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Tequila Error


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I tried to install tequila several times but I don't get it to work. I allready downloaded the game and

I followed the instructions i found on this site, but I allways get the same error. Is anybody here who got the same problem

and figured out an solution? I attached the error massage to this post (it's partly in german for reasons I do not know).


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It sounds like your system is unable to connect to patch.savecoh.com where the manifest is located.


For now, I can give you this:




The ZIP contains the files Tequila downloads on top of the game data you already have (score.exe and the piggs in score subdirectory). Unpack to COH directory, run SCORE.BAT to start the game (score.exe needs several parameters that SCORE.BAT will provide in the same way Tequila would have).

Keep in mind that this .BAT will only work as long as the authserver IP doesn't change.


EDIT: Link updates 2019-05-08

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It sounds like your system is unable to connect to patch.savecoh.com where the manifest is located.


For now, I can give you this:




The ZIP contains the files Tequila downloads on top of the game data you already have (score.exe and the piggs in score subdirectory). Unpack to COH directory, run SCORE.BAT to start the game (score.exe needs several parameters that SCORE.BAT will provide in the same way Tequila would have).

Keep in mind that this .BAT will only work as long as the authserver IP doesn't change.


Was getting the same error as the OP; this has allowed me to play. Thank you VERY much!

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I tried to install tequila several times but I don't get it to work. I allready downloaded the game and

I followed the instructions i found on this site, but I allways get the same error. Is anybody here who got the same problem

and figured out an solution? I attached the error massage to this post (it's partly in german for reasons I do not know).

Another update to this, there are mentions on reddit that for some people it's a matter of running Tequila as admin and/or connections to patch.savecoh.com being blocked by their antivirus. Worth checking before you attempt to use the posted workaround.
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  • 2 weeks later

Bumping this one - The Fifth Horseman's .bat file works great for bypassing Tequila, but now I can't play due to not having the new patch files.


Nothing I've tried has resolved the, "An exception occurred during a WebClient request" error when starting Tequila, including:

-All files in CoH directory unchecked for read only

-Deleted Tequila registry key

-Freshly installed alongside game files at E:\City of Heroes\tequila.exe

-Running Tequila as admin

-No AV/firewall running


Any further help or suggestions would be great. Manually installing the patch files would also work for me, but I don't know if a patch file exists (or if torrents will be updated to reflect patches).


Thanks in advance!


Update: I've manually patched:

-Updated game files uploaded for me by a friend

-Modified The Fifth Horseman's .bat with the new patch number (2019.04.27 -> 2019.05.06)

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Any further help or suggestions would be great. Manually installing the patch files would also work for me, but I don't know if a patch file exists (or if torrents will be updated to reflect patches).
Torrents cannot be "updated" in that fashion, as they are identified by a hash of their info dictionary (which in turn contains all of the torrent's files as well as SHA-1 hashes of each "piece" - a chunk of data - within the torrent). An updated torrent would have a different info hash and therefore be treated as a separate thing even if you download it to the same directory.


Here's an updated archive of SCORE's files and SCORE.EXE: https://www.mirrored.to/files/X5LVMIAL/Tequila_Workaround_20190507.zip_links

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  • 2 weeks later

And I'm back again. Would someone be kind enough to provide the IP for the new authentication/login server, please? I need it for my .bat workaround to work!

Edit: Ah, of course the auth server IP is in the .xml, which I can access no problem in a browser. Got things working again!


Tequila still won't get past the WebClient error. If I perform a fresh install from another location (eg., download the new .exe to E:\, and then direct Tequila to E:/City of Heroes), it hangs on "fetching manifest" and never progresses.


Another oddity I noticed is that the original Tequila.exe deletes itself when installing (a Tequila.exe is then created in the chosen install location). Not sure if that's intended behaviour.


I've tried all of the steps in Silk's guide. I wonder if there's some Windows service/feature that needs to be enabled for Tequila to function fully?

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Why are you installed at:


E:\City of Heroes\tequila.exe


You should be installed more like

E:/Games/City of Heroes
  Some people have had issues with the gamer files being installed in the "root folder"  which is E:/ in this case.


Everything should be in  the City of Heroes folder, the game files and the Tequila files and the score files though now the score  folder needs to be named "homecoming".


For example after the server migration I renamed the "score" folder (inside the city of heroes folder) to homecoming.


I then started tequila it updated real quick and created a homecoming.exe.  This new exe replaces the score.exe so I deleted the score.exe.


Everything loads up fine. It what I was saying before if you dont find the error or problem you will keep having problems of this nature.

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What difference does it make if I install in a subfolder of "Games" on my E drive? Surely Tequila isn't hardcoded in some way to look for that? I'm on administrator account, Win 7 x64 Pro, if that makes any difference.


As in my edit above, I grabbed the IP from the .xml in a browser, so I can at least play again.


Thanks for all your efforts!

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What difference does it make if I install in a subfolder of "Games" on my E drive? Surely Tequila isn't hardcoded in some way to look for that? I'm on administrator account, Win 7 x64 Pro, if that makes any difference.


As in my edit above, I grabbed the IP from the .xml in a browser, so I can at least play again.


Thanks for all your efforts!


Some people have had issues in that location and simply moving to one folder in the problems went away. Frankly I agree it shouldn't be an issue especially if you run as admin but there you go.

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