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I'm pretty sure this is a bug...  At the end of Katie Douglas' mission D.U.S.T. to D.U.S.T., you face off with Praetorian Colonel Duray.  I defeated him, and he said, "Mission aborted! I'm 'porting out!"  He then teleported out, and the mission completed successfully.  But a few seconds later, Praetorian Colonel Duray teleported right back in.  This time, he was completely untargetable.  I kept receiving an "Invalid Target" error whenever I tried to attack him.  However, he sure could target me.

  • Like 1
  • 3 years later

I had the same bug in the same mission. An untargetable Praetorian Colonel Duray showed up after the Mission Complete, he could pelt me and and minions with attacks but I got the "Invalid Target" error when I tried to attack him.

  • 7 months later


On 6/26/2020 at 11:16 AM, Apparition said:

At the end of Katie Douglas' mission D.U.S.T. to D.U.S.T., you face off with Praetorian Colonel Duray.  I defeated him, and he said, "Mission aborted! I'm 'porting out!"  He then teleported out, and the mission completed successfully.  But a few seconds later, Praetorian Colonel Duray teleported right back in.  This time, he was completely untargetable.  I kept receiving an "Invalid Target" error whenever I tried to attack him.  However, he sure could target me.

bumping this because i encountered this exact same bug and was going to report it. 🙂

"I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours" the Cheshire Cat

"Ce n'est rien de mourir; c'est affreux de ne pas vivre"

(It's nothing to die, it's terrible not to live) Jean Valjean

"وطن المرء ليس مكان ولادته و لكنه المكان الذي تنتهي فيه كل محاولاته للهروب”

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