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Looking for a specific kind of RP group


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I've been searching for a JLA/2003 Teen Titans/Avengersish SG since the servers went live for my beloved flying brick main, completely unsuccesfully thus far. Good leadership in an SG is a rare thing it seems.


If you have or are trying to form a smaller close knit SG in this kind of theme, please do let me know asap.


I write good characters, and put a huge amount of thought into them, I should not be left in the cold just becuase I prefer not to stick around at street level all the time.


I'm @ZeeHero in game, my main character is Astera. Please do help me finally find a decent group which suits my needs.

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Check into The Guardian Force on Everlasting.  It's a Justice League type SG, with a small core of folks, and a couple of secondary teams, as well as coalitioned with several groups.  Captain Valor and Plasma Stream are the leaders of the group, but just about any member can talk with you about it if interested.  I'm in game less often right now, but still around on Jonas Hood and The Crimson Ghost. @only grimm

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20 hours ago, Strangebomb said:

Check into The Guardian Force on Everlasting.  It's a Justice League type SG, with a small core of folks, and a couple of secondary teams, as well as coalitioned with several groups.  Captain Valor and Plasma Stream are the leaders of the group, but just about any member can talk with you about it if interested.  I'm in game less often right now, but still around on Jonas Hood and The Crimson Ghost. @only grimm

How would I find them? I wont touch the COH RP discord, the mods are really really bad. got perma muted for venting in a vent channel lol. and the people on it do nothing but point fingers at me becuase its clearly my fault people treat me poorly when I try to be friends.


I am legitimately very bitter and angry by now. it will take more than one short good experience to erase the hatred I have towards a lot of nasty people I've found in this game sadly. Hoping such good experiences are even possible here.

Edited by ZeeHero
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14 hours ago, ZeeHero said:

I wont touch the COH RP discord, the mods are really really bad. got perma muted for venting in a vent channel lol. and the people on it do nothing but point fingers at me becuase its clearly my fault people treat me poorly when I try to be friends.

Hi, guy who runs the HC RP Discord here.

  • You were not permanently muted. I was going to take it off after I woke up. COR does not permanently mute. We do it by hours.
  • People like me, Starforge, Cthulette, Aquard, and others gave you countless amounts of advice. Advice that you ignored because we didn't agree with you. Alternatively: "I have only discarded advice given by those who clearly do not understand the issue at all."
  • You have constantly, when this topic has been brought up, demeaned SG leaders vaguely and demeaned HC/Everlasting as if it doesn't have RP or doesn't have good leadership.
  • You have constantly claimed that everyone is treating you like trash, but when pointing out that the only constant is its happening to you, you double down on people being wrong and not you. Even vaguely apologizing or half-assing an excuse of "oh i know i did wrong a few times." etc.
  • You acclaim that I needed to get the F over it when muted. When I in fact stopped a topic because it kept going in circles. The topic of "god why is this community garbage." in fact - a topic started by you. You have said HC's community is not worth of praise and blanket-statement called people shitbags. 
  • You claimed I am no better than neckbeards. Wowee.
  • You claimed people don't agree with you because they're "blinded by nostalgia." in regards to how "crappy" HC is. There is a handful of other servers if HC is so bad, y'know.
  • You have claimed that most people online are not to be trusted and will make you regret talking to them.
  • When asked to apologize, you put an "ugh..." after saying "Let no one claim I did not want to apologize." - That shows insincerity.
  • You claimed other people are upset. That they don't want to listen. That you don't want to grovel or bow down.
  • You have caused issues in Everlasting TFs - in which you got vitriolic over someone wanting to solo Ghost Widow and a tanker soloing the Miss Liberty TF. You went on to claim that people did these things willingly to agitate/get at you. Including speed runs/records that were only meant to apparently goad you or something like that.

Please don't lie if you don't want to get called out 🙂


22 hours ago, Crazyleo said:

Global Defence Force probably would be a good fit as well 

No, no it would not be.

Edited by Shadeknight
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alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
casts earthquake, activates dispersion bubble

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On 4/5/2020 at 2:43 AM, ZeeHero said:

"Good leadership in an SG is a rare thing it seems."


"I should not be left in the cold"


"Please do help me finally find a decent group which suits my needs."

Sounds to me like there's some spite behind this request, probably some disagreement(s) with SG leaders?

Either way, its not a great attitude to bring to the table, I'm not sure you'll get very far with this kinda outlook.


Edited by Tyrannical
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  • Retired Game Master

Sounds like you guys need to take this into Private Messaging.  No need for warnings, but this isn't going to be productive to discuss further here.


Topic locked.

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