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I kept in touch with a lot of the Dawn Patrol members via FB, and we've restarted the SG on Everlasting.  We are "the Dawn Patrol" and I'm wondering who has "Dawn Patrol" and if they're one of our former members.  Also would love to hear from any former members I wasn't able to keep in touch with via FB.


And anyone who is interested in joining one of the oldest supergroups, hit me up. :)

I'm fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world.


Doc Toxic is look'n fer action.... CAN YOU DIG IT!


I've waited 15 years for this reunion....


Doc Toxic - Valtharius the Mad - Clockwork Cat

One of the Founders of the Dawn Patrol along with Major Britain and Great Inferno


Hiya Wondie.  I was not previously in Dawn Patrol back in the day but we have been friends on FB for years now.  Currently downloading game and will be looking for an SG when I can get in game.  So excited to play again!


I was a member briefly, but most of my interactions were as part of the Shield of Paragon.  If the names Chaos Particle or Silver-Rook ring any bells, then heya.


Good to see you all back in the field again.  Hopefully we'll cross paths once more.

  • 3 months later

Holy cow. I just found the old Dawn Patrol forums. Strange to read stories I had written so long ago...


If you remember Steelshade, that's me. I created a new character, Non Sequitur, on Everlasting. Hope everyone is doing well!

  • 4 years later

I was Cassandra (and alts) in The Dawn Patrol back on Virtue at the end.  Recently heard about the Homecoming license deal, and started creating characters on Everlasting.  I am SOOOOO rusty at these game-controls now...  


Recreating a few of my former costumes based on old screenshots.  I even have a few from our last meeting.


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