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I don't know if this is a bug per se or if I am just missing something. My partner and I just did the tutorial Ouroborus quests and he noticed he was getting a lot of XP for the mission complete1390008912_ScreenShot2020-04-16at12_05_48AM.png.3a13dc05802b5eb727c79c18c1e7d86b.pngXP.PNG.421332073e5c27b9b65349a088118cd4.PNG - way more than I was getting. (See pictures attached.) We're the same level and have the same XP booster (double) on.


This may or may not be related, but we were doing some AE missions yesterday and I was barely getting any tickets, and none for mission completes, while he was getting plenty. (I think I ended up with 66 tickets while he had, like, 400 or something.)


Were you the team leader at the time?  If so, you might be hitting the bug below where the leader gets less XP than the members of the group for the mission complete. My weekly group runs into this.  Our solution is to pass the star to the person that dings first. From what we've seen it doesn't matter whos mission it is, it is just the team leader that takes the XP hit.




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