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So, I went and found Jack Wolffe at the Hero 1/Omega Team memorial... except I didn't know it was him, and I clicked and BOOM, it sent me into a respec.


So I'm like, ok, whatever, I needed to respec anyway. I take my time, tabbing in and out between the game and Pines to make sure all my slots are where I wanted them.


I get OUT of the respec, and, uhm... I'm having a hard time moving. And that's when I realize I'm FLOATING... but very slowly and with no control, as if I were stunned.


So I'm just coasting around the room. Here's a screen shot to show that i have no powers active, yet, I'm flyyyyyiiiinggg....




So, I guess don't repsec while you're flying.


/I'll take the Bug Hunter badge, plz


[EDIT] it persists outside the room. I'm currently floating around Atlas Park. I'm fairly sure I could just turn fly on and off, but... this is unique and kinda cool and just a little fun.


[edit 2] Afterburner gave me a bit of speed and full maneuvering control, so that was nice! And turning Hover on and off undid whatever was going on =(

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