement une base d'un groupe de 8 joueurs Fr par soir aux heures européennes mais également des oiseaux de nuits / joueurs aux heures US !


Nous prônons un jeu détente, basé sur l'entraide et le respect de chacun, quelque soit son niveau ou son ancienneté sur le jeu. L'idée est de proposer aux nouveaux comme anciens joueurs une expérience de jeu agréable, grâce à l'organisation régulière d'évènements sur notre discord (en moyenne deux par semaines). Nous proposons :

  • Soirées TF / gratifications quelque soit le niveau
  • Contenus Hard Core visant à se dépasser et exploiter au maximum nos supers pouvoirs avec le contenu 4 étoiles (Hard Core) ou Master Of
  • Soirée PVP le samedi soir
  • Contenu Farm pour rapidement s'équiper
  • Explorations et badges

En plus de cela, une base est à disposition pour s'équiper grâce aux IO/SO disponibles. N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre sur Excelsior !


Pour plus d'informations : message sur discord à moi même @_kobi_ou @zpɹɐ





Bon jeu ! 

Edited by -Kobi-
  • 1 month later

I am not quite certain yet, but I think I'm into badges. I checked, and suddenly I have over 1000! I was really just going exploring for merits mostly, and being curious about trying things I hadn't done before, or in a long time. 

I wish I were faster, but I do like zippy runs. I have one primary character and a few alts. I recently joined an SG after being invited from someone whose name I didn't recognize. I figured it couldn't hurt. The SG base was put together very nicely. I liked it! They had a discord, which seemed to be used quite a bit. I read through it. Seemed to be some discontent about forcing folks to use it for specific events. That makes sense to encourage folks to use it, particularly for challenging content. But they were gigantic! And I felt quite alone in that crowd. And, one of their officers (I guess - as he was on the calendar for leading lots of things that interested me) well, I don't like the way he treats players when they fail to measure up. I was teamed with him as a new player, and this other player died on a Master run. To be fair, the other player could have done better, but still, I've no time for whining/griping in the aftermath of a mistake. So, I chose to leave that SG and made my own. 

I would love to find a smaller SG that's big enough to run iTrials and master runs from time to time. Since I have over half the badges, seems like it would be fun to aim to get the rest. I don't think anyone gets them all being solo. 
As for Discord, I'd rather not, but I can if it's useful. (I think it is for some stuff) The primary reason I'd rather not is my headphones are not great. They're just not comfortable to wear. 

I have my own base, but it's a functional type place so I didn't have to run to rwz or steel to craft. I am enjoying playing the market so I can make newer characters without worrying about how to get the influence to slot them. I never play on Saturday nights. But I am usually on most every other day, although it's usually just a TF or a story arc. 

I don't want to be blindly invited. I'd rather have an organic invite - team with some group, crack a few jokes, and then because they like my play or my comments, they invite me. Does that ever happen? 

Oh, I usually play on Excelsior, but can easily transfer for the right fit. 

  • 8 months later

I am a new player (played a few months live but it was ages ago and i was a very young kid), i am looking for a SG on Excelsior to make new friends and get some help understanding some aspects of the game.

I live in Europe and i am active mostly around 8-10pm (CET) or the weekends.

If anyone is willing to recruit me let me know!


  • 2 months later

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