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So with everything going on with tankers, I decided I wanted to roll a wp/claws in an effort to revive an old claws/regen scrapper I had on live.


I chose tanker primarily because willpower is going to benefit most from a larger go pool.  And I've been itching to play claws with high end IO's being more available now.  I know the dps won't be stellar compared to a scrapper, but this isn't a primary concern.And 2 where does claws see the most benefit from the guassian's BU proc.


My two big questions, would be 1. where to slot the +absorb proc since I see Willpower getting a lot more bang for it's buck with an extra chunk of ehp being generated. And 2. Where does claws benefit the most from guassian's BU proc.  Follow-up seems the most straightforward - but in terms of maximizing my attack chain and survivability, the +res ATO set has found it's home in follow-up.  Tactics seems reasonable due to teams and leagues.


(+Absorb proc): I was considering Eviscerate due to its native animation speed, higher cooldown, and possibility to hit off multiple enemies.  Since Eviscerate isn't necessary in a streamlined chain, I see it being good to pop when needed should things get hairy.  This would also let me slot more effective sets in my primary attack chain while being able to benefit from the ATO's, set bonuses.

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