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Small change for costumes


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I’m building characters as I’m prone to do and I decide you know, this character would look great with a hat, but to my chagrin the hat I wanted had hair. Not only that but hair I couldn’t recolour. (It was the steampunk hat for those wondering) Or if you put on the Santa hat you have that awkward no hair look.


So if I could make a change I would change hats to have the option for short hair, long hair, and no hair with hats.


If you could make a change for costume maker what would it be?

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I've always thought that one of the more annoying traits of the costume designer is the way it changes back to "Face 1" when you switch between headgear types. Like, you choose "Hats" to begin with, and then choose a face. Then for an alternate costume you decide to use "Helmets", and the face switches back to "Face 1" and you have to go hunting through the Faces list again to find the correct one. I have to always remember to look and see which specific face my character has before switching so that I don't have to hunt through the whole list again.

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I've always thought that one of the more annoying traits of the costume designer is the way it changes back to "Face 1" when you switch between headgear types. Like, you choose "Hats" to begin with, and then choose a face. Then for an alternate costume you decide to use "Helmets", and the face switches back to "Face 1" and you have to go hunting through the Faces list again to find the correct one. I have to always remember to look and see which specific face my character has before switching so that I don't have to hunt through the whole list again.


Oh that’s a good one.

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An "undo" button.  Even just for one step.  Can't count the number of times I change a color or part but then can't remember what the previous one was, or discover that when I clicked the unlock for color pairs it DIDN'T unlock and now I just changed EVERY secondary color when I thought I was only changing the secondary for the part I'm on and so, didn't think I needed to note which colors ALL the other parts were.


For that matter, even if it defaults to black/white matched colors for everything having them NOT locked when starting should be the default state.  Or perhaps one better than that - you have a separate indicator of what the locked colors are and for each part you have an option of, "Set To Locked Colors" and then under the very first left column button have an option of "Set ALL To Locked Colors".  It seems apparent to me that nobody, and I mean nobody, goes with a universally color-locked costume.  Colors ALWAYS get tweaked.  SOME items stay the default pairing and thus you want jackets and sleeves to start as matching colors/pieces, but the default setting should be to allow separate color change, not color change across the entire costume, and to UNDO that one change or at least go back to matching the initial master color pairing that you set.


An undo button would also allow switching back and forth between two options.  Say you can't decide between Tiger pattern and Cheetah on your pants, but it's a pain to have to go back into the menu and scrollscrollscrollclick between two widely separated choices.  An undo button lets you go DIRECTLY back and forth to compare any two selections of costume piece or color without having to dive through menu layers.

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