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Will CityBinder Ever Be Updated?

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CityBinder is really useful for making key binds, but it's terribly out of date. I think a lot of players would find it useful too, especially if it was updated.


It'd also be neat if it could be used to generate regular and image macros. You could scroll through the different icon images to find what you need and click on it to generate the necessary code. 

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  • 3 weeks later

Aside from powexec_location and a few other additions to commands, this tool should theoretically still work to generate macros for the current game. Some power icons will likely be missing, but I *think* it will work fine.

I'll test it myself to be sure.

Lua is a pretty easy language to pick up, so if there's value in this tool (and it appears that there is,) I'm sure someone from the community could pick it up and maintain it 🙂

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It works great (I use it for all my characters), which is why it's sad that no one has updated it. Setting up complex binds is a breeze-- I've got a bind that toggles between showing trays 3, 2, 1 (I use for powers) and 6, 5, 4 (I use for canned response, emote, and costume change macros), another to make a character swap between various dances, another to cycle fly poses, another to cycle through custom taunts, and another that toggles windows on and off for screenshots. The setup for using binds for inspirations is amazing-- you can set the "inspiration popper" to consume biggest or smallest ones first and when it fires, you can send yourself a tell that lets you know what you just consumed and you can color code the speech bubbles.


It looks like they had some other stuff planned for it, like maybe Kheldian binds? The Speed on Demand module could use an updating. I wish I knew what an "ultra bind" was. Does anyone know what that feature was supposed to be and how to use it? I think it'd be great if it had a feature to generate pop menus too. Or image macros-- you could see a whole menu of icons to choose from and then it'd generate the code to paste in the chat box.


I did some simple modifications since I was getting annoyed with my chat being spammed with messages about binds. I went thru the app's files and did a search and replace to change "bindloadfile" to "bindloadfilesilent" and that worked.

Edited by Tailcoat
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