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Ice/Elec/Stone build start.


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After getting my Ice/Elec/Stone Controller to level 50 and having no builds to follow, I've decided to start paving the way myself.

The point of the build is to use Ice's perma-cc potential to enable spamming out elec support and stone attacks, use Elec's Faraday Cage to prevent being cc'd out of Arctic Air and -regen to further contribute to AVs without mentioning the rest of the set's support potential, and Stone's damage and defense to round out the build into something more viable.


This is my first time working on a build and to be honest I haven't spent that much time on it and I have no experience in slotting out a build, so here's my mediocre effort.



Controller - Ice Control - Electrical Affinity.mxd

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what is your end goal with the build?  Fissure and Seismic Smash really need to be 5-6 slotted to be great powers


I don't know a whole lot about Ice control, so I can't suggest powers from there, but without removing anything, here's a build with a lot more defense



Controller - Ice Control - Electrical Affinity.mxd

What this team needs is more Defenders

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34 minutes ago, Psyonico said:

what is your end goal with the build?  Fissure and Seismic Smash really need to be 5-6 slotted to be great powers

I basically just ran out of slots by the time I got to them. I just don't know where to take slots out or put them back in.

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  • 2 weeks later

Alright, I've put a lot more work into this build. I've done some math to calculate what is needed to get permahasten with energizing circuit, and this build definitely has that in its newest form.


I do wonder about whether or not I've over invested in defenses, with most of my non-S/L defenses at ~30%. I also don't know if I've taken the optimal options for getting what damage I can out of this build or how effective my lockdown is at all.


Controller - Ice Control - Electrical Affinity.mxd

Edited by HelsEch
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